The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It doesn't change my overall opinion on him (fecking moron) but I do need to give Rand Paul credit for being so vocal against GOP party line.

Meh, people like him, McCain and Graham criticise Trump and the GOP but they all fall in line when push comes to shove.
I do believe that Voter suppression is a real thing but I find it amazing that so many people are genuinely without an ID in this day and age. How does one. function without an ID in daily life. I have to use mine every week.

Voter suppression is a cruel act. But there should be a genuine push to get people with IDs. Politicians in my country will go through lengths to get a voters vote, they will make sure you have all documentation necessary and hire buses to carry people to the voting stations. People having a moan about not being able to get an ID is a crazy. How do people know you are who you say. If you lost a birth certificate or marriage certificate you need to replace them. All documents can be replaced. It's a hard job to do so because it should be. Just seems lazy to me.
Google it, it's not hard to find stories about the types of people we are talking about. Just because you have no experience of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I do believe that Voter suppression is a real thing but I find it amazing that so many people are genuinely without an ID in this day and age. How does one. function without an ID in daily life. I have to use mine every week.

Voter suppression is a cruel act. But there should be a genuine push to get people with IDs. Politicians in my country will go through lengths to get a voters vote, they will make sure you have all documentation necessary and hire buses to carry people to the voting stations. People having a moan about not being able to get an ID is a crazy. How do people know you are who you say. If you lost a birth certificate or marriage certificate you need to replace them. All documents can be replaced. It's a hard job to do so because it should be. Just seems lazy to me.
I use mine rarely. Every week? Stop speeding dude!
I use mine rarely. Every week? Stop speeding dude!
That's a fair point, I hardly ever use mine. Apart from the odd night club :D

Why the fcuk does he need his all the time?

what did I say doesn't exist?
You put it down to laziness, as if to say it's not really a problem. Exaggerated? If only they would put in the effort....

Like I said look it up. Or don't...
That's a fair point, I hardly ever use mine. Apart from the odd night club :D

Why the fcuk does he need his all the time?

You put it down to laziness, as if to say it's not really a problem. Exaggerated? If only they would put in the effort....

Like I said look it up. Or don't...

I'm not sure we are in the same wave length. I think voter suppression exists, and is awful to do. At the same time it's genuinely shocking that so many people are without ID and should make a greater effort to get one. I have to travel 3 hrs to get a Visa to go to the USA and stand in a line for half a day in the Sun. Sometimes Americans genuinely just like to complain when something isn't easy to get. If you don't believe... you can Google it
I got a lot handed to me. The fact that I'm born into a financially well off household, that my mother could afford good schools, nutrition and environment etc... Which contributed more to my current level of education and quality of life than anything I contributed towards the same end.

You could be born in a slum and became a billionaire, but it's much more likely that you would be a street urchin instead. Same situation with voting and voter suppression. Sure, some people would go hell for leather to get their votes in, but if the conditions are bloody difficult, most would end up not bothered.

Feck me, so since you are well off, you got an education without bothering to go to school, you probably got a job without searching, and surely, you must have become a voter without registering to vote. Congrats to you sir!
Feck me, so since you are well off, you got an education without bothering to go to school, you probably got a job without searching, and surely, you must have become a voter without registering to vote. Congrats to you sir!

You are either deliberately obtuse or trolling.

Fun fact for you: most social studies suggest that you are most likely to end up at the same social class/income bracket of your parents. Circumstances dictate your life much more than you'd like to believe.
I'm not sure we are in the same wave length. I think voter suppression exists, and is awful to do. At the same time it's genuinely shocking that so many people are without ID and should make a greater effort to get one. I have to travel 3 hrs to get a Visa to go to the USA and stand in a line for half a day in the Sun. Sometimes Americans genuinely just like to complain when something isn't easy to get. If you don't believe... you can Google it
I don't need to I know people like that in the UK. Yea I think I misread your post. The other guy wound me up as I carry some of that into your post.

All I will say is that some of the examples I saw (via documentary and articles) had nothing to do with people being lazy. It can be genuinely hard, what about if you are old? Or poor? Or old and poor? As miles away from the places you need to get to without help? I could go on... You could say try harder, but at which point do you say enough is enough? Especially when you have other thing going on your life.

yes I have.

what if I intercepted your credit card and signed it with my signature and went on a shopping spree. what then?
Dunno how it works over there but here you need to activate a card before use. It's also sent out recorded delivery. Fraud is covered. If I lose my card and don't cancel it then that's on me too... It's weird you need to do that but fair enough. If you hadn't signed it that would explain it, but...
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You can spend all the money in the world getting them registered and get proper ID's, but most who are not voting now will not turn up to vote anyway. I have said this constantly, until a person realizes that they need to change, there is no way anyone else can do it for them. It's like a drug addict or someone with alcohol problem, until that person wants to try and quit, no one else can do that for them.

