The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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By blaming the Obama administration?

Just seen that video and that's absurd that he blames the Obama government.

Though its put the focus and spotlight back on this saga and the fact that Trump supporters are angry at Chaffetz for what he said shows he did the right thing yesterday.
Someone please educate me.
Does the WH have the right to refuse congress the Flynn documents?
How the feck are these people getting away with this?
How can so many republicans be so comfy with one of the biggest political cover-ups I've ever seen in the advanced world?
Someone please educate me.
Does the WH have the right to refuse congress the Flynn documents?
How the feck are these people getting away with this?
How can so many republicans be so comfy with one of the biggest political cover-ups I've ever seen in the advanced world?

They have the right to refuse up until a subpoena is produced as far as I know.

Burr is refusing to sign documents to acquire these subpoenas.
Burr... as if it wasn't ridiculous enough already with all the Russia ties.

What will it take to get an independent investigation going?
It's getting ridiculous isn't it?
Never seen anything like this. A whole party might be compromised.
I have said it since I arrived on these shores.The Republican Party is the biggest clear and present danger to the advancement of this Union. I have never seen a group so full off hate and anger towards the progression of their community. In the USA as a whole 30% would gladly take up arms to relight a confederate agenda and would gladly strip every constitutional right you have except the 2nd just to force you in to their draconian notion of how you should live, different to the taliban due to consequences of living in a nation of laws, still the same. 30% are so smart and ooze progressive ideas based on science and reasoning but lack the backbone to fight for their agenda and 40% don't give a fecking shit about anything.
We now have a nice sample size of nearly fifty years of a republican and democrat agenda and style of governance. Anyone who still votes republican is fecking crazy. Nixon, criminal and a slimy cnut. Carter, intelligent and reasonable. Reagan, a fecking actor with Alzheimers but surrounded by smart people. H.W. Bush, decent guy with a head on his shoulders but dodgy as feck in many many ways. Clinton, likable and politically savvy but with some serious character flaws. He was also behind some really stupid legislation with far reaching consequences like DOMA/DADT, minimum sentences and crack cocaine laws. W. Bush, dumb as feck and surrounded by greedy charlatans. Obama, beats everyone of his predecessors in the last 50 years hands fecking down. And now Trump.
Maybe a third or fourth party would benefit this country, especially now. I get that people didn't like Clinton but they should have realized the difference between both and which candidate would benefit you most based on reality. The real information is right there but republicans, independents and half of democrats fail to grasp it. The republican propaganda has been debunked time and time again. Their conservative agenda and unregulated greed has proven to be flawed and has failed 90% of the country. Their main news source is a rats nest of sexual harassment, stupidity and condescending ignorance. Yet her we are, with a president so far out there to the right that we might as well have a president Palin.
The democrats have the power to make the current republicans irrelevant. Instead they stand for nothing, have no leadership and count on people to come out and vote against their interests, just slightly less against their interests than voting republican. The one's who are prepared to lead the party in the right direction are kept at bay. People have seen through the platitudes of the democrats, including the right wing charlatan Obama and are not satisfied with just being given a poplsicle and shut up.
I really admire the Judge who blocked the ridiculous sanctuary city order, just as I admire the Judges who blocked Trump's ridiculous travel ban orders. I am just upset as to why Judges couldn't do the same against many of the extremely damaging environmental orders Trump has issued.
So nearly 100 days. What's he done?
Hey, don't make fun of him he's done plenty. Just this morning he figured out that the dumbwaiters in the White House kitchen weren't, as he had previously thought, "losers who work at McDonalds."
Lol doing my best man, believe me.

The thing is, the honors and AP kids, of course they know the answers to those questions. But the general population CP kids (who are 10 to 1 or more of the Honors/AP kids), they're who you're seeing there.

And people wonder why we have income inequality...
In the USA as a whole 30% would gladly take up arms to relight a confederate agenda and would gladly strip every constitutional right you have except the 2nd just to force you in to their draconian notion of how you should live, different to the taliban due to consequences of living in a nation of laws, still the same. 30% are so smart and ooze progressive ideas based on science and reasoning but lack the backbone to fight for their agenda and 40% don't give a fecking shit about anything.
Preach it
Two officials for this = Bannon and Navarro. (I'm admittedly half thinking, half hoping)
I almost didn't want to post it...I thought, this is just for big talk - talk that has mostly been empty bluster since Trump took over. I kept thinking, people around him would stop this kind of talk, especially congressional republicans, but....
So nearly 100 days. What's he done?
He watched TV, tweeted, lied and played golf. I'd say that's about 80% of the almost total 2,400 hours of this presidency.

For the remaining 20%: He slept (15%), signed executive orders (2%), met foreign leaders and shook hands in weird ways (1%), held rallies (1%) and gave his blessing on a number of military actions (1%).
He watched TV, tweeted, lied and played golf. I'd say that's about 80% of the almost total 2,400 hours of this presidency.

For the remaining 20%: He slept (15%), signed executive orders (2%), met foreign leaders and shook hands in weird ways (1%), held rallies (1%) and gave his blessing on a number of military actions (1%).
and attacked Federal judges.
There's huge news today and no comment in this thread - he has probably won himself a breather in 2018 and maybe even re-election. Significant reduction in federal income taxes.
Significant reduction in federal income taxes.

Don't think this will pass the congress either. Will work as a publicity stunt for the 100 day news mark.

There is decent cuts for the individual but more tax cuts for the corporates....with additional inclusion of real estate companies. The Dems will be all over this.

Plus there is no plan on how to offset the cuts as he has not included any additional sources of revenue. I doubt any plan that increases the deficit will gain traction.
There's huge news today and no comment in this thread - he has probably won himself a breather in 2018 and maybe even re-election. Significant reduction in federal income taxes.

My guess is it won't pass due to it being:
1. Mainly corporate in nature
2. Increases the deficit
Don't think this will pass the congress either. Will work as a publicity stunt for the 100 day news mark.

There is decent cuts for the individual but more tax cuts for the corporates....with additional inclusion of real estate companies. The Dems will be all over this.

Plus there is no plan on how to offset the cuts as he has not included any additional sources of revenue. I doubt any plan that increases the deficit will gain traction.

Also @NM

I read a profile of Republican supporters yesterday. Most were happy with Trump. The others were annoyed, specifically that taxes hadn't been cut yet. In midterms, winning GOP votes (since their turnout is higher) is enough to win. Corporate tax reduction is a core part of the GOP agenda and the base is OK with it.

I know there has been some noise about Congress not being happy with this - but it will take exceptional guts/bravery/foolishness for a Republican to vote no on a tax reduction plan from a Republican president (regardless of the deficit, which successive GOP administrations have had no problem in increasing). Let's see, maybe I'm wrong.
Cooperate America will be popping champagne corks. Whether it will really bring in well paid jobs is another thing. And cutting taxes while not increasing the debt will be some trick.
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