The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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No you asked me. Wtf do you mean did I get things handed to me?

That post was not a response to you. Try reading it again. I did pose a question similar to that to you. Did you sit at home and get everything handed to you, or did you go out and do that yourself instead of blaming the system?
I see a lot of people are outraged by my comments about people needing to take responsibility for their own actions. People talking about voter suppression and stuff. Of course people might be turned away from voting if you don't have proper ID, that would be the right thing to do. People who are really bothered will actually get registered and get ID's. Anyone who is legally here in the US can get proper ID's if they supply the required documents. It's really not that hard if someone tries. There may be a few instances when someone's birth certificate might not be available, but it's not going to be in the millions.
I see a lot of people are outraged by my comments about people needing to take responsibility for their own actions. People talking about voter suppression and stuff. Of course people might be turned away from voting if you don't have proper ID, that would be the right thing to do. People who are really bothered will actually get registered and get ID's. Anyone who is legally here in the US can get proper ID's if they supply the required documents. It's really not that hard if someone tries. There may be a few instances when someone's birth certificate might not be available, but it's not going to be in the millions.

Based off several conversations I've had with citizens here (including some Caucasian and some African American) that simply isn't true and also varies HEAVILY state by state. Which state do you live in? That might explain why you think its easy / difficult
I see a lot of people are outraged by my comments about people needing to take responsibility for their own actions. People talking about voter suppression and stuff. Of course people might be turned away from voting if you don't have proper ID, that would be the right thing to do. People who are really bothered will actually get registered and get ID's. Anyone who is legally here in the US can get proper ID's if they supply the required documents. It's really not that hard if someone tries. There may be a few instances when someone's birth certificate might not be available, but it's not going to be in the millions.

In some states, being late on child support can get you arrested if you apply for a driving license renewal, which is proper ID. There's a dozen other such things like the state ID offices being far away from lower income neighborhoods, which work well for systemic suppression.
That post was not a response to you. Try reading it again. I did pose a question similar to that to you. Did you sit at home and get everything handed to you, or did you go out and do that yourself and then discover that it's maasively, horrendously gamed specifically against people like you?

Fixed it for you.
I see a lot of people are outraged by my comments about people needing to take responsibility for their own actions. People talking about voter suppression and stuff. Of course people might be turned away from voting if you don't have proper ID, that would be the right thing to do. People who are really bothered will actually get registered and get ID's. Anyone who is legally here in the US can get proper ID's if they supply the required documents. It's really not that hard if someone tries. There may be a few instances when someone's birth certificate might not be available, but it's not going to be in the millions.

Honestly, no point discussing it any further if you're not going to acknowledge the research that's been posted. You're ignoring actual facts.
I see a lot of people are outraged by my comments about people needing to take responsibility for their own actions. People talking about voter suppression and stuff. Of course people might be turned away from voting if you don't have proper ID, that would be the right thing to do. People who are really bothered will actually get registered and get ID's. Anyone who is legally here in the US can get proper ID's if they supply the required documents. It's really not that hard if someone tries. There may be a few instances when someone's birth certificate might not be available, but it's not going to be in the millions.
I think you really need to learn about what goes on outside your own District.

This would be a good place to start:

I see a lot of people are outraged by my comments about people needing to take responsibility for their own actions. People talking about voter suppression and stuff. Of course people might be turned away from voting if you don't have proper ID, that would be the right thing to do. People who are really bothered will actually get registered and get ID's. Anyone who is legally here in the US can get proper ID's if they supply the required documents. It's really not that hard if someone tries. There may be a few instances when someone's birth certificate might not be available, but it's not going to be in the millions.
Total BS right there. Take a look at these maps as an example. It is targeted suppression of the vote and nothing else.
Also, what does ID actually help with? A myth...
A recent study found that, since 2000, there were only 31 credible allegations of voter impersonation – the only type of fraud that photo IDs could prevent – during a period of time in which over 1 billion ballots were cast


I think you really need to learn about what goes on outside your own District.

This would be a good place to start:

just watched this.

where I live you need to be a registered voter and have ID. I don't know, it just seems normal. The problem I see in the video is that it's hard to get an ID for some people. This is what I think should change. In my country the government issues free national IDs and voter IDs.

Its easy to get. Even an illiterate grandma from the far reaches of the country side can easily obtain an ID to vote. I think it's a good idea to require ID. The method of getting one needs to be fixed
just watched this.

where I live you need to be a registered voter and have ID. I don't know, it just seems normal. The problem I see in the video is that it's hard to get an ID for some people. This is what I think should change. In my country the government issues free national IDs and voter IDs.

