The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Just looking at the body language in this picture. I'd bet money it's Lavrov and Kislyak talking Russian to each other and Trump suddenly feels very left out.

Also, I've just realised how much Kislyak looks like Fat Bastard:


Donald looks like Shatner in that photo.
No one should be surprised CNN are still allowing Jeffrey Lord on their channel, when you consider the fact that the CNN president has a framed photo of a Trump tweet hanged up in his office.
This is like a proper soap opera, with increasingly less credible plots.

What is he gonna do next? Surely, even the GOP must be dreading each new day with its new surprise?
This is like a proper soap opera, with increasingly less credible plots.

What is he gonna do next? Surely, even the GOP must be dreading each new day with its new surprise?

GOP today is an enrichment exercise where a bunch of people win a vote to work at the whim of their lobbyists. They'd be more concerned at the orange buffoon drawing unwanted attention than anything harmful he does.
I would advise him just one thing: Feck off.

Resigning would seem the best move.

It's been the main difference between him and Nixon all along, Nixon had far more smarts. Nixon resigned because he knew it would be the best move for him going forward. Trump is more likely to lock himself in the Oval Office with a group of his loyalists and refuse to leave while tweeting his army into a violent frenzy.
I had hopes that Claude Taylor was reporting what he has because his hearts in the right place and not doing it for personal gain.

Someone's created a fundraiser for him and his car maintenance and in a matter of hours, its close to 10k. Disappointing stuff.
how long does it take him to complete sentences lol. Does he go for a sneaky golden shower between tweets?
While I don't believe what Trump is saying about the numbers of voting fraud I don't see the problem in showing an ID when voting, basically every civilized country requires a photo ID to vote except this country, that's time to the minorities to move forward and blend with the rest of the country, the Italians and Irish did it and they can do it as well.

Doesn't happen in the UK? And it's not a problem here either.
What else was he going to say? That will be more than enough for his supporters and the Republicans who have an agenda and their head in the sand.

Yet again he bullshits his way out of something, appeases his supporters, satisfies the GOP and just winds up everybody else, especially his haters, the press and the Democrats. It's a win win for Donald.
What else was he going to say? That will be more than enough for his supporters and the Republicans who have an agenda and their head in the sand.

Yet again he bullshits his way out of something, appeases his supporters, satisfies the GOP and just winds up everybody else, especially his haters, the press and the Democrats. It's a win win for Donald.

And over there in the gutter, you can see what's left of McMaster's reputation...
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