The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I really can't take him seriously anymore. He could nuke the entirety of the Western world and I'd still fecking struggle to take him seriously.:lol:
A lot of these supporters see themselves as Trump supporters rather than Republican
Since the man proves his stupidity every single time he opens his mouth I wish there was a way to get him to do more of these one on one interviews. Eventually even the most hardcore supporters would realize that he's not fit to be anywhere near the White House.
Since the man proves his stupidity every single time he opens his mouth I wish there was a way to get him to do more of these one on one interviews. Eventually even the most hardcore supporters would realize that he's not fit to be anywhere near the White House.

I'd love to share your optimism mate but I don't think it would make a difference. Trump is not President, nor is he a member of the Republican or even Democratic party. Trump is a cult leader and his supporters are brainwashed like they would be if the followed any other cult leader. They are all conspiracy theorists too and it's scary as hell that they are so deluded that they cannot see reality.
I genuinely don't understand his tweets. Are they meant to be interpreted literally?
I'd love to share your optimism mate but I don't think it would make a difference. Trump is not President, nor is he a member of the Republican or even Democratic party. Trump is a cult leader and his supporters are brainwashed like they would be if the followed any other cult leader. They are all conspiracy theorists too and it's scary as hell that they are so deluded that they cannot see reality.
I was going to say the majority of his support are just as thick... By I'll go with what you just said.
Watch Republicans win more seats midterm :nervous::(
I won't be surprised if that happens.

Republicans are good at getting elected, but not good at governing. Democrats are better at governing, but not good at getting elected (in midterm elections, that's partly because Democrats do not storm the voting booths).
Kushner has business ties with George Soros, of all people. I'm sure that'll piss off some Trump supporters.:lol:
Sounds like Mick is talking shit, covering his boss' ass.

It is a sign of our times that the strongest calls for shutting down the federal government, its offices and its programs and to hell with the citizenry for the duration is coming from the current residents of the White House. After Trump tweeted that "our country needs a good shutdown in September," he got backup this morning from his own budget chief. That's right, now Trump budget director Mick Mulvaney is mewing that shutting down the government in September rather than funding things Trump doesn't want to fund is a "defensible position." Not just that, but:

It's entirely probable that Trump himself was bluffing. He doesn't care about the budget, and he doesn't care whether the government shuts down or not. He just wants to do whatever makes him, personally, look good and as usual that means taking to Twitter to carp about how he didn't really get his ass handed to him by the negotiators of the present budget deal, and even if he did just you wait because next time he'll win for sure.

But we should presume Mick Mulvaney, for his part, means it. The administration's top budget voice indeed sounds pretty comfortable with the notion of yet another government shutdown, for the sake of the same far-right budget demands that caused the last one.

We've gotten used to the notion that a sitting presidential administration would, regardless of any other faults, at least treat the job of managing the United States government as a serious endeavor. Now that, too, has changed. The arsonists are now staffing the fire department.
Odious is putting it lightly :lol:

Excellent summary of the rest of Trump's bullshit.

I was skimming through this thread and I thought "Wow, did Trump say "odious"? That's like 2 syllables more than normal."

I should have known. Deep down, I think I did.
Hmm... ... this guy doesn't like ol' Mick. The below exert seems quite clear today.

When he ran for head of the Republican Study Committee, a group of the most ideological conservatives in Congress, this was offered as a point against him. Rep. Bill Flores of Texas said “he thinks Mulvaney and [Texas Rep. Louis] Gohmert would naturally operate in a more ‘combative manner,’ and said, ‘I don’t think it does any good to stand up and beat your chest and say you’re only going to go with the most conservative vision.’” Another aide to a GOP Congressman put it more bluntly, talking about Mulvaney’s House Freedom Caucus, established in 2015 after the RSC proved not to be right-wing enough for him: “They’re not legislators, they’re just assholes … These guys have such a minority mindset that the prospect of getting something done just scares them away, or pisses them off.”
The Face the Nation interview and the extra bit in the Oval Office are scary and hilarious at the same time.
@MrMarcello - just think... Mulvaney replaced democrat chairman of the house budget committee, John Spratt, in SC's 5th District.

Spratt was the last in a line of Democrat representatives from the 5th district stretching back to at least 1964 (stopped counting there because of the party flip flop)
He'll have been stewing about it all day since one of the staff told him why people were laughing at him :lol:

I think he does need to be nailed down about how Jackson would've stopped it as well. I'm interested to know how he thinks the southern slaveholder with a history of brutality toward non-whites would've done so, and what the result of this would've been. Very interested.

That's been the problem all along and we see the result when he tells the CBS reporter that he's done. You can't actually nail him down on anything.

Either he stops it or the person trying doesn't continue to press him, perhaps because they know he'll try and pop his own ball before taking it home.
He just can't help himself...

(CNN)President Donald Trump, in a series of late night tweets on Tuesday, both revisited his 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton and seemingly slammed the judgment of his own FBI director.

"FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign," Trump wrote in a series of messages.

(For the record, that was sent over 2 tweets which took him at least 15 minutes to type)
He just can't help himself...

(CNN)President Donald Trump, in a series of late night tweets on Tuesday, both revisited his 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton and seemingly slammed the judgment of his own FBI director.

"FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign," Trump wrote in a series of messages.

(For the record, that was sent over 2 tweets which took him at least 15 minutes to type)

Looks like fake news CNN is going to war on Donnie.
He just can't help himself...

(CNN)President Donald Trump, in a series of late night tweets on Tuesday, both revisited his 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton and seemingly slammed the judgment of his own FBI director.

"FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign," Trump wrote in a series of messages.

(For the record, that was sent over 2 tweets which took him at least 15 minutes to type)

Seems a Religious Liberty executive order is to be signed shortly...and many rights groups are already ready with the lawsuit. Will T get anything done? :lol:

If it reaches the Supreme Court, I'd guess it would go through. Religious exemptions to employers under Obamacare were upheld, for example.
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