Are you describing yourself? Have you read any of the info people have posted for you?
Any chance of this derailment being stopped? Cheers.
You still have not answered a genuine question I asked you. Whatever you have in life, did work for it or did that get handed on a platter for you?

I havent answered it because its bullshit and has feck all to do with targeting minorities to restrict them voting ESPECIALLY when they vote by a huge majority for one party. Wake up and stop acting the maggot.
I don't need to I know people like that in the UK. Yea I think I misread your post. The other guy wound me up as I carry some of that into your post.

All I will say is that some of the examples I saw (via documentary and articles) had nothing to do with people being lazy. It can be genuinely hard, what about if you are old? Or poor? Or old and poor? As miles away from the places you need to get to without help? I could go on... You could say try harder, but at which point do you say enough is enough? Especially when you have other thing going on your life.

I live in a thrid world country where the litteracy rate is teribble, there is one tax office where ids are issued in each parish but yet you have old 90 year old people, that have a legal name and a community name different (try identifying someone thats known as barbara but her birth and legal name is Mary :lol:), live in remote parts of the island, find thier fat ass to the tax office and get ID's so they can vote for thier MP. In some cases some dont have birth certificates and have to travel multiple times to multiple places (tax office , registra office, police staion) and wait hours in line to get an ID. The black lady in the John Olivers video that had to go back to the same place three times to get her ID sorted fecking hoo. To me thats no excuse. Its a mentality thing. Maybe an ID isnt as necessary in the USA as it is elsewhere but it bothers me how lazy they can be and full of excuses when something literally isnt handed to them on a platter.

Voter suppression is below the belt shit, but i really do think Americans expect things too easy. I remember the big issue when they were required to have passports to travel internationally. I was in amazement that they didnt need a passport and just a drivers license to leave the country :wenger::eek:
I havent answered it because its bullshit and has feck all to do with targeting minorities to restrict them voting ESPECIALLY when they vote by a huge majority for one party. Wake up and stop acting the maggot.

If I posted the shite just posted, I would get a warning in my inbox in seconds. Now, since you are unable to have a conversation without resorting to personal attacks, I am ignoring you from now on. It's not the first time you have done this, I have seen you make personal attacks on many other posters.
If I posted the shite just posted, I would get a warning in my inbox in seconds. Now, since you are unable to have a conversation without resorting to personal attacks, I am ignoring you from now on. It's not the first time you have done this, I have seen you make personal attacks on many other posters.

Black people are targeted end of. Doesnt matter how much money they have. Deal with it.
Any chance of this derailment being stopped? Cheers.

:lol: I was just about to say the same thing, Chief. I saw 3 pages since this morning and was excited to see what I had missed but instead get three pages of people trying to explain the problems of illegal voter suppression to someone who just thinks that it's not real and people's fault for not wanting it or trying hard enough. Some of the answers over the last 3 pages would be better suited in the flat Earth thread rather than here.
Has anyone in this thread actually said that voter suppression doesn't exist? Reading through the last few pages it seems that all @ghagua has said is that regardless of the hurdles that the GOP have placed in front of minority voters to get registered, if it really was that important to them then by hook or by crook they should jump those hurdles.

If the GOP truely want to deny votes to a large section of society then the best course of action is to do the thing they don't want you to do...regardless of how fecking hard it is.
Has anyone in this thread actually said that voter suppression doesn't exist? Reading through the last few pages it seems that all @ghagua has said is that regardless of the hurdles that the GOP have placed in front of minority voters to get registered, if it really was that important to them then by hook or by crook they should jump those hurdles.

If the GOP truely want to deny votes to a large section of society then the best course of action is to do the thing they don't want you to do...regardless of how fecking hard it is.

In Texas, even if you are allowed to register new voters, you aren't allowed to do it if they are your neighbor but from different county. True story.

