The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Wow I didn't even know this thread existed. Working in the news business, I'll probably stay away since I'm subjected to Trump everyday at work.
Bannon's days are numbered.
If everybody continues to insinuate that Bannon makes the decisions we will see an acrimonious split between them ending in a public firing for Bannon. This will then lead to scathing articles on the Trump administration. Guaranteed Breitbart will bring down Trump faster then the celebrity whores, CNN and MSNBC, and the respected print media.
Tweet from the US ambassador to Qatar:

This really is hugely significant. US policy has been all about spreading the idea of freedom, democracy and all. The world is watching the nutjob blow that whole idea for a row of shitcans.
I love Colbert. And I enjoyed the Daily Show more when both were on.. Bloody hell... I don't think the world appreciated TDS+TCR enough when they were on air.
@Carolina Red

A great, catchy way to describe the hypocritical good Christians I was trying to describe to you some days ago.

If everybody continues to insinuate that Bannon makes the decisions we will see an acrimonious split between them ending in a public firing for Bannon. This will then lead to scathing articles on the Trump administration. Guaranteed Breitbart will bring down Trump faster then the celebrity whores, CNN and MSNBC, and the respected print media.
Without doubt. I'm sure trump is the kind of guy that can't sleep when he hears something he doesn't like.
This. Can't. Be. Real. Is there a competition going on in the administration / GOP who tweets the most ridiculous tweets?


Incredible that it's so few. Not surprising tho...

Could be that a lot of them are cowards and are not backing this because they dont to go against Trump and GOP leadership. I do think though if we get to like a dozen or so members calling for a independent investigation, then they'll jump on the bandwagon.

Some of them may see it too risky to back it if there's only a handful, which leaves them more vulnerable to being singled out by the GOP and the Trump supporters.
The GOP are only there for the betterment of themselves and their lobby. America will only move forward when the voters realise this.
I love Colbert. And I enjoyed the Daily Show more when both were on.. Bloody hell... I don't think the world appreciated TDS+TCR enough when they were on air.
I did say right after the election that the outcome would have been different with them on tv. They really highlighted the stupidity of DC and were very fair in their criticism of both sides.
Wasn't this guy supposed to be the future of the Republican party?
Until he hit the bottle.
For all Trump's ridiculous flaws, he's really shown up his fellow politicians for what they truly are.
For all Trump's ridiculous flaws, he's really shown up his fellow politicians for what they truly are.
I was particularly disappointed by two people: Mitt Romney (given his sharp critique of Trump a year ago) and Nikki Haley (who seemed to contradict everything that Trump said during the campaign). And yet, when he won, they both ran to him for a job! Up to that point, Haley looked to me as a promising figure. She should've waited, and I'm confident that her time for a national-level job would've come.
I was particularly disappointed by two people: Mitt Romney (given his sharp critique of Trump a year ago) and Nikki Haley (who seemed to contradict everything that Trump said during the campaign). And yet, when he won, they both ran to him for a job! Up to that point, Haley looked to me as a promising figure. She should've waited, and I'm confident that her time for a national-level job would've come.
Haley is well on her way to the big-time. She's already the de facto SoS.
As much as I want to see him impeached and jailed ASAP, given the choice (if I could be guaranteed the damage he will cause is kept to a minimum) I think I'd rather this absolute comedy show is dragged out for 18 months and the American public recognise what Steve is saying about the GOP House and Senate and they get absolutely devastated in the mid-terms.

If it flipped to a D-Majority it would be absolutely hilarious watching him get blocked at every turn like they did to Obama. It would also be great to see the huge resources they'd allocate into a thorough Russian investigation.
As much as I want to see him impeached and jailed ASAP, given the choice (if I could be guaranteed the damage he will cause is kept to a minimum) I think I'd rather this absolute comedy show is dragged out for 18 months and the American public recognise what Steve is saying about the GOP House and Senate and they get absolutely devastated in the mid-terms.

If it flipped to a D-Majority it would be absolutely hilarious watching him get blocked at every turn like they did to Obama. It would also be great to see the huge resources they'd allocate into a thorough Russian investigation.

That's a bit too much to ask for at the moment. The ONLY way that is going to happen is if the people who could not give a feck in the last election, get registered, get identification, and actually give two fecks go out and vote. I heard too many people on here making excuses for those that did not vote, saying that they are too busy to get registered, or get proper identifications. As if elections happen overnight without any warnings.
That's a bit too much to ask for at the moment. The ONLY way that is going to happen is if the people who could not give a feck in the last election, get registered, get identification, and actually give two fecks go out and vote. I heard too many people on here making excuses for those that did not vote, saying that they are too busy to get registered, or get proper identifications. As if elections happen overnight without any warnings.
Did you miss the part where Republicans are deliberately restricting the votes of minorities and the poor? Other than that I kind of agree with you...
Please tell me how?
Gerrymandering. Voter ID laws intentionally targeted against minorities: they'll deny this, but it's easy to spot. I think one of them accidentally admitted their intent at a speech a while back. I'd have to look it up...
For all Trump's ridiculous flaws, he's really shown up his fellow politicians for what they truly are.

Thats a good point. I do wonder though if the GOP voter base truly will be affected by this, and honestly i think a lot of them won't. Most of these people have voted republican all their lives (despite it not being in their own best interest) and they will keep on voting republican no matter what

Just the fact that Trump won speaks volumes. Everyone could see he was going to be a disaster, but they still voted for him
Full Trump interview here.

He's insistent on getting rid of the daily press conferences.
Full Trump interview here.

He's insistent on getting rid of the daily press conferences.

The only thing we'll lose is the entertainment value. The thing is so full of lies and inaccuracies.
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