The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I think he was as he had the Supremacy Clause on his side, but on a personal level, that situation had two of the most odious individuals in the United States going at it with one another.

Some highlights from the interview...
"[Jackson] was a very tough person but he had a big heart"

"[Jackson] was angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said, there's no reason for this"

"People don't realize, you know, the Civil War... if you think about it... why could that one not have been worked out?"

1) Jackson instituted a genocide against multiple Native tribes and owned slaves

2) Jackson would never have thought anything like that as he died 16 years before the war started and almost started a civil war himself as president

3) It couldn't be "worked out" because the South didn't want it to be.

Odious is putting it lightly :lol:

Excellent summary of the rest of Trump's bullshit.

Historians' perspectives on whether the Civil War could have been avoided. Refreshing change from Drumpf.
Would love to know which of these compromises Trump thinks was worth a go

In the midst of the secession crisis of the winter of 1860-61, many compromise proposals emerged in Congress and the press. As early as December, 1860, after South Carolina had seceded, all manner of ideas were floated publicly to save the Union: replacing the presidency with an executive council representing regions of the country; a new national police to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act; and a new kind of "gag rule" barring any form of legislation about slavery whatsoever. The "Crittenden Compromise" plan in Washington, named for Kentuckian, John J. Crittenden, offered various ideas for Constitutional amendments that would prevent the federal government from ever abolishing slavery in any government jurisdiction, prevent any interference in the domestic slave trade, or extend the Missouri Compromise Line to the Pacific Ocean. Ideas also floated in the air for removal and colonization of free blacks outside America's borders. Stephen Douglass even proposed a new "Sedition" bill to criminalize speeches and publications against slavery.

Reading how the founders treated the issue of slavery soured my view on most of them, particularly Jefferson.
Would love to know which of these compromises Trump thinks was worth a go

Reading how the founders treated the issue of slavery soured my view on most of them, particularly Jefferson.

I recall my history books hailing the likes of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster for coming up with all sorts of deals to keep the Union together... in retrospect they just bent over and let the South have their way with them.

Also recall seeing a picture of Calhoun Preston Brooks mercilessly beating Sumner (an abolitionist Senator who probably doesn't get enough credit) on the floor of the Senate. Interesting times those were, especially looking through modern lens.
Trump invites Philippines' Duterte to the White House

President Donald Trump invited his polarizing Philippines counterpart to the White House during a phone call in which the two leaders discussed North Korea.
Trump and President Rodrigo Duterte had a "friendly discussion" Saturday that also addressed regional security in Southeast Asia and the Philippines' drug war, the White House said in a statement.
Fatal stabbing at UT - Austin - probably should be a new thread...but, meh

1 dead, 3 injured - suspect has been caught.

Commerce Secretary Ross: "Just as dessert was being served, the president explained to Mr. Xi he had something he wanted to tell him, which was the launching of 59 missiles into Syria. It was in lieu of after-dinner entertainment ... The thing was, it didn’t cost the president anything to have that entertainment.”
This is another one of those things he's just found out, isn't it?
This is another one of those things he's just found out, isn't it?
He'll have been stewing about it all day since one of the staff told him why people were laughing at him :lol:

I think he does need to be nailed down about how Jackson would've stopped it as well. I'm interested to know how he thinks the southern slaveholder with a history of brutality toward non-whites would've done so, and what the result of this would've been. Very interested.

This is another one of those things he's just found out, isn't it?

Yup, he realised he fecked up badly and is taking a load of shit for it so he comes out with this to cover his ass. He really is the most pathetic excuse for a man. To quote him, it's actually really quite SAD! to see.
He'll have been stewing about it all day since one of the staff told him why people were laughing at him :lol:

I think he does need to be nailed down about how Jackson would've stopped it as well. I'm interested to know how he thinks the southern slaveholder with a history of brutality toward non-whites would've done so, and what the result of this would've been. Very interested.

I would love it if no one asked anything about it, then, mid 2018, with all other question being about midterms, someone asked him a detailed question about the merits of Jackson and the deal he would have signed.
This is another one of those things he's just found out, isn't it?
'Nobody knew American history is that difficult. NOBODY!'

Replying to @realDonaldTrump

Mark Pygas @MarkPygas

Replying to @realDonaldTrumpScrew the tax returns. Release your elementary school report card!


I wouldn't trust any school report card, they were most likely all faked because Daddy paid them to be faked. Not in a million years had this laughing stock of a president passed one single test.
Care to share?

Edit: right now, I'm reading #trumpteacheshistory responses on twitter

I've been reading the comments on Bill Mitchell's tweets and Trump's posts too. I'm starting to understand just how badly they hate the Planned Parenthood programme and how much they want it's funding removed. They've taken it very personally and a few are starting to waiver on Trump's ability to deliver. Of course, it's also galvanised an area of the support in opposition of Paul Ryan and the Dems. Hasn't Trump historically supported pro-choice? Is this an opportunity for him to make a call he genuinely believes in and retain funding for PP rather than what his supporters want and have the blame attributed to Ryan or am I thinking too much in to it?

I'll collate some of my favourites and post later!
I've been reading the comments on Bill Mitchell's tweets and Trump's posts too. I'm starting to understand just how badly they hate the Planned Parenthood programme and how much they want it's funding removed. They've taken it very personally and a few are starting to waiver on Trump's ability to deliver. Of course, it's also galvanised an area of the support in opposition of Paul Ryan and the Dems. Hasn't Trump historically supported pro-choice? Is this an opportunity for him to make a call he genuinely believes in and retain funding for PP rather than what his supporters want and have the blame attributed to Ryan or am I thinking too much in to it?

I'll collate some of my favourites and post later!

He just doesn't give a feck. He was pro-choice when it was good for his publicity as a network television person, he was against choice when he needed the bible belt to be elected president. Now he needed a budget, this budget is the result of him having no principles at all.
I've been reading the comments on Bill Mitchell's tweets and Trump's posts too. I'm starting to understand just how badly they hate the Planned Parenthood programme and how much they want it's funding removed. They've taken it very personally and a few are starting to waiver on Trump's ability to deliver. Of course, it's also galvanised an area of the support in opposition of Paul Ryan and the Dems. Hasn't Trump historically supported pro-choice? Is this an opportunity for him to make a call he genuinely believes in and retain funding for PP rather than what his supporters want and have the blame attributed to Ryan or am I thinking too much in to it?

I'll collate some of my favourites and post later!

Bill Mitchell has to be Trumps biggest arse-licker. He seems to back Trump regardless of what he does and thinks Trump is playing "4d chess" all the time.
Bill Mitchell has to be Trumps biggest arse-licker. He seems to back Trump regardless of what he does and thinks Trump is playing "4d chess" all the time.
Yep. He's gone 180 on Bannon now that it looks like he's not going anywhere and is now telling folks to "not think linear, think strategic" when looking at the omnibus bill.
I would love it if no one asked anything about it, then, mid 2018, with all other question being about midterms, someone asked him a detailed question about the merits of Jackson and the deal he would have signed.
Who are we kidding, he'd just blather on about a "big beautiful deal that everyone including the slaves would love" and his support would probably lap it up.
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