The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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McMaster just said that the President wasn't even briefed on the source of the info that he blabbed to Russia about. :lol:

That's even worse if true as it suggests ally nations can't trust that he won't be informed of shared intelligence.
McMaster kinda fleeing from the press! :D
That's even worse if true as it suggests ally nations can't trust that he won't be informed of shared intelligence.

The BBC had an ex military intelligence guy on last night who said that he believed Mi5, Mi6, Mossad and Interpol were all utterly dismayed at the rumours coming out of the White House and that they had all agreed NOT to share delicate info with Trump.

This is something that has been reported for a few weeks, to be fair.
His days are numbered

I bet he can't fecking wait. Can you imagine having to stand up and lie to your countrymen and women on a daily basis? Lie to the world even? Not only that but trying to defend the indefensible and trying to spin lies and complete fallacy all the time. It must be exhausting, not to mention completely disheartening.
I bet he can't fecking wait. Can you imagine having to stand up and lie to your countrymen and women on a daily basis? Lie to the world even? Not only that but trying to defend the indefensible and trying to spin lies and complete fallacy all the time. It must be exhausting, not to mention completely disheartening.
Trump seems to be ok doing it
FFS is that fool actually going to give a speech on Islam in Saudi?! :lol::wenger:
So saying that people need to work a little harder and making an effort to overcome obstacles is called Wumming now? I'm done with you as well.

I'm sure the black people are working a little harder to become white but it doesn't seem to work.
I look forward to McCain continuing to condemn Trump whilst actually doing nothing about him.

McCain is irrelevant. He's not a power broker even in GOP circles, that passed a long time ago for him and Graham.
US are already bombing Yemen several times per week not counting assistance to Saudi strikes.
He'd drop another MOAB or something and take the credit for it. I know what's going on in Yemen; commented several times on it. It's a giant underreported tragedy.
I'm watching trump next to that other cnut twitching to talk about his unlikely electoral college victory. He is now staring at Erdogans hands.
Oh look, something to ideally divert attention away from a certain scandal...
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