The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yeah but worryingly it says they're wanting to put him in some other department. He'll end up the head of ICE or something just to tickle his fascist fancy
That can't be ruled out but perhaps he'll get the job as ambassador in Hungary or something like that where the harm he can cause is limited.


It works on at least three levels too.... GOP mega-obstruction of recent years, owning the house and senate and still not being able to pass legislation, his own dealmaker mythology etc etc

I sincerely hope he is buying twitter likes. Otherwise I can't bear the thought of 75,000 literate people buying that bullshit of a tweet.
Budget Deal out:

No Funding Cuts for Planned Parenthood
No Money For Deportation Force
No Federal Cuts to Sanctuary Cities
No Funding for Border Wall Construction
Budget Deal out:

No Funding Cuts for Planned Parenthood
No Money For Deportation Force
No Federal Cuts to Sanctuary Cities
No Funding for Border Wall Construction

That's going to lose him a lot of support.
Budget Deal out:

No Funding Cuts for Planned Parenthood
No Money For Deportation Force
No Federal Cuts to Sanctuary Cities
No Funding for Border Wall Construction
How will the deplorables react?
Think he was great to be honest.

The; "Has anyone seen Steve Bannon? I cannot see Steve Bannon. I can not see Steve Bannon. I can Nazi Steve Bannon. Nazi Steve Bannon" roll out was genius.

Exactly. I thought he was dying out there but realised the material was genius - made all the better by the good old white folk trying not to let the 'minority' win. By calling them all the minority was the final insult. :D
Budget Deal out:

No Funding Cuts for Planned Parenthood
No Money For Deportation Force
No Federal Cuts to Sanctuary Cities
No Funding for Border Wall Construction

And increased funding for NIH!

Also included...
- funding for Puerto Rico Medicaid
- funding for alt. Energy research
- year round Pell grants

Good stuff.

What did he get then? 1.5b for border protection and an increased military budget is all I've seen mentioned.
Bill Mitchell's twitter is in glorious meltdown. Apparently Trump "let" this budget through to get rid of Ryan :D
He's the greatest of true believers. When Trump loses Bill Mitchell, it'll be over :lol:
His lack of knowledge sometimes is genuinely stunning

His lack of knowledge sometimes is genuinely stunning

He talks like he just sat down with Andrew Jackson over a Coca Cola the day before. I bet they discussed Frederick Douglas, he is getting more respect and is very popular these days, very bad.
I imagine if Bill or Ted grew up to be a right wing loon there would be no difference between them and our current president. By far the dumbest shit I have heard from an elected official in my life. Bush was stupid but that was more of him getting confused while deflecting and trying to sound tough. Trump is just fecking out there on his own.
I have serious issues about him inviting Duterte to the people's house and everyone needs to get in the faces of their representatives like they did with health care to stop this guy inviting a person who is essentially a crime boss to the White House. If this asshole wants to hang out with murderers let him go to their house, not ours.
By the way people, isn't it time we started fat shaming this fecker. He has no problem doing it other people so maybe we should give him a taste of his own medicine.
If conservatives aren't concerned about this guy getting an invite from their president then I truly believe they are on the path to fascism, and will embrace it while calling moderates and progressives fascists.
I was at a republican fundraiser last week and they had a blessing from a prominent pastor in the district. What I heard was absolutely shocking. He basically prayed to God to guide them in their hate for the "other" while insinuating that the Constitution is nothing compared to gods law. A typical charlatan that mentions Jesus a hundred times an hour but in the context of the Old Testament. Isn't it time to hold their feet against the fire? Love and inclusion or hate and exclusion, you can't preach both. We need an age of elected representatives that will speak out against the hypocrisy of these con men. Even the con man in chief Pope Frank ( who I think is anti religion or even agnostic, that's why I like him ) is calling out for a reality check.
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