Do people need to take more interest in politics? Yes. Does the fact that a big portion of them, disproportionately poor and of non-white background, face systemic suppression that sought to deny their rights and disengage them from politics, down to their own agency (or to use his word, laziness)? Feck no.
Some of my Family members are Hispanic and the fact I had a wedding in Texas (Mexican descendants but they will say very proudly they are Texans) and I saw with my eyes on this farm owned by Texans (Hispanics) who moved there almost 100 years ago. To be fair they don't like Trump not because the famous wall but because the way he's acting but they voted for him anyway.
They sound like Texans alright.
Don't want to discuss this with you either. I challenge anyone to get a person who is not registered, to get off their backside, get proper ID's and then get registered to vote. If anyone can do that and show that they were blocked from voting, then I will stop posting on this topic.
Still talking about people getting off their backside, you have issues pal.
Has anyone in this thread actually said that voter suppression doesn't exist? Reading through the last few pages it seems that all @ghagua has said is that regardless of the hurdles that the GOP have placed in front of minority voters to get registered, if it really was that important to them then by hook or by crook they should jump those hurdles.

If the GOP truely want to deny votes to a large section of society then the best course of action is to do the thing they don't want you to do...regardless of how fecking hard it is.
Well yes, but it is still unfair, and it will still have an effect. I'll say no more....
Has anyone in this thread actually said that voter suppression doesn't exist? Reading through the last few pages it seems that all @ghagua has said is that regardless of the hurdles that the GOP have placed in front of minority voters to get registered, if it really was that important to them then by hook or by crook they should jump those hurdles.

If the GOP truely want to deny votes to a large section of society then the best course of action is to do the thing they don't want you to do...regardless of how fecking hard it is.

Thank you. That's all I said.
Was going to reply to you but you're a fcuking idiot (sorry mods)...

Numerous people have since tried with you, and dispite the numerous different accounts and sources you're still denying it's an issue, and peddling this crap about people being too lazy.

Fingers in your ears shouting lalala... Utter ignorance...

To what others said I can't remember who, the Dems made some efforts such as bussing people to vote and helping people to get ID but... It's a big issue.

Also, it's not that people need ID, it's that they need specific types of ID. Types that some people find hard to attain, even if others find it relatively easy.
Well he lives in NJ and commutes to Virginia so that makes everyone but him lazy. It's like arguing with Kate Hopkins.
That's all I am trying to say. But no, I don't have issues thank you.
You should just get back to that motivational self help book you are so obviously in the middle of reading then. Facts, data and research have been presented to you on this forum and I bet you have not read one word of it. Instead everyone is lazy based on you and you're family's experiences. Look in to North Carolina and what the GOP are doing to democratic voters and then tell us it's their own fault, I bet you can't. And if you can then yes sir, you do have issues.
I know there are people that are too lazy to improve their situation or their community but please don't use that as a broad brush to excuse the suppression by a political party of democratic progressive citizens. You wouldn't like it if you were in their situation and I reckon you would be discouraged too.
You should just get back to that motivational self help book you are so obviously in the middle of reading then. Facts, data and research have been presented to you on this forum and I bet you have not read one word of it. Instead everyone is lazy based on you and you're family's experiences. Look in to North Carolina and what the GOP are doing to democratic voters and then tell us it's their own fault, I bet you can't. And if you can then yes sir, you do have issues.
I know there are people that are too lazy to improve their situation or their community but please don't use that as a broad brush to excuse the suppression by a political party of democratic progressive citizens. You wouldn't like it if you were in their situation and I reckon you would be discouraged too.

Did I touch a raw nerve with you? If I did, I do apologize. I just feel that if there are obstacles, there is a way to overcome that, but if you don;t want to work for it, it's easy to sit back and blame the system.
Did I touch a raw nerve with you? If I did, I do apologize. I just feel that if there are obstacles, there is a way to overcome that, but if you don;t want to work for it, it's easy to sit back and blame the system.
"We're going to arbitrarily change the laws every few years to make it harder for political opponents to get more votes than us"

"Good old fashioned obstacles!"
Did I touch a raw nerve with you? If I did, I do apologize. I just feel that if there are obstacles, there is a way to overcome that, but if you don;t want to work for it, it's easy to sit back and blame the system.
Yes but that is you. In the grand scheme you and I are insignificant but when the rights of millions are being trampled on then we must fight for the greater good and telling people to get off the couch doesn't work. Obviously you and I can get around these obstacles but what about the 83 year old black lady in SC or the 55 year old Asian with very poor English. Unless you understand this from their perspective then you will probably see no issue.
I just want everyone to have a fair shake and voting should be the great equalizer but one party in a two party system is continuing to make it much harder even though there has been less then 30 instances (mostly republican I might add) of in person voter fraud in over a billion ballots cast. Do you not see the problem here?
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