The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Promises made Promises kept. feck. Me.

I watched a UK documentary about Trump's first 100 days and almost every single person interviewed thought Trump was doing an amazing job, that he tells the truth all the time and that he is being persecuted by the liberal press and he is fulfilling his promises. Seriously, he has done no wrong and can do no wrong in their eyes. It really does feel like we are fighting a losing battle here.

Wonder what happened to this hacking report that should have been published over 2 weeks ago :angel:

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What's the significance of a grand jury?
No worries. After he gets a ride with Queen Lizzy in a golden carriage, he'll give a US-UK trade deal the highest priority.
He will probably call up the Queen trying to get the deal done thinking she's the one who has that power.
Hopefully they do finally remove Gorka.
Yeah but worryingly it says they're wanting to put him in some other department. He'll end up the head of ICE or something just to tickle his fascist fancy
For an organization that probably takes itself far too seriously, they look quite stupid when they're hanging onto a New York swindler's words for guidance. He's definitely not their president, only they're just too dumb to realise it.
Heard he's invited Duterte to the White House? Mental.
Yes, he has. Trump would probably like to drop people from helicopters.

It's incredible how Trump openly likes to cosy up to mentalists like Duterte over other Western leaders who he's criticised time and time again.
Hassan was poor. Rather listen to a Trump rally

Think he was great to be honest.

The; "Has anyone seen Steve Bannon? I cannot see Steve Bannon. I can not see Steve Bannon. I can Nazi Steve Bannon. Nazi Steve Bannon" roll out was genius.
I tell you who was good... Liz Warren on Real Time with Bill Maher this week. She was outstanding as always. She was actually holding back tears a couple of times because she just cares about things so damn much. Liz and Bernie really are two peas in a pod and two of the most passionate, articulate, interesting and energising politicians I have ever seen and heard. Now those two would be a dream team and not only for the USA.
Detest the man. But his non-attendance has been spun exceptionally well here. Just enough reality to rely on and enough nonsense for his acolytes to tub thump to.

Possibly though this year there was no one from Hollywood who turned up and because no one from his administration turned up either, there was no hobnobbing between journos and the people they are meant to hold accountable.

Have to say Hassan did a pretty good job consider the atmostphere in the hall would have been a lot different than previous years.
Possibly though this year there was no one from Hollywood who turned up and because no one from his administration turned up either, there was no hobnobbing between journos and the people they are meant to hold accountable.

Have to say Hassan did a pretty good job consider the atmostphere in the hall would have been a lot different than previous years.

I mean specifically how he spun it. His voting populace probably doesn't have the time of day for the dinner every year anyway.
I mean specifically how he spun it. His voting populace probably doesn't have the time of day for the dinner every year anyway.

I think if nothing has affected his supporters view of him after the first 100 days, whatever he says about the WHCD would be irrelevant. His supporters are too thick to realise this is probably the first weekend he isn't golfing.
Tailback from the Etihad traffic.
I thought that Hasan Minhaj did well, and certainly better than expected. He could, however, avoided mentioning the Holocaust and the N-word. I also think that his joke about Mike Pence wasn't good. Besides that, he did well.

Promises made
Promises kept

That's just incredible really isn't it?
No, it's utterly normal now. You will see that for 1360 more days...:(
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