The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Buzzfeed currently running a story about an investigation into a bankrupcy lawyer who received a phone call telling him that if he kept fecking with Trump, the guy would pay a visit to his wife and kids. :nervous:

The phone call came from a phone box across the street from where Trump was at the time apparently..
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Isn't time to change the title of this thread? You know, replace the word "presidency" by something more accurate?

They're only called by alternative names cause they comprise of a bunch of white men. Change their skin color and you'd see the difference in reaction in the media, law enforcement and the general population. Don't worry though, according to them there isn't such a thing as white privilege. I asked someone in Florida (while on vacation) a simple question: If you saw 500 white guys walking down the street with a whole lot of firearms, holding the American flag with a large copy of the 2nd Amendment would that be okay?...They said yes. I then asked if those same 500 men were men of colour; either Hispanic or black and they tried to explain to me that that would also be okay, even though it was quite clear to the both of us she thought the latter was 'worse' for some reason.
Isn't time to change the title of this thread? You know, replace the word "presidency" by something more accurate?
Like 'so-called presidency'? 'Fake presidency'? 'Sham'? 'Fraud'?
faux news is angry :lol:

You can't even say he's learning on the job, because he's still very dumb.
Interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting ideas.


Have we seen the interview Trump gave where he asked "why did we have a Civil War?" and claimed that Andrew Jackson would have prevented it had he still been around?

(Fwiw - Jackson almost started the Civil War in the 1830s over the Nullification crisis with SC)

Trump has no bottom level it seems.

On Jackson, wasn't he on the right side regarding the nullification crisis? I always thought Calhoun was the main instigator, and also sowed the seeds of the Civil War.
Trump has no bottom level it seems.

On Jackson, wasn't he on the right side regarding the nullification crisis? I always thought Calhoun was the main instigator, and also sowed the seeds of the Civil War.
I think he was as he had the Supremacy Clause on his side, but on a personal level, that situation had two of the most odious individuals in the United States going at it with one another.

Some highlights from the interview...
"[Jackson] was a very tough person but he had a big heart"

"[Jackson] was angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said, there's no reason for this"

"People don't realize, you know, the Civil War... if you think about it... why could that one not have been worked out?"

1) Jackson instituted a genocide against multiple Native tribes and owned slaves

2) Jackson would never have thought anything like that as he died 16 years before the war started and almost started a civil war himself as president

3) It couldn't be "worked out" because the South didn't want it to be.
I think he was as he had the Supremacy Clause on his side, but on a personal level, that situation had two of the most odious individuals in the United States going at it with one another.

Some highlights from the interview...
"[Jackson] was a very tough person but he had a big heart"

"[Jackson] was angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said, there's no reason for this"

"People don't realize, you know, the Civil War... if you think about it... why could that one not have been worked out?"

1) Jackson instituted a genocide against multiple Native tribes and owned slaves

2) Jackson would never have thought anything like that as he died 16 years before the war started and almost started a civil war himself as president

3) It couldn't be "worked out" because the South didn't want it to be.
And it was an intractable problem since the creation of the republic. It has to be one of the most inevitable conflicts there's been.

I hope someone asks him what kind of deal he thinks would've been acceptable to make.
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