The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The liberal Erick Erickson:
"I am told that what the President did is actually far worse than what is being reported. The President does not seem to realize or appreciate that his bragging can undermine relationships with our allies and with human intelligence sources. He also does not seem to appreciate that his loose lips can get valuable assets in the field killed."

“This is a real problem and I treat this story very seriously because I know just how credible, competent, and serious — as well as seriously pro-Trump, at least one of the sources is.”
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The liberal Erick Erickson:
"I am told that what the President did is actually far worse than what is being reported. The President does not seem to realize or appreciate that his bragging can undermine relationships with our allies and with human intelligence sources. He also does not seem to appreciate that his loose lips can get valuable assets in the field killed."

“This is a real problem and I treat this story very seriously because I know just how credible, competent, and serious — as well as seriously pro-Trump, at least one of the sources is.”

He's a total douche. Went from 'Never Trump' to sucking Trump's cock after election results.
Least it will be entertaining if Newsome goes for a run

I suspect she was Trump's original choice. He was never convinced by the Spiceman's looks.


I can't stand Kimberly to be honest. She's awful on Fox, especially on The Five where she's unbelievably arrogant and condescending. Don't get me wrong, she's a smart woman, articulate and bright, but I just wonder what the hell she is thinking taking this job? It could be career suicide. (Fingers Crossed)
I don't know if you can be a parody of yourself but Trump is sure as sh*t trying. Imagine if a writer for House of cards for example gave a script to the producers that was similiar to what is actually happening right now in the WH.. he would get laughed out of the room and told to go to the SNL production with it instead.

"The President who is along with many of his staff under investigation about his ties with Russia reveals classified information while boasting to the Russians in a private meeting in the Oval office. His staff of course denies that it happened in several press statements and briefings but the next morning the President admits everything, in a tweet."

Lets hope he has to visit Dallas in the autumn

The opportunity to make a sequal to JFK, which is a cracking movie, should be a good enough reason for that imo.
The bonus of not having a completely incompetent, ignorant, narcissistic, lying, idiotic, manchild as president of the United States and no WWIII would also be nice.

Wow, not sure how true this is but it does tie in with what was being reported on the BBC last night. Shocking if true though, his incompetence literally knows no bounds. I'm sure he's walking a fine line with the Jewish supporters as it is let alone a strained relationship with Israel too. This really wont help any of that at all.
How funny would it be if she gets the gig and then her ex-husband runs against Trump in 2020

@FlawlessThaw said the same thing. I can't see the world having the stamina to put up with Trump until then, let alone the USA. If Newsome runs in 2020 I doubt it will be against Trump (please, please, please) :lol:

Wow, not sure how true this is but it does tie in with what was being reported on the BBC last night. Shocking if true though, his incompetence literally knows no bounds. I'm sure he's walking a fine line with the Jewish supporters as it is let alone a strained relationship with Israel too. This really wont help any of that at all.

was pretty obvious that it an Israeli asset to be honest.

Wow, not sure how true this is but it does tie in with what was being reported on the BBC last night. Shocking if true though, his incompetence literally knows no bounds. I'm sure he's walking a fine line with the Jewish supporters as it is let alone a strained relationship with Israel too. This really wont help any of that at all.

was pretty obvious that it an Israeli asset to be honest.

Just what the Israelis were reported to be worried about in January. Now Trump has blabbed to the primary power allied in Syria to their biggest enemies, Iran and Hezbollah.
well it was one of Jordan or Israel based for me based on how deep the source seemed to be as only one of those 2 countries could have goten someone in that deep, and that are an ally to USA. Plus they seemed really nervous about pissing the ally off and it just screamed israel.
Yeah makes sense. I haven't been following as close as usual.
I'm equally fascinated and terrified at this Saudi speech on Islam. It'll be a carefully written and rehearsed speech.

A carefully and rehearsed speech that will go out the window within three sentences as he looks at the crowd and remembers his inauguration and thinks it might be a good time to mention it. Oh! And that article by Brietbart he was forwarded that said Muslims love him and that he's their favourite leader since Mohammed and possibly even more popular that Mohammed because Mohammed isn't very popular with Jews and the Jews just love him.
:lol::lol: its funny because its true
And it's funny because these three anonymous sources use a polite way of saying: He's too stupid to leak specific sources and methods on purpose. :lol::lol:
Here's what Dave Weigel expects to hear. It's amazingly plausible. :lol:

I find the most irrationally annoying part of that the fact that he actually only, 304. Even though he'll insist otherwise.
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