The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Dunno who this guy is or how reliable his source is, but I just like the quote :D

He's basically spent the entire time since coming into office either being defeated on major issues, paranoid, or engaging in delusion as he's publicly humiliated. Wonder if he regrets it at this point...
He's basically spent the entire time since coming into office either being defeated on major issues, paranoid, or engaging in delusion as he's publicly humiliated. Wonder if he regrets it at this point...
Don't forget that he's also been funnelling money into his businesses.
Don't forget that he's also been funnelling money into his businesses.

True. Although him increasing his own personal wealth will no doubt not satisfy him - he strikes me as the type of figure who can never actually be happy.
True. Although him increasing his own personal wealth will no doubt not satisfy him - he strikes me as the type of figure who can never actually be happy.
The closest he's been is probably the rallies. Reckon he'll try and carry on with them even if he gets kicked out.
Holy shit. Not been following for a couple of days and it's kicked off big time!

Go on Comey lad!
They're literally talking up civil war if he's removed. And I literally know what 'literally' means.

No matter what comes out they'll just ignore all of it as liberal bias and genuinely think he was removed for nothing while Hilary somehow is still walking around. He'll no doubt fan the flames by continuing to protest his innocence, which to be fair is probably because he's too stupid to understand what exactly it is he did wrong.
This is crazy. I think the difference in intelligence between Comey and Donald is showing here :D
I always wonder why the R's arent more willing to push out trump when the man who replaces him is Super Conservative Pense. Who is actually a Politician and can actually get thier agenda through
So what happens if the memo surfaces and Trump says Comey made it up?

The White House has just said exactly that. Well "This is not a fair or accurate representation of the discussions between Mr Comey and Trump" Or something along those lines. Basically calling the leak BS, and unfortunately until Comey comes out and says it in person, or until the memo's are subpoenaed, then this back and forth is likely to go on for a while.
Holy shit! this could be the the beginning of the end here for Donald, i mean it is really starting to look like even he can't lie his way out of this.
So what happens if the memo surfaces and Trump says Comey made it up?
I guess the GOP would have to choose who to believe, the renowned serial liar Donald Trump, or the former Director of the FBI.

They'd obviously choose Trump. Third act would be Comey having the tapes all along.
I really need to sleep, but the big question that comes to mind for me is this...

Months ago, people speculated in this thread that this is how it needed to go down - a long, drawn out play of gradual leaks etc til enough of the public would be against him etc. But, did it really need to go like this? It's clear that there's a substantial portion of the population who still will not budge. I'm not so certain this long game was necessary or even made much of a difference instead of hitting him hard with everything earlier.
The closest he's been is probably the rallies. Reckon he'll try and carry on with them even if he gets kicked out.

Hopefully. If the Republicans turn on him he'll be a major thorn in their sides for 2020 hopefully.
Holy shit! this could be the the beginning of the end here for Donald, i mean it is really starting to look like even he can't lie his way out of this.

He can deny he said it (already has), unless there are tapes, he will probably get away with it.
I really need to sleep

Don't you dare! We all had to stay up on your Prediction Night :lol:

It's bad enough @Pexbo has gone to sleep and is missing it all.

Coming up on CNN next is an interview with Sally Yates and then a Town Hall with Bernie Saunders :drool::drool::drool:

I am struggling to keep my eyes open but I can't miss this, even the Republicans on CNN have been saying this is all a step too far and is impeachable behaviour (if proven)
Just had the chance to catch up on the day's events. It's remarkable how stupid he is. It doesn't not reflect well on American voters that this buffoon is president.
Remarkable that Trump leaking intelligence to Russia is perhaps only the second biggest story concerning him in the past day or so.
For the first time, I am convinced he'll be impeached. Comey has fecked him.
For the first time, I am convinced he'll be impeached. Comey has fecked him.

Even if this doesn't nail him, the extent to which he's fecking up makes me think there's no way at all he'll make it to 2020.
CNN reporting Republicans are now discussing whether or not the outcome should be an independent commission or a special prosecutor.
Israel released a statement that they trust US intelligence and look forward to work with Trump.

Netanyahu is a fecking snake. Never had a problem undermining Obama in spite of the US money, but can't afford to piss off Trump as he himself needs support from far right of his party. Obama should have been more hard on him.



Problem with this is there's no single narrative thread to follow for the inevitable film.
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