The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump's tax plan wont pass simply because it adds significantly to the budget/deficit and that is something he promised he wouldn't do, but obviously like his expanding the military and his wall, it shows he loves spending money, yet has little idea how to earn it. His tax plan also provides nearly $4m a year in tax breaks to his own family, so that will be attacked heavily too.

Trump is also banging on about North Korea again and I had written out several paragraphs explaining why this is all just insane but I decided to delete it all (something I feel you will all be grateful for) and just shortened it down to one sentence.

There really is no need to go to war with North Korea, anyone who says otherwise either doesn't understand the situation or is a complete and utter lunatic.
There really is no need to go to war with North Korea, anyone who says otherwise either doesn't understand the situation or is a complete and utter lunatic.
Agreed, perhaps the only ones who would "want" a war with N Korea is Japan.
Also @NM

I read a profile of Republican supporters yesterday. Most were happy with Trump. The others were annoyed, specifically that taxes hadn't been cut yet. In midterms, winning GOP votes (since their turnout is higher) is enough to win. Corporate tax reduction is a core part of the GOP agenda and the base is OK with it.

I know there has been some noise about Congress not being happy with this - but it will take exceptional guts/bravery/foolishness for a Republican to vote no on a tax reduction plan from a Republican president (regardless of the deficit, which successive GOP administrations have had no problem in increasing). Let's see, maybe I'm wrong.

Only if it gets an expiry date. The tax cuts will be implemented for 2 years before review again. They can pass that through.
Makes sense when you consider some of the ridiculous stories that have been reported, like the one about Trump roaming the WH in his bathrobe.

Freedom Caucus endorses Obamacare repeal compromise
'While the revised version still does not fully repeal Obamacare, we are prepared to support it to keep our promise to the American people to lower healthcare costs,' the group says in a statement.

Yet even as the backing of the conservative group provided an undeniable burst of momentum Trump and the GOP, a band of moderate House Republicans remained deeply skeptical. It's unclear whether Republican leaders now have enough votes to pass a bill in the House. Even if they do, the Senate remains an enormous hurdle.

But moderates present the most immediate threat to the White House's sudden momentum. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.), who backed an earlier version of the proposal, said he's now undecided. Rep. Barbara Comstock, who opposed the initial version, said she still needs "basic information" about the conservative-backed changes before she takes a position.

And Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.), co-chair of the moderate 50-member moderate Tuesday Group, said he hasn't detected any reversals among the opponents of the health care bill — in fact, he said, their ranks may grow.

"The question now is how many people does it take from yes to no," he said.
The ACA isn't good enough for you but the GOP is ensuring their staff can keep it.

Republicans exempt their own insurance from their latest health care proposal

Republican legislators want to keep popular Obamacare provisions for themselves and their staff.

House Republicans appear to have included a provision that exempts Members of Congress and their staff from their latest health care plan.

The new Republican amendment, introduced Tuesday night, would allow states to waive out of Obamacare’s ban on pre-existing conditions. This means that insurers could once again, under certain circumstances, charge sick people higher premiums than healthy people.

Republican legislators liked this policy well enough to offer it in a new amendment. They do not, however, seem to like it enough to have it apply to themselves and their staff. A spokesperson for Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) who authored this amendment confirmed this was the case: members of Congress and their staff would get the guarantee of keeping this Obamacare regulations. Health law expert Tim Jost flagged me to this particular issue.

A bit of background is helpful here. Obamacare requires all members of Congress and their staff to purchase coverage on the individual market, just like Obamacare enrollees. The politics of that plank were simple enough, meant to demonstrate that if the coverage in this law were good enough for Americans than it should be good enough for their representations in Washington.

That’s been happening for the past four years now. Fast-forward to this new amendment, which would allow states to waive out of key Obamacare protections like the ban on pre-existing conditions or the requirement to cover things like maternity care and mental health services.

