The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I just don't understand why DNC allocate more money to make sure minorities get voter id's. That's the only way you can reverse local elections going to Republicans. Difficulties are well documented, Republicans are obstructionist and have no inclination to change. Instead of hoping for Supreme Court intervention, they should meet fire with fire and engage in a massive countrywide voter id scheme to get all the minorities set up for state and voter id's. That should swing the election forever in their favor. It's a risk worth taking.

Just so fed up of this constant debate of 'there is no voter fraud', 'only because you didn't look for it', 'but I have stats to prove', 'There are about 3 million dead people registered to vote', 'Even Bannon was registered in two states' etc.
Agreed. For the amount of money wasted on TV ads this makes sense to me.

Also it is not illegal to be registered right? Just voting in two or more states is illegal.
So the figure that @unchanged_lineup posted of 58% of registered voters actually bothering to vote, would that figure be significantly higher if all the disenfranchised citizens managed to jump through all the bureaucratic hoops to get voter IDs?
Even if it stayed the same, it'd be 58% of a much higher number, which is better than the current state of affairs.
Have some data to back that up?
Some of my Family members are Hispanic and the fact I had a wedding in Texas (Mexican descendants but they will say very proudly they are Texans) and I saw with my eyes on this farm owned by Texans (Hispanics) who moved there almost 100 years ago. To be fair they don't like Trump not because the famous wall but because the way he's acting but they voted for him anyway.
We don't need photo ID here in the UK. Yet, anyway.

I find it strange that the USA doesn't require a photo ID to make sure the person that is voting is that person :wenger:

I also find it strange that the USA doesn't require a back ground check for someone purchasing firearms :wenger:

I bet they require ID to purchase them though :lol:
Believe the polls had Hispanics at around 60s for Clinton. And isn't Texas becoming bluer due to the huge rate in Hispanic population growth. Goes completely against the single wedding narrative for sure.

Edit. Updated polls show mid 70s for Clinton.
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I find it strange that the USA doesn't require a photo ID to make sure the person that is voting is that person :wenger:

I also find it strange that the USA doesn't require a back ground check for someone purchasing firearms :wenger:

I bet they require ID to purchase them though :lol:
Probably because it is impossible to make id fraud a problem. You can't get thousands voting for someone else without it being noticed.
Some of my Family members are Hispanic and the fact I had a wedding in Texas (Mexican descendants but they will say very proudly they are Texans) and I saw with my eyes on this farm owned by Texans (Hispanics) who moved there almost 100 years ago. To be fair they don't like Trump not because the famous wall but because the way he's acting but they voted for him anyway.

Anecdotal evidence, dear man
Anecdotal evidence, dear man

Texan Hispanics are, in the whole, more favourable to the GOP due to a long history of integration and the local GOP effort to actually engage them in their favour. It's somewhat akin to the situation in Florida, with the established Cuban population much more aligned with the GOP than any other Hispanic group.
I just don't understand why DNC allocate more money to make sure minorities get voter id's. That's the only way you can reverse local elections going to Republicans. Difficulties are well documented, Republicans are obstructionist and have no inclination to change. Instead of hoping for Supreme Court intervention, they should meet fire with fire and engage in a massive countrywide voter id scheme to get all the minorities set up for state and voter id's. That should swing the election forever in their favor. It's a risk worth taking.

Just so fed up of this constant debate of 'there is no voter fraud', 'only because you didn't look for it', 'but I have stats to prove', 'There are about 3 million dead people registered to vote', 'Even Bannon was registered in two states' etc.

You can spend all the money in the world getting them registered and get proper ID's, but most who are not voting now will not turn up to vote anyway. I have said this constantly, until a person realizes that they need to change, there is no way anyone else can do it for them. It's like a drug addict or someone with alcohol problem, until that person wants to try and quit, no one else can do that for them.
Texan Hispanics are, in the whole, more favourable to the GOP due to a long history of integration and the local GOP effort to actually engage them in their favour. It's somewhat akin to the situation in Florida, with the established Cuban population much more aligned with the GOP than any other Hispanic group.
Yet 70% voted Clinton?
I think you really need to learn about what goes on outside your own District.