Its easy to get. Even an illiterate grandma from the far reaches of the country side can easily obtain an ID to vote. I think it's a good idea to require ID. The method of getting one needs to be fixed

I'd agree if there was any real need for ID in the first place, but there's not, 30 odd instances of voter impersonation out of a billion plus votes means this is not a problem. The obvious solution is to remove the need for a photo ID to vote.

There's also R's who have publicly acknowledged that these laws are intended for the sole purpose of helping the GOP by suppressing Dem votes. It's disgraceful.
I'd agree if there was any real need for ID in the first place, but there's not, 30 odd instances of voter impersonation out of a billion plus votes means this is not a problem. The obvious solution is to remove the need for a photo ID to vote.

There's also R's who have publicly acknowledged that these laws are intended for the sole purpose of helping the GOP by suppressing Dem votes. It's disgraceful.
I'm not very familiar with the US voting set up. But is it the case in places that don't require ID that any one can show up, state a name and vote?
I'm not very familiar with the US voting set up. But is it the case in places that don't require ID that any one can show up, state a name and vote?
You need to be registered but as I understand it yes, you give your name and address.
That post was not a response to you. Try reading it again. I did pose a question similar to that to you. Did you sit at home and get everything handed to you, or did you go out and do that yourself instead of blaming the system?

Blaming the system? The system is rigged to feck these people over. Many who cant afford to take off work to either get an ID or vote. Voting should be on a weekend day. The system is set up to disenfranchise a certain section or race.
You need to be registered but as I understand it yes, you give your name and address.
wow. That's stunning to me. It may not be an issue now but I can see where it could become one. It's amazing that no one ever tried some mass voter fraud with it so seemingly easy to steel someone's vote. I think the reason why politicians want to require ID is politically motivated to help their party. But to me it just seems odd that requiring an ID isn't necessary. I also find it Odd that people don't think it necessary to require some sort of identification. This is quite shocking to me. I must tell you.
Total BS right there. Take a look at these maps as an example. It is targeted suppression of the vote and nothing else.
Also, what does ID actually help with? A myth...
A recent study found that, since 2000, there were only 31 credible allegations of voter impersonation – the only type of fraud that photo IDs could prevent – during a period of time in which over 1 billion ballots were cast


While I don't believe what Trump is saying about the numbers of voting fraud I don't see the problem in showing an ID when voting, basically every civilized country requires a photo ID to vote except this country, that's time to the minorities to move forward and blend with the rest of the country, the Italians and Irish did it and they can do it as well.
Texas is gigantic, and the southwest desert-(semi) arid regions barely's no surprise the black dots land where they do.

I'm on the same side regarding this debate, but stats (like with sports) have to be taken in context. If anything, the first picture is more damning.
While I don't believe what Trump is saying about the numbers of voting fraud I don't see the problem in showing an ID when voting, basically every civilized country requires a photo ID to vote except this country, that's time to the minorities to move forward and blend with the rest of the country, the Italians and Irish did it and they can do it as well.
wow. That's stunning to me. It may not be an issue now but I can see where it could become one. It's amazing that no one ever tried some mass voter fraud with it so seemingly easy to steel someone's vote. I think the reason why politicians want to require ID is politically motivated to help their party. But to me it just seems odd that requiring an ID isn't necessary. I also find it Odd that people don't think it necessary to require some sort of identification. This is quite shocking to me. I must tell you.

While I don't believe what Trump is saying about the numbers of voting fraud I don't see the problem in showing an ID when voting, basically every civilized country requires a photo ID to vote except this country, that's time to the minorities to move forward and blend with the rest of the country, the Italians and Irish did it and they can do it as well.

We don't need photo ID here in the UK. Yet, anyway.
Texas is gigantic, and the southwest desert-(semi) arid regions barely's no surprise the black dots land where they do.

I'm on the same side regarding this debate, but stats (like with sports) have to be taken in context. If anything, the first picture is more damning.
Agreed. But the fact remains. Those near the small dots, predominantly black/Hispanic, get screwed by requiring ID.
You guys will start in 2018 with Photo ID in some areas, but UK don't require a national ID card I think.
Which is an issue in itself, but nothing to do with the fact that voter ID laws in the US are politically motivated voter suppression tactics from the GOP.
I just don't understand why DNC allocate more money to make sure minorities get voter id's. That's the only way you can reverse local elections going to Republicans. Difficulties are well documented, Republicans are obstructionist and have no inclination to change. Instead of hoping for Supreme Court intervention, they should meet fire with fire and engage in a massive countrywide voter id scheme to get all the minorities set up for state and voter id's. That should swing the election forever in their favor. It's a risk worth taking.

Just so fed up of this constant debate of 'there is no voter fraud', 'only because you didn't look for it', 'but I have stats to prove', 'There are about 3 million dead people registered to vote', 'Even Bannon was registered in two states' etc.
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