The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Could be some shenanigans going on with this new missile launch.

The South Koreans are saying the missile exploded seconds into the launch, but US officials telling the likes of Fox and CNN it travelled around 30-40 km into the sea of Japan.

Edit - US now backtracking on their original claim.

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Have you guys followed the Alex Jones custody case? He forgot his kids age under cross examination and then claimed this was due to him eating a big bowl of super hot Texas chili before trial :lol:

He also ranted about George Soros under oath. "Just an act" my ass :wenger:
George Soros? How's he involved in the custody case?

For the sake of ACTUAL FCUK

Talking 10 minutes with Xi Jinping was enough to change his mind about North Korea. Trump doesn't doesn't have the mental capacity or interest to understand complex issues. All it takes to convince him is to do is to establish friendly rapport. Thats it. Have a nice dinner with him and he'll change his opinion 180 degrees. :lol:
North Korea and the Kim's have been doing this for decades, usually on a weekly basis. Most of the time, unless it's a very quiet news day, it is completely ignored by the media. The only this that is different about the situation now and 10 or even 20 years ago is the person in the White House. 99% of the rest of the world understands what is going on and most world leaders are happy to ignore or even humour North Korea and just keep it under intense surveillance, but of course in the White House now we have someone who doesn't have the first clue about anything let alone this situation, and at his own admittance, he had to learn from it in a quick summation from the Chinese leader. Kim is just pushing Trumps buttons and the idiot is so thick, eager to exert his power and show off, volatile, thin skinned, inexperienced, arrogant and easily provoked that he might just fall for the tricks and escalate the situation to a level that will be impossible to back down from or get out of and that is really quite worrying.

Kim is a highly educated man, he's also extremely aware of global politics, his countries standing and what powers he has and how far he can push things. Although he is a complete and utter fruitbasket and homicidal sociopath and his treatment of his countrymen and women is absolutely abhorrent, if he has developed nuclear capabilities then he really will push the "USA (or world) does not negotiate with terrorists" line to the absolute limit.
A sort of reassuring article. What has been built up can't be broken down as easily as he would like, or as first appears when reported.

Yeah I had no idea executive orders were merely a statement of intent rather than immediate effect type policy, I couldnt comment earlier as I was literally on the way out of work when I posted that but it gives me faith in the American political system after the recent news if roadblocks being played to halt the Senate inquiry.
Yeah I had no idea executive orders were merely a statement of intent rather than immediate effect type policy, I couldnt comment earlier as I was literally on the way out of work when I posted that but it gives me faith in the American political system after the recent news if roadblocks being played to halt the Senate inquiry.
That's not completely true. Some EO's are simply strong directives, true. But depending on their wording and what specifically they're addressing they can be actionable in terms of directly affecting policy.

Similar to how the 'nuclear option' now allows GOPers to push through some measures via a simple majority, but only certain items. It's all a bit confusing since we haven't often had to deal with these issues in depth like we are now, but there's never been a time like the present to geek out on obscure legislative rules.
So i am reading that a lot of the journalists are going to have to go over to Pennsylvania to cover his rally tonight and miss their correspondents dinner which is one of their big events of the year.

We know this was the reason Trump decided to do a rally today, so why are the media companies forcing their WH reporters to go cover it.
Another march? With all of that funding, George Soros is going to have to declare bankruptcy soon.

Elsewhere, Trump is rallying the nation with another rally. Apparently he had one of the biggest Electoral College victories of all time and it's unmissable to hear him speak about it.
So i am reading that a lot of the journalists are going to have to go over to Pennsylvania to cover his rally tonight and miss their correspondents dinner which is one of their big events of the year.

We know this was the reason Trump decided to do a rally today, so why are the media companies forcing their WH reporters to go cover it.
Probably because covering that is seen as more important than a drink / jolly with chums.
I mean if the premier league scheduled a game the day as the pfa dinner would you expect the players to turn up for the game or get pissed?
Probably because covering that is seen as more important than a drink / jolly with chums.
I mean if the premier league scheduled a game the day as the pfa dinner would you expect the players to turn up for the game or get pissed?

I'd expect the players to play the game, but the pfa would never just randomly announce it was happening a week before and they wouldn't host it when the footy games are going on.
Another march? With all of that funding, George Soros is going to have to declare bankruptcy soon.

Elsewhere, Trump is rallying the nation with another rally. Apparently he had one of the biggest Electoral College victories of all time and it's unmissable to hear him speak about it.
I went to the March for Science last weekend. Don't think it was even mentioned here :lol:. 40,000 in DC and another 40,000 in Chicago. 600 cities worldwide. There's one a week!
I'm sure this has been posted before... but

Will have a watch later, but CNN tend to treat the whole thing like a bit of a reality show.

Another thing that gripes me is them giving all these surrogates of both Trump and Clinton punditry/analyst jobs.

It seem to now be the case that people working for election campaigns and the government know once they are booted out of their roles, they can get a job at CNN.
A lot of people in this country need to be fecked for voting him (or not voting at all) into the White House. People need to learn the hard way the consequences of such actions. With all those tax cuts for the rich and big corporations, laughing off climate change and other stuff, I can see a lot of hardship in a few years.
Looks like Teresa Mays lackey work did not amount to much.

No worries. After he gets a ride with Queen Lizzy in a golden carriage, he'll give a US-UK trade deal the highest priority.

Have you guys followed the Alex Jones custody case? He forgot his kids age under cross examination and then claimed this was due to him eating a big bowl of super hot Texas chili before trial :lol:

He also ranted about George Soros under oath. "Just an act" my ass :wenger:
I posted it a couple of days back because the most absurd part of the story is that Alex Jones made a statement to the media to cover his trial respectfully and responsibly. This guy is a walking talking hypocritical scumbag.

The funniest aspect of this story is that apparently Jones was diagnosed as a narcissist. :lol:

Hopefully they do finally remove Gorka.

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