The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I like to imagine there is a scene playing out on airforce one or wherever he is where kelly ann and spicer have his phone and are throwing it to each other while tiny hands is screaming like a kid because the other children won't play nice and let him have his toy back.

Hence the delay in the follow up tweet.
He's replying to comments :D

So, a random tangent but the fuss over this just seems silly. A man who is proud of his adult daughter for being beautiful isn't a creep. The "jealous?" response is just a snark at the woman who criticised his post, accusing her of being jealous of his daughter's good looks.

Social media witch-hunts are so fecking tiresome. A load of easily offended prats constantly looking for stuff to get indignant about and/or have a clumsy swipe at someone who has different politics to them.
So, a random tangent but the fuss over this just seems silly. A man who is proud of his adult daughter for being beautiful isn't a creep. The "jealous?" response is just a snark at the woman who criticised his post, accusing her of being jealous of his daughter's good looks.

Social media witch-hunts are so fecking tiresome. A load of easily offended prats constantly looking for stuff to get indignant about and/or have a clumsy swipe at someone who has different politics to them.

Did you see in the replies where someone compares it in detail to the photo it's a "tribute" to? It's very good.
McMaster didn't say that Trump didn't share intelligence with the Russians. He said Trump didn't mention source and methods which intelligence was collected. Basically, McMaster implicitly acknowledged that Trump did reveal intelligence to the Russians.
'When the President says it, it's no longer classified'

Which is true, it's the manner in which he did it, the uneducated decision he made, the damage it is likely to cause, the party in receipt of the intelligence and the implications that has.

Just because it isn't criminal does not make it unbelievably stupid and exempt from criticism or consequence.
:lol: :lol: This is without a doubt the most hilarious and entertaining thread on Caf at the moment. Sorry Americans.
Agree with that. It has become my go to thread as soon as I get on the caf. Seems like every day, there is a wtf coming out of this white house.
So saying that people need to work a little harder and making an effort to overcome obstacles is called Wumming now? I'm done with you as well.

Yes, yes it is, in a thread about the US presidency. You were invited to set up a thread on the topic of voter suppression (and the value of hard work if you like). Unless you're too lazy to do that - perhaps you'd like it handed to you on a plate.
Which is true, it's the manner in which he did it, the uneducated decision he made, the damage it is likely to cause, the party in receipt of the intelligence and the implications that has.

Just because it isn't criminal does not make it unbelievably stupid and exempt from criticism or consequence.

Aye, we'll likely see a lot of Western allies of the US really scaling back what they tell Trump out of fear he'll just either blurt it out in public or to someone he shouldn't. As a result his successor, irrespective of their party alignment, will probably have a lot of work to do in order to rebuild relations with allies. Trump came in to "Make America Great Again" but as it stands he's only damaging their international position.
Aye, we'll likely see a lot of Western allies of the US really scaling back what they tell Trump out of fear he'll just either blurt it out in public or to someone he shouldn't. As a result his successor, irrespective of their party alignment, will probably have a lot of work to do in order to rebuild relations with allies. Trump came in to "Make America Great Again" but as it stands he's only damaging their international position.

It's not just what they tell Trump, it's what they share with the US. Period. You have to assume that the IC will be briefing Trump on Intelligence to inform his decisions. If they are withholding intelligence for fear of him finding out, he does not have the required intelligence to make informed decisions as Commander in Chief.

If this is what the situation comes to then his job is impossible to carry out effectively and he should be removed.
It's not just what they tell Trump, it's what they share with the US. Period. You have to assume that the IC will be briefing Trump on Intelligence to inform his decisions. If they are withholding intelligence for fear of him finding out, he does not have the required intelligence to make informed decisions as Commander in Chief.

If this is what the situation comes to then his job is impossible to carry out effectively and he should be removed.

That's been abundantly clear from Day 1.
McMaster didn't say that Trump didn't share intelligence with the Russians. He said Trump didn't mention source and methods which intelligence was collected. Basically, McMaster implicitly acknowledged that Trump did reveal intelligence to the Russians.
They also implicitly acknowledged it was true when they requested WaPo to withhold certain details (meaning they were sensitive facts).
So saying that people need to work a little harder and making an effort to overcome obstacles is called Wumming now? I'm done with you as well.

I'm sorry but that's simply not what anyone has been saying to you and nor is it the point of the discussion. I have kept out of this discussion because you were having back and forth with many other users and I felt they were all explaining things nicely and posting pretty much the same retorts I would have been doing. However, you are being exceedingly disingenuous and obtuse with your replies. Nobody is saying and nobody has said anything against working harder to overcome obstacles, but what people are saying and are showing you is mountains of evidence that you constantly ignore. The evidence shows that the obstacles are absolutely unfair and almost insurmountable to many. Voter suppression is specifically targeted to deny the poor and minorities the chance of voting and it is done in such a way that your argument of working harder really doesn't apply, nor does it make any type of sense whatsoever.

You have been shown so much information that you have either flippantly dismissed or completely ignored hence why you are being called a WUM. If you actually bothered to reply to the stuff posted to help explain others arguments, rather than just continue on with your replies saying that people are just lazy and want things handed to them, then nothing is going to change and this thread will just continue to be derailed and people are just going to continue to be aghast at your replies which will just lead to more insults or accusations of being a WUM.
So saying that people need to work a little harder and making an effort to overcome obstacles is called Wumming now? I'm done with you as well.

Obstacles don't fall from the sky. They're part of a project of disenfranchisement, talked about since before the Civil Rights movement. And this disenfranchisement has been a moderate success, culminating in the Supreme Court striking down the relevant portions of the Voting Rights act.
McMaster in press briefing now about the upcoming trip. Melania has to travel with him, poor gal.

Edit: First question about his statement last night and he pivots to the leaks. Very foreseeable reaction.
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So saying that people need to work a little harder and making an effort to overcome obstacles is called Wumming now? I'm done with you as well.
I've ignored a lot of what you've said so far, but I feel the need to point out at this point (and this may have already been stated), but making it "a little harder" for some citizens than others to do something they absolutely have the right to do is the definition of discrimination.
I've ignored a lot of what you've said so far, but I feel the need to point out at this point (and this may have already been stated), but making it "a little harder" for some citizens than others to do something they absolutely have the right to do is the definition of discrimination.

There is discrimination everywhere, I experience that every single day. What I am referring to is a lot of people who could not give two fecks about voting. I am sure you have come across plenty of people like that.
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