This would be a good place to start:

Yea, I should listen to John Oliver point to some one off issue than seeing it for myself.
Fixed it for you.

Honestly, no point discussing it any further if you're not going to acknowledge the research that's been posted. You're ignoring actual facts.

Don't want to discuss this with you either. I challenge anyone to get a person who is not registered, to get off their backside, get proper ID's and then get registered to vote. If anyone can do that and show that they were blocked from voting, then I will stop posting on this topic.
Texan Hispanics are, in the whole, more favourable to the GOP due to a long history of integration and the local GOP effort to actually engage them in their favour. It's somewhat akin to the situation in Florida, with the established Cuban population much more aligned with the GOP than any other Hispanic group.

Texan Mexicans who vote GOP do so for religious reasons, they are primarily conservative catholics who dislike gay marriage, abortions and such. The Cubans who do so in Florida do it because of the Reagan era GOP effort to sanction the Castro regime and they also have a wet foot/dry foot policy where any Cuban making it to the Miami shore is granted asylum in the US. Two entirely different demographics.
In some states, being late on child support can get you arrested if you apply for a driving license renewal, which is proper ID. There's a dozen other such things like the state ID offices being far away from lower income neighborhoods, which work well for systemic suppression.

You lose the right to vote if you are convicted of a felony. I don;t think being arrested for not paying child support would be considered a felony, but then again, I am not a lawyer.
You lose the right to vote if you are convicted of a felony. I don;t think being arrested for not paying child support would be considered a felony, but then again, I am not a lawyer.

It sure discourages someone from going to get an ID.
Based off several conversations I've had with citizens here (including some Caucasian and some African American) that simply isn't true and also varies HEAVILY state by state. Which state do you live in? That might explain why you think its easy / difficult

I live in NJ and work in Virginia. It's all about making an effort. It may not be easy, but there is always a way.
Blaming the system? The system is rigged to feck these people over. Many who cant afford to take off work to either get an ID or vote. Voting should be on a weekend day. The system is set up to disenfranchise a certain section or race.

18 months till the next important round of elections and people "do not have time" to get registered and vote. Trump was sprouting his shite for over 18 months, but people did not have time to prepare to vote.
I live in NJ and work in Virginia. It's all about making an effort. It may not be easy, but there is always a way.

There is a HUGE difference between both Jersey and some of the states where voter suppression is common. I'd read up on it honestly.
There is a HUGE difference between both Jersey and some of the states where voter suppression is common. I'd read up on it honestly.

Genuine question, how did Obama manage to carry some of those States that went to Trump?

I find it strange that the USA doesn't require a photo ID to make sure the person that is voting is that person :wenger:

I also find it strange that the USA doesn't require a back ground check for someone purchasing firearms :wenger:

I bet they require ID to purchase them though :lol:

You don't really need it in Germany either. You may be asked to show an ID if something seems fishy but apart from that, you only have to e registered in your city.
Absolute horseshit. Its funny how these restrictions arent implemented in mostly white precincts.

You still have not answered a genuine question I asked you. Whatever you have in life, did work for it or did that get handed on a platter for you?
Texan Hispanics are, in the whole, more favourable to the GOP due to a long history of integration and the local GOP effort to actually engage them in their favour. It's somewhat akin to the situation in Florida, with the established Cuban population much more aligned with the GOP than any other Hispanic group.

It's the same with Indians in America (Not native Indians, Asian Indians). Majority of Indians are legal immigrants and pay taxes. They support GoP because of lesser taxes. Similar with Hispanics maybe?

You can spend all the money in the world getting them registered and get proper ID's, but most who are not voting now will not turn up to vote anyway. I have said this constantly, until a person realizes that they need to change, there is no way anyone else can do it for them. It's like a drug addict or someone with alcohol problem, until that person wants to try and quit, no one else can do that for them.

Well, only one way to find out, isn't it?
You still have not answered a genuine question I asked you. Whatever you have in life, did work for it or did that get handed on a platter for you?