If Congressional aides lived in a state that decided to waive these protections, the aides who were sick could be vulnerable to higher premiums than the aides that are healthy. Their benefits package could get skimpier as Obamacare’s essential health benefits requirement may no longer apply either.

This apparently does not sound appealing because the Republican amendment includes the members of Congress and their staff as a protected group who cannot be affected by this amendment.

You can see it on the sixth page of the amendment, although it is admittedly hard to spot. The Obamacare section that requires legislators to buy on the individual market is section 1312(d)(3)(D). And if you look at the Republican amendment, and the list of who cannot be included in this waiver? It includes Section 1312(d)(3)(D).
The ACA isn't good enough for you but the GOP is ensuring their staff can keep it.

Republicans exempt their own insurance from their latest health care proposal

Republican legislators want to keep popular Obamacare provisions for themselves and their staff.

House Republicans appear to have included a provision that exempts Members of Congress and their staff from their latest health care plan.

The new Republican amendment, introduced Tuesday night, would allow states to waive out of Obamacare’s ban on pre-existing conditions. This means that insurers could once again, under certain circumstances, charge sick people higher premiums than healthy people.

Republican legislators liked this policy well enough to offer it in a new amendment. They do not, however, seem to like it enough to have it apply to themselves and their staff. A spokesperson for Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) who authored this amendment confirmed this was the case: members of Congress and their staff would get the guarantee of keeping this Obamacare regulations. Health law expert Tim Jost flagged me to this particular issue.

A bit of background is helpful here. Obamacare requires all members of Congress and their staff to purchase coverage on the individual market, just like Obamacare enrollees. The politics of that plank were simple enough, meant to demonstrate that if the coverage in this law were good enough for Americans than it should be good enough for their representations in Washington.

That’s been happening for the past four years now. Fast-forward to this new amendment, which would allow states to waive out of key Obamacare protections like the ban on pre-existing conditions or the requirement to cover things like maternity care and mental health services.

If Congressional aides lived in a state that decided to waive these protections, the aides who were sick could be vulnerable to higher premiums than the aides that are healthy. Their benefits package could get skimpier as Obamacare’s essential health benefits requirement may no longer apply either.

This apparently does not sound appealing because the Republican amendment includes the members of Congress and their staff as a protected group who cannot be affected by this amendment.

You can see it on the sixth page of the amendment, although it is admittedly hard to spot. The Obamacare section that requires legislators to buy on the individual market is section 1312(d)(3)(D). And if you look at the Republican amendment, and the list of who cannot be included in this waiver? It includes Section 1312(d)(3)(D).

Considering that members and staffers already got special treatment in the past, Trump&Congress are keeping the tradition alive to have one set of rules for the pesky peasants and another for themselves. Afterall, we all know that Congress is a small business <3
Rachel Maddow crushed Chaffetz tonight. Brought up his "that's not how this works" in regards to FBI hearing on Hillary Clinton's emails and will he react in the same "Constitution" manner in regards to the WH telling the committee no on providing requested documents on Flynn.
Love how a bit of money can make peoples so called morals and principles go out the window. Bite you feckers, bite!

:D I will

It's a populist plan though, you will see a lot of support for it from Republicans. Gets rid of the death tax, Obamacare tax, cuts taxes for corporations to bring back the companies registered outside etc. Deficit? What deficit?
Page is doing another interview shortly on CNN. The guy is milking his 15 minutes of fame.
Cover up looks to be in full swing. Peter King (intel committee member) saying he's seen no evidence of collusion whatsoever.

Schiff has said there is "circumstantial evidence" and "more than circumstantial evidence".

Someones clearly lying and i very much doubt its Schiff.
Trump's worried. 6 tweets in the last 10 minutes trying to divert attention away from this new story.
Ann Coulter is having a meltdown - AGAIN

She's right when she says that you can't campaign for 18 months on building a big beautiful wall and then not build a wall.
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