The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It'd help in avoiding daily embarrassment and nuclear annihilation but he's got a point. We'll see an almost identical agenda to the one Trump's implementing at the moment, which is still incredibly regressive and dangerous, only without the consistent embarrassment of Trump. Which won't be much better for a lot of people.

Or delays or infighting.
There's no way an actual, honest to God impeached GOP president wouldn't have a massive effect on the 2018 midterms, and very likely the 2020 election as well.

You'd hope not but there's every chance Pence would be seen as somewhat competent, if not a bit bland, in comparison to Trump, and would benefit as a result. Still, you'd have to hope the utter humiliation of the past few months will have some sort of effect. But if the Trump Presidency has shown anything, it's that people move from story to story very, very quickly.
Or delays or infighting.

Aye, that's true. With someone they don't mind in charge they'll be fecking ecstatic. Still, just need to hope Pence's popularity ratings stay low, and they'll still not be in a great position. If the Dems can solidly target his regressive social views then they may do a good job, because from what I remember of him during the election campaign he was a dull and bland speaker.

Still, this is us assuming Trump goes...still can't be sure of that yet. Doubt I will be till he's actually gone.:lol:
People need to calm down. So what if Comey has a memo? It's impossible to validate unless there are corroborating tapes. And even if it is proved that President Trump asked Flynn to stop the investigation, there's no way a Republican-controlled House and Senate will see that as an impeachable offence. Unless someone shows hard evidence that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians to hack the DNC and interfere in the election, any talk of impeachment is ludicrous. Also, I think secretly President Trump is loving this. He clearly loves to be the center of attention and you know what they say about bad publicity.
People need to calm down. So what if Comey has a memo? It's impossible to validate unless there are corroborating tapes. And even if it is proved that President Trump asked Flynn to stop the investigation, there's no way a Republican-controlled House and Senate will see that as an impeachable offence. Unless someone shows hard evidence that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians to hack the DNC and interfere in the election, any talk of impeachment is ludicrous. Also, I think secretly President Trump is loving this. He clearly loves to be the center of attention and you know what they say about bad publicity.

He loves attention, but it's pretty much gone beyond bad to humiliating. He's not only getting criticised, but regularly humiliating himself to the point where people are struggling to take him seriously in spite of the fact he's one of the world's most powerful men.
Pence's favourables as Indiana governor were pretty meh.
So there's this bombshell of the day, then in just over an hour Sally Yates goes on AC360 to talk about Flynn.
But if the Trump Presidency has shown anything, it's that people move from story to story very, very quickly.

True, but that is mostly because every scandal is almost immediately succeeded by a new scandal. It might seem like Trump is getting away with it, but the numbers are pretty clear. Trump was never popular, not even when he was elected (with his competition being only slightly less unpopular), but his unfavourability numbers have steadily risen since... well, essentially since the inauguration!

Even if he somehow makes it 4 years without being impeached (or assassinated), he's not exactly likely to win another election, and by extension neither is the GOP.
So if Veep was real life, this is sort of what it would probably look like.
All the 2016 anti-Trump GOPers will be the first rats to jump off the ship.

:lol: Beat me to it, I was just about to post this.

This spineless piece of shit pops up now? Forget the last few months where people have been screaming at him in Town Halls in the face of undeniable evidence? He chooses now to pipe up? I've got an idea for what he can do with his subpoena pen, but I doubt he would like it very much. Pathetic excuse for a human.
Fecking hell....Apparently Trump booted Pence and Sessions out of the room so he could talk to Comey alone.
I think it's fair to say it's a matter of when and how and not if, isn't it? I don't see how he would survive this. He has far too many powerful enemies by now.
I think it's fair to say it's a matter of when and how and not if, isn't it? I don't see how he would survive this. He has far too many powerful enemies by now.

Aye, he's entered a complex political web full of figures who have been playing this game for decades, and he somehow expects to survive in spite of his own inexperience, incompetence and stupidity. Remarkable situation really.
Fecking hell....Apparently Trump booted Pence and Sessions out of the room so he could talk to Comey alone.


Feck me, I think the shit may finally be hitting the fan and there is a lot of it. Trump really shouldn't have pissed the wrong people off, upsetting the intelligence agencies and the press was dumb and we all knew (well most of us did) that it would catch up with Trump and probably be his undoing, but firing Comey was the act of an incredibly desperate man and it appears it was the straw that broke the camels back.
Irn-Bru you heathen!


Be nice or I will go and burn your national church down, it's only 8 miles from my house.

Aye, he's entered a complex political web full of figures who have been playing this game for decades, and he somehow expects to survive in spite of his own inexperience, incompetence and stupidity. Remarkable situation really.
It's quite fascinating, actually. I've never seen anything like this. To watch the downfall of a hopelessly underqualified person so closely is both tragical and comical at the same time. I usually hate this phrase, but if this would have been a movie, a satire even, I wouldn't have believed it.

It would be truly funny if those few months wouldn't have put serious damage on so many lives.

I just hope the democrats find a way to regain power as soon as possible. Just getting rid of Trump is not enough.
Just had a look at the very early polls for the 08 primaries for the sake of interest. I was not aware that Giuliani was the frontrunner in the GOP for about 3 years straight.
I think it's fair to say it's a matter of when and how and not if, isn't it? I don't see how he would survive this. He has far too many powerful enemies by now.
When you draw up a list of organizations you don't want to piss off, the US Intelligence complex and FBI are fairly high up the list along with Israeli Intelligence.

I mean, all you're missing at that point is the GRU, and, well...
Just had a look at the very early polls for the 08 primaries for the sake of interest. I was not aware that Giuliani was the frontrunner in the GOP for about 3 years straight.

Christ, was consistently beating out Obama, Hilary and Biden for a while.
Just had a look at the very early polls for the 08 primaries for the sake of interest. I was not aware that Giuliani was the frontrunner in the GOP for about 3 years straight.

Yeah, his popularity was insane after 9/11 and it carried on for years, it was almost like he could do no wrong. He was given a chance and he rode that pony for as long as he could. The thing is, I remember back and although he was always a shouty git, I don't recall him being as mouthy and arsey as he is now. I can actually remember some reasonably intelligent, motivating and inspirational speeches from him too. Obviously nothing as memorable as Bill Pullman in Independence Day, but pretty close.
You'd hope not but there's every chance Pence would be seen as somewhat competent, if not a bit bland, in comparison to Trump, and would benefit as a result. Still, you'd have to hope the utter humiliation of the past few months will have some sort of effect. But if the Trump Presidency has shown anything, it's that people move from story to story very, very quickly.

Only precedents we have are Nixon/Clinton, and it does have an impact beyond the immediate in midterm and presidential elections.
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