Sorry, but voter ID registration only works if you provide a sufficient number of places to get an ID. Which is clearly not the case in the US. Here in Germany (where you don't need an ID by the way) you can get one in at least 2 towns in every county. If the US were at that level, it would be acceptable. But they don't.
Texan Mexicans who vote GOP do so for religious reasons, they are primarily conservative catholics who dislike gay marriage, abortions and such. The Cubans who do so in Florida do it because of the Reagan era GOP effort to sanction the Castro regime and they also have a wet foot/dry foot policy where any Cuban making it to the Miami shore is granted asylum in the US. Two entirely different demographics.

The similarity is in the affinity. Both local branches of the GOP have strong association with these groups, which resulted in their votes. Other Hispanics in those states favour the Democrats for obvious reasons. I also never said it's identical.

Yet 70% voted Clinton?

I think it was around 77%? Was just making the point that they are more favourable, which leads to @barros 's anecdote, not that they are as a whole GOP-bound. Same in FL, big older Cuban population for GOP, overall still a big margin for Dems.

I guess the point I'm making is we shouldn't assume Hispanics are by default anti-GOP. They are actually more likely to agree with their stances than the Dems, bar immigration (and the racism element behind it).
Please tell me how?
Was going to reply to you but you're a fcuking idiot (sorry mods)...

Numerous people have since tried with you, and dispite the numerous different accounts and sources you're still denying it's an issue, and peddling this crap about people being too lazy.

Fingers in your ears shouting lalala... Utter ignorance...

To what others said I can't remember who, the Dems made some efforts such as bussing people to vote and helping people to get ID but... It's a big issue.

Also, it's not that people need ID, it's that they need specific types of ID. Types that some people find hard to attain, even if others find it relatively easy.
You still have not answered a genuine question I asked you. Whatever you have in life, did work for it or did that get handed on a platter for you?

That's such a bullshit answer. You're talking on a meta scale and they're trusting it to work in their favour on a macro scale. They are purposely making it harder for certain demographics to be able to vote and increasing their chances of their candidate winning. Saying "well that individual needs to work harder to vote if they really want to vote" is not a credible answer. Why should someone have to go through a process made intentionally difficult that they might not fully understand or have the ability or money to carry out just so they can carry out one of their basic rights at a citizen?
You still have not answered a genuine question I asked you. Whatever you have in life, did work for it or did that get handed on a platter for you?

I got a lot handed to me. The fact that I'm born into a financially well off household, that my mother could afford good schools, nutrition and environment etc... Which contributed more to my current level of education and quality of life than anything I contributed towards the same end.

You could be born in a slum and became a billionaire, but it's much more likely that you would be a street urchin instead. Same situation with voting and voter suppression. Sure, some people would go hell for leather to get their votes in, but if the conditions are bloody difficult, most would end up not bothered.
Yea, I should listen to John Oliver point to some one off issue than seeing it for myself.
Yea, researched evidence of a substantial problem is a "one off" and your experience of what happens with you and your family/friends is concrete.
It doesn't change my overall opinion on him (fecking moron) but I do need to give Rand Paul credit for being so vocal against GOP party line.

Why should someone have to go through a process made intentionally difficult that they might not fully understand or have the ability or money to carry out just so they can carry out one of their basic rights at a citizen?
He's basically arguing that it's ok to target demographics and inhibit their ability to vote. Apparently they should just deal with it... Put in more effort because... I'm struggling here...
I do believe that Voter suppression is a real thing but I find it amazing that so many people are genuinely without an ID in this day and age. How does one. function without an ID in daily life. I have to use mine every week.

Voter suppression is a cruel act. But there should be a genuine push to get people with IDs. Politicians in my country will go through lengths to get a voters vote, they will make sure you have all documentation necessary and hire buses to carry people to the voting stations. People having a moan about not being able to get an ID is a crazy. How do people know you are who you say. If you lost a birth certificate or marriage certificate you need to replace them. All documents can be replaced. It's a hard job to do so because it should be. Just seems lazy to me.
Don't want to discuss this with you either. I challenge anyone to get a person who is not registered, to get off their backside, get proper ID's and then get registered to vote. If anyone can do that and show that they were blocked from voting, then I will stop posting on this topic.
I'm not sure anyone disagrees that once you have ID you can vote without issue, generally. All we are saying is that it is utter BS to require ID when there is 0 evidence that it results in voter fraud and countless evidence that it results in targeted voter suppression.
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