The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So Trump, under investigation over links with Russia, bans the US media from the White House so as to invite the Russian foreign minister to a meeting where upon he freely reveals classified intelligence information to him?

This genuinely is in 'couldn't make it up' territory.

I'm sorry, but as much as I can't stand Trump, Buzzfeed has no credibility, at all, from what I can gather.
I wonder what drama next week will bring. At this point, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Trump takes an unprecedented month vacation and spends it on Putin's super yacht. We'll all be saying "wow, I can't believe this is happening, you just couldn't write the script, it's beyond belief" and McConnell and Graham will release a joint statement saying that appointing a special prosecutor to head a totally bipartisan investigation is not the answer as it will slow down the current investigation.
:lol: If Putin's yacht provides an opportunity to play golf, that's a not too far fetched scenario. A month without golf would kill him.
fecking hell

The Sumatran Candidate

National security advisor's statement to be provided any minute. CNN is standing by (certainly others too).
I'm sorry, but as much as I can't stand Trump, Buzzfeed has no credibility, at all, from what I can gather.

For all their awful, dreadful clickbait, they've apparently actually got some decent journalism too.
The sad thing is this story cant be found anywhere on right wing media...which is all he and his supporters listen to.
Putin must be marveling at how easy this has been for him.
The top story of Faux News is about, you guessed it... Hillary Clinton.

No mention that I can see about Trump's stupidity.
I'm sorry, but as much as I can't stand Trump, Buzzfeed has no credibility, at all, from what I can gather.

WaPo with the original article, BuzzFeed sources verified it and The Times seem to trust it enough to run an article on it.
Hey, this is a subject I'm interested in. I'm sure many others are too.If you could be faffed, start a thread and throw some content in.

I've always wondered why the American voting system is seen to be so hard compared to normal countries. I've never had to put in any kind of genuine effort to vote in the U.K. Nor was it difficult to vote from overseas. Is the US system that min more difficult than "Be on the electoral roll, turn up and vote"?

I've had a lazy Google on occasion and gave up.
I'm interested but no expert. I'll give it a go soon.
As others have said, the system the founding fathers put in place didn't count on having a Congress and Senate made up of equally corrupt and morally bankrupt individuals who are members of what is effectively an organised crime unit.

Great reminder about the Israel story. I think they're very likely to be partner source, given their reputation in the "business".

And interestingly, my experience as a Brazilian is given me some precedents for what's currently going on in the US. Because I've pretty much said the same you did a few years ago, just applied to a different geography: Brazil copied the US constitution in spirit, but it wasn't written to handle a corrupt congress that will go along with anything the executive says.
Greg Miller, one of the WaPo guys who broke the story, is on CNN for those interested.
McMaster says story is false, re-iterating what he had released. Greg Miller on CNN insisting on the story being true because what McMaster debunked isn't what WaPo claimed.
McMaster as now come out refuting the story. Hope Washington Post as got this right or this could finish them
I'm turning my phone off tomorrow night at 9pm. I've got an AI exam at 9.30am and if all hell breaks loose in this thread again I'm screwed :lol It was hard enough last Wednesday with a 2pm exam after the Comey sacking :(
They broke the Steele dossier, no?
As far as I understood back then, they posted something as the truth before any of the claims they made stories based of was confirmed.
That, and their sjw and feminist agenda all over social media makes me skeptical about them from the start.
Mind, I'm not a anti-sjw or anti-feminist, but the ways it's gotten to (in general, including buzzfeed) has become more akin to propaganda in my eyes.
But as others pointed out, this wasn't done by buzzfeed, so I'll look for the proper article and read it. :)
McMaster as now come out refuting the story. Hope Washington Post as got this right or this could finish them
He refutes something the WaPo article doesn't claim.
I'm turning my phone off tomorrow night at 9pm. I've got an AI exam at 9.30am and if all hell breaks loose in this thread again I'm screwed :lol It was hard enough last Wednesday with a 2pm exam after the Comey sacking :(
They do?
I'll give it a read then.

Yeah they're fast picking up a reputation for investigative journalism. They have a large scope and seemingly a good buget too which certainly helps. They were co-founded by the WaPo owner IIRC which likely gives access to a strong network of independent journalists.
He refutes something the WaPo article doesn't claim.

Which says a lot. What is he refuting?

Edit - just seen:

Also, worth following Jaffy if you don't already, his finger is on the pulse and he minimises the bold claims and sensationalism.
For all their awful, dreadful clickbait, they've apparently actually got some decent journalism too.

Biggest issue is that they monetize every single element of their site to the Nth degree and then the good gets tarnished with the bad.

If they wanted to be taken seriously they need a change of tact. I'd tolerate a full screen splash ad if great investigative content and balanced reporting laid behind it. As it stands, their hit rate for content I want is around the 0.01% mark.

It remains a blocked site in my browser. Every now and then I'll take a look but I never see anything I can't get elsewhere in a better format.
Michelle Kolinski reporting from the State Department. She spoke to some officials, some of them senior officials. They were surprised not just by the story as such but that their boss had put out a public statement that they didn't know about, calling this odd.
State dept didnt even know a statement was released. This is so tasty. :lol:

CNN had to tell them
Dershowitz on CNN said legally there's nothing that can be done about him.

As McCain and other have said, it's his prerogative as the commander in chief to share intel with whomever he wants. If the President discusses it with someone he is essentially declassifying it.

They need to take a step back and see how absolutely mental it to think shrugging your shoulders and saying "well yeah it's up to him I guess" is. The damage this could cause to intelligence relationships around the world and not just whoever the victims of this leaking is. Now he's confirmed he can't be trusted, their task of acquiring more intelligence has just got 10 fold harder.
Which says a lot. What is he refuting?

Edit - just seen:

Also, worth following Jaffy if you don't already, his finger is on the pulse and he minimises the bold claims and sensationalism.

"The security of the american people"
Well,according to the article he is trying to debunk, it wasn't the security of the people, but the honor-system of intelligence sharing that was broken.

"The story that came out tonight, as reported, is false."
So it could be correct if they worded it differently?

"at no time was intelligence sources or methods discussed"
Again, according to the article it was sharing of information that wasn't the states to share that was the issue. That's neither a source or a method, but it's still a breach of international handling of intelligence, if what Washington Post says is right (haven't done any research on that). So we're back at him trying to debunk something that wasn't stated, as I think I saw someone else in here say.
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