The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Did not pose that question to you, but if you want, you can answer it if you don't like what i wrote. Did you get things handed to you, or did you go and get things you wanted in life?
The GOP have tried to prevent anyone voting against them from voting for decades. Any excuse. They are an absolute disgrace and will go to any level needed.. whatever it takes to win. It has nothing to do with sitting on your arse being given things. Then add on gerrymandering that in effect makes actual votes useless.

Yet again John is bang on and makes a great point that many have unsurprisingly missed in this Trump shitstorm. Trump is destroying environmental laws and ripping up protection orders and I think his next phase is going to be allowing permits for drilling and mining and fracking all over the place. Just watch this space.....

It already is going on all over the place, and was under Obama. The only difference is it'll be a more streamlined process to get through the BLM.

The Sauds are the ones holding the keys to the increase US oil production, and China the increase in coal production. Supply/demand/cost...has little to do with Trump if anything at all.
I don't want him to leave. I like the Last Word.


I'm sure he has a republican lined up to take that slot. I miss the days of Oberman, Schultz and the rotation during the afternoon with real progressive voices. Apart from Joy Reid and Chris Matthews (on a good day) there is no one else that calls out bullshit. Maddow is fantastic in a 60 minutes way but no republican goes on her show because they would be humiliated with facts. The tax return soured her a bit for me but she is still a stellar network journalist.
Did not pose that question to you, but if you want, you can answer it if you don't like what i wrote. Did you get things handed to you, or did you go and get things you wanted in life?
Voting is a civil right not a privilege. You seem oblivious to what it takes to obtain an id for a portion of the electorate which makes you ignorant to the struggle of people to exercise their constitutional civic duty. It's not about getting up of the fecking couch. It's about having the right documents to obtain an id. Making people jump through hoops in the hope that they will give up is the exact regulation that conservatives foam at the mouth over. It's about taking away the bi-yearly routine that hundreds of thousands of citizens have undertaken their whole adult life by limiting early voting and reducing voting locations.
Hopefully Twitler fans will directly be affected.

The might well be the first time ever I agree with Rand Paul.

Look at this weapon.

Christ, I've spent a grand total of about 8 weeks of my life in the US and even I know that the founding fathers created an entire system to ensure the president was NOT a CEO style figure, and if he is, its broken.

I wonder just what was in the republic files that were stolen the same time as the dem ones that makes them do this to themselves.

Yeah, its actually quite scary when you think about it. Never mind the GOP, they would seemingly harvest their families organs if it meant they could stay in power.

What is scary is there are still a lot of regular people supporting him, despite his whole presidency being a clown car sprinkled with corruption and the man himself having about as much charisma as a spray tanned turd

The might well be the first time ever I agree with Rand Paul.

Jesus, a Republican making sense on the the issue of mandatory minimums and drug policy?!

I thought they all called this standpoint "soft on crime" and used it for attack ads?
If a person is registered to vote, has proper ID, then there is no way anyone can stop them from voting. For reasons why they are not registered, or they do not have proper ID's, then I have a controversial opinion which will irate people, but lets just say, no one is going to come to their homes and get that ready for them. Same as if they don't have a job or an education, people need to take responsibility for their own situation.

Ghagua, follow the point you're implying in this post and don't be lazy yourself - make the effort to find out about vote suppression. There's ample evidence, even in this thread. You're going down a "welfare queens" route if you're implying the only reason is lack of effort. It's not, it's because certain republicans are foaming at the mouth to stop minorities from voting. If you continue to ignore this, you're going to come across as a WUM. The current incumbent actually lost by 3m votes!! While not strictly gerrymandering, what more of an illustration do you need that there is unfairness built into the system?
Look at this weapon.

Doesn't surprise me that she'd say something like that. Just look at her 2011 removal of Darla Moore from the Board of Trustees at the University of South Carolina (whose business school is named the Darla Moore School of Business)
Ghagua, follow the point you're implying in this post and don't be lazy yourself - make the effort to find out about vote suppression. There's ample evidence, even in this thread. You're going down a "welfare queens" route if you're implying the only reason is lack of effort. It's not, it's because certain republicans are foaming at the mouth to stop minorities from voting. If you continue to ignore this, you're going to come across as a WUM. The current incumbent actually lost by 3m votes!! While not strictly gerrymandering, what more of an illustration do you need that there is unfairness built into the system?
Both convicts and ex convicts are also in many states banned from voting. A human rights violation towards millions of citizens.
People like that Claude bloke are bad, clearly chatting shit and it infects the substantial allegations against Trump, allowing rightwing bellends to write it all off as bollocks.

This particular rumour does sound too good to be true. You'd think this kind of thing (Trump having a sealed indictment) would be kept really secretive and not getting leaked out.
Ghagua, follow the point you're implying in this post and don't be lazy yourself - make the effort to find out about vote suppression. There's ample evidence, even in this thread. You're going down a "welfare queens" route if you're implying the only reason is lack of effort. It's not, it's because most republicans are foaming at the mouth to stop minorities from voting. If you continue to ignore this, you're going to come across as a WUM. The current incumbent actually lost by 3m votes!! While not strictly gerrymandering, what more of an illustration do you need that there is unfairness built into the system?

Another example, Washington DC, with a population of around 700,000 which is about the same as N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Alaska, Delaware, Vermont, and Wyoming, gets no senators. Used to be about 70% black now around 50%. Clinton got 91% of the vote there.
Another example, Washington DC, with a population of around 700,000 which is about the same as N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Alaska, Delaware, Vermont, and Wyoming, gets no senators. Used to be about 70% black now around 50%. Clinton got 91% of the vote there.
DC statehood seems unlikely in the foreseeable future unfortunately.
Yep. I was hoping a dem win in 2016 would have made it possible. Uphill battle now.

I'm not sure even the Dems would have made it a priority to be honest. Perhaps if they had both houses as well but even then I don't think it's particularly popular nationwide is it?
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