The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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And over there in the gutter, you can see what's left of McMaster's reputation...

Oh yeah, and Trump doesn't give a shit. It's made even worse that this is now all down to his incompetency, his ego and his big fecking gob, rather than an actual mistake or corruption on their part.
Oh yeah, and Trump doesn't give a shit. It's made even worse that this is now all down to his incompetency, his ego and his big fecking gob, rather than an actual mistake or corruption on their part.

I keep coming back to this piece by Eliot Cohen back in January:
The question is, what should Americans do about it? To friends still thinking of serving as political appointees in this administration, beware: When you sell your soul to the Devil, he prefers to collect his purchase on the installment plan. Trump’s disregard for either Secretary of Defense Mattis or Secretary-designate Tillerson in his disastrous policy salvos this week, in favor of his White House advisers, tells you all you need to know about who is really in charge. To be associated with these people is going to be, for all but the strongest characters, an exercise in moral self-destruction.

For the community of conservative thinkers and experts, and more importantly, conservative politicians, this is a testing time. Either you stand up for your principles and for what you know is decent behavior, or you go down, if not now, then years from now, as a coward or opportunist. Your reputation will never recover, nor should it.
So not only is he confirming this after denying it happened, but also he's adding details. What a fecking dunderhead, I wonder how much longer until he just plain says where/who this info came from. :wenger:
10 minutes later....
2-3 weeks ago, it had taken him about an hour to tweet a follow-up tweet.
If I'm not mistaken, he tweeted yesterday or the day before just the word 'we'. :lol: It's up to your imagination what distracted him from completing a tweet or series of tweets.


The bar for incompetence gets set lower each day.

Who writes these scripts?
10 minutes later....

The 10 minute break was probably him trying to wrestle the phone away from a staffer who was hastily deleting the actual 'top secret' details from the tweet only to be distracted when another aide came in and said "who want's two scoops of ice cream????"
This may be accurate. The second he talks it's no longer classified.
It is even legal that he de-classifies it ('I have the right to so'). Nevertheless IMO Twitler's tweets don't fit to the narrative of last night and now Mike Anton and I find the chaos amusing.

Needless to say journos and public shouldn't get distracted by that from toxic EOs, bills or whatnot is silently moved on.

Love how he refers to it as an "openly scheduled White House meeting" as if to illustrate how open it was...conveniently ignoring that American press were not allowed to attend, and that:

It’s unclear how much of the meeting was attended by the Russian photographer, who revealed Kislyak’s presence. The White House did not tell reporters of Kislyak’s appearance in an official readout of the meeting.

Granted, that is from the Huffington Post, but Kislyak was certainly not mentioned as an attendee ahead of it, hence the anger at the photographs being made public.
It is even legal that he de-classifies it ('I have the right to so'). Nevertheless IMO Twitler's tweets don't fit to the narrative of last night and now Mike Anton and I find the chaos amusing.

Needless to say journos and public shouldn't get distracted by that from toxic EOs, bills or whatnot is silently moved on.
Jeff Sessions re-ignited the war on drugs and strengthened the prison industrial complex while no one was watching.
Jeff Sessions re-ignited the war on drugs and strengthened the prison industrial complex while no one was watching.
I noted it and that Rand Paul spoke out against it on at least two occasions (the Caf is my witness).
On Wednesday, April 12, 2017, Trump said this about Russia:

On Wednesday, May 8, 2017, Trump shared classified information with Russia!
The discrepancy between his intelligence and position is just absolutely staggering.
It's like watching South Park in real life.
Really strange how it takes him a long time to finish a statement. I mean, anyone else would have the whole statement ready and just divide it into sections to post it.

I'm guessing his IQ only allows him to think of 3 sentences of BS every couple of hours?

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