The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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People like that Claude bloke are bad, clearly chatting shit and it infects the substantial allegations against Trump, allowing rightwing bellends to write it all off as bollocks.
Nikki Haley .The woman who Trump said:
"Does everybody like Nikki?" Trump asked the assembled ambassadors as Haley sat by his side. Amid laughter Trump added: "Otherwise, she can easily be replaced."
Watch your back Nikki
Christ, I've spent a grand total of about 8 weeks of my life in the US and even I know that the founding fathers created an entire system to ensure the president was NOT a CEO style figure, and if he is, its broken.

I wonder just what was in the republic files that were stolen the same time as the dem ones that makes them do this to themselves.
I still tend towards the "yes you can punch Richard Spencer" end of the spectrum if I'm honest.

This is what winning a battle but losing the war looks like. If the grandparents of any of these cnuts had fought in the 2nd world war, they'd be rolling in their graves right now seeing the very ideology they fought to banish be revived by their own successors. I feel ashamed to associate this movement with America.
This is what winning a battle but losing the war looks like. If the grandparents of any of these cnuts had fought in the 2nd world war, they'd be rolling in their graves right now seeing the very ideology they fought to banish be revived by their own successors. I feel ashamed to associate this movement with America.

Damn right!
This is what winning a battle but losing the war looks like. If the grandparents of any of these cnuts had fought in the 2nd world war, they'd be rolling in their graves right now seeing the very ideology they fought to banish be revived by their own successors. I feel ashamed to associate this movement with America.
The same grandparents who had all the black folk form their own units?

Jesus would be so proud. :rolleyes:

Whenever I hear of/see Liberty mentioned I refer to Sir Richard Dawkins quip...

"If it's really true that the museum at Liberty University has dinosaur fossils which are labeled as being 3,000 years old, then that is an educational disgrace. It is debauching the whole idea of a university, and I would strongly encourage any members of Liberty University who may be here, to leave and go to a proper university."
Any opinions on whether the Zembla documentary will have any effect on 45?

Just watched the two parts they've released thus far and it confirms he's a crooked fecker with very, very crooked friends at the very least.

I suppose the average Joe won't find out exactly what the investigations know but if it's anything like this stuff Trump and his cohorts are going away forever.
Well, it was a quiet weekend on the Trump front. All set now for a hail of distraction tweets next week if Comey has an open hearing.

He already had an open hearing a few weeks back, being a private citizen won't change anything he's going to have the same answers in a public setting. "Answering that either way would reveal the existence or non-existence of classified documents".

It'll just be the same tired crap with an army of GOP leaders drilling him on who the hell has been snitching on their criminal activities.
He already had an open hearing a few weeks back, being a private citizen won't change anything he's going to have the same answers in a public setting. "Answering that either way would reveal the existence or non-existence of classified documents".

It'll just be the same tired crap with an army of GOP leaders drilling him on who the hell has been snitching on their criminal activities.

At the very least, he'll be asked the question "Did you assure Trump 3 times that he's not under investigation?". I think there's mileage in another hearing for sure.

Yet again John is bang on and makes a great point that many have unsurprisingly missed in this Trump shitstorm. Trump is destroying environmental laws and ripping up protection orders and I think his next phase is going to be allowing permits for drilling and mining and fracking all over the place. Just watch this space.....
The CEO analogy is flawed in that in the real world CEO's answer to their shareholders.

Drumpf is seemingly bring held accountable to nobody.
The CEO analogy is flawed in that in the real world CEO's answer to their shareholders.

Drumpf is seemingly bring held accountable to nobody.
The Shareholders would be congress rebulicans. They dont care as long as they get what they want which would be keystone , tax cuts , no aca , amongst other things.
The CEO analogy is flawed in that in the real world CEO's answer to their shareholders.

Drumpf is seemingly bring held accountable to nobody.

Worse, CEO analogy makes it seem like he fired his CFO for bringing to the attention of the shareholders that he's been lining his own pocket. That doesn't sound the slightest bit suspicious :D
The Shareholders would be congress rebulicans. They dont care as long as they get what they want which would be keystone , tax cuts , no aca , amongst other things.

The 'shareholders' in the analogy should be the American people, who are being lied to over and over.

Basically a breach of his analogous fidoucheiary responsibility.

Worse, CEO analogy makes it seem like he fired his CFO for bringing to the attention of the shareholders that he's been lining his own pocket. That doesn't sound the slightest bit suspicious :D

Corruption is his middle name.
Unbelievable. Care to comment on gerrymandering?

Did not pose that question to you, but if you want, you can answer it if you don't like what i wrote. Did you get things handed to you, or did you go and get things you wanted in life?
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