The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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TRUMP: Well the one thing I would say — and I say this to people — I never realized how big it was. Everything's so (unintelligible) like, you know the orders are so massive. I was talking to —

AP: You mean the responsibility of it, or do you mean —

TRUMP: Number One, there's great responsibility. When it came time to, as an example, send out the 59 missiles, the Tomahawks in Syria. I'm saying to myself, "You know, this is more than just like, 79 (sic) missiles. This is death that's involved," because people could have been killed. This is risk that's involved, because if the missile goes off and goes in a city or goes in a civilian area — you know, the boats were hundreds of miles away — and if this missile goes off and lands in the middle of a town or a hamlet .... every decision is much harder than you'd normally make. (unintelligible) ... This is involving death and life and so many things. ... So it's far more responsibility.

How is this guy president :wenger:
That might actually be a good thing. It suggests that there's something real there as otherwise they would be falling over themselves to show their innocence. If there's something real there, then the FBI won't back off.

Yep, If Trump and his associates really were innocent, Trump would have no problem with appointing a special prospector or a 9/11 type commission which would eventually clear the campaign of any wrongdoing and it would vindicate him.

But they've already found some forms of evidence which has led congressman Schiff and Castro (intel committees members) to make statements like

Castro- "my impression is, I wouldn’t be surprised, after all of this is said and done, that some people end up in jail.”

Schiff - "Actually no, Chuck," he said. "I can tell you that the case is more than that and I can't go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now.

Schiff was a prosecutor so he would be knowledgeable on these matters and what kind of evidence is incriminating. He had to have been given damning evidence for him to make that sort of statement.
How is this guy president :wenger:

Something to do with russians apparently.

And years of murdoch influence on people educated in a deliberately poor system that makes them unable to critically analyse information properly, so they are easily led.

And stupidity of course. 350 million people in total means plenty of stupid.
Something to do with russians apparently.

And years of murdoch influence on people educated in a deliberately poor system that makes them unable to critically analyse information properly, so they are easily led.

And stupidity of course. 350 million people in total means plenty of stupid.
I'd not throw so much criticism our way. Teachers are generally a left leaning bunch, and my 1.5 hours per day with a kid can only do so much compared to their 18+ years with their parents.
I'd not throw so much criticism our way. Teachers are generally a left leaning bunch, and my 1.5 hours per day with a kid can only do so much compared to their 18+ years with their parents.

I didn't mean the staff, I meant the education system itself. Its deliberately underfunded in red states with restricted curriculum to create people who cannot objectively analyse what they see. That is entirely down to the politicians, because they do so deliberately.
I didn't mean the staff, I meant the education system itself. Its deliberately underfunded in red states with restricted curriculum to create people who cannot objectively analyse what they see. That is entirely down to the politicians, because they do so deliberately.
I'm with you on this...
I didn't mean the staff, I meant the education system itself. Its deliberately underfunded in red states with restricted curriculum to create people who cannot objectively analyse what they see. That is entirely down to the politicians, because they do so deliberately.
Understood. I agree completely then.
Ivanka Trump in Germany: First Daughter Leaves Some Women Scratching Their Heads

"Everybody is someone's daughter but the question is, 'Is she qualified for the job?' And I don't think being the daughter of Trump qualifies you for this job, you know?" said 33-year-old sports science student Jennifer Benz.

It doesn't work to embed the video from the article but here's a direct link:
We get it from American customers. These are some of the ones we've received:

:lol: They are brilliant, especially "babysitting this clown" That sums it all up perfectly.

Trump realized warfare is a life or death scenario some 2.5 months into his presidency.


We don't assume you're all bad. If you're lucky we'll even teach you how to spell 'realised' correctly.

:lol: I'd ban them for using US spelling if I was a mod. It's worse than text speak imho HEHE!

He's basically this kid.

:lol: Yup, that's definitely him, that's amazing, infuriating but amazing.
I just feel that Trump is looking for an excuse from Kim Jong-un to start this war to deflect from investigations into his administrations link to Russia. Kim Jong-Un does need to get taken out, but unfortunately there will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of casualties. It's just a matter of time until this war starts, it just depends on which lunatic blinks first.
All of these kids were old enough to vote in 2016...

Shocking and appalling. If I was the principal and I watched this video I would've suspend every fecking one of them. Utopia, Urope, 52 states and not knowing who borders the US is fecking criminal. Also, these aren't poor black or Latino kids in inner city schools. These kids look middle class and may have very few obstacles in their education so it's not the educators, they just don't fecking care. Give them a quiz on reality tv or shit music and I'm willing to bet they fecking ace it. I would be so embarrassed if one of these were my child, fecking Utopia, she's thinking one of those teen flicks is historical record, imbeciles.
I just feel that Trump is looking for an excuse from Kim Jong-un to start this war to deflect from investigations into his administrations link to Russia. Kim Jong-Un does need to get taken out, but unfortunately there will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of casualties. It's just a matter of time until this war starts, it just depends on which lunatic blinks first.

Why? No one still knows what North Koreans actually want. Is he a provocateur, yes...but There are worse people than him leading other countries.
Shocking and appalling. If I was the principal and I watched this video I would've suspend every fecking one of them. Utopia, Urope, 52 states and not knowing who borders the US is fecking criminal. Also, these aren't poor black or Latino kids in inner city schools. These kids look middle class and may have very few obstacles in their education so it's not the educators, they just don't fecking care. Give them a quiz on reality tv or shit music and I'm willing to bet they fecking ace it. I would be so embarrassed if one of these were my child, fecking Utopia, she's thinking one of those teen flicks is historical record, imbeciles.

These questions and their answers aren't exactly filling up their Facebook news feeds, Instagram posts or Whatsapp group chats. This current generation who has been born in the age of tech and social media are the future of the planet. Let that sink in. The other depressing stuff is that Congress is also contributing to the dumbing down of America by cutting funding for public schools and making tertiary education unattainable to the average person.
Why? No one still knows what North Koreans actually want. Is he a provocateur, yes...but There are worse people than him leading other countries.

I think you need to do a little research on North Korea and how he is oppressing his people.

Racial purity

The regime, which believes in a "pure Korean race", disapproves of ethnically mixed children, especially those conceived to men from neighbouring China, where many North Koreans seek refuge and are then sent home. One witness saw officials put a repatriated woman's new-born baby in a bucket and take it away. They said it “does not deserve to live because it is impure”.

Starving nation

During North Korea's great famine in the 1990s, between 600,000 and 2.5 million people died of hunger as the regime obstructed the delivery of aid to the worst-affected regions and punished those who tried to earn or smuggle in food to survive.

Stunted generation

Between 2003 and 2008, 45 per cent of children under five in the DPRK were stunted due to malnutrition. Mr Kirby's report said: "causing or aggravating prolonged and severe starvation to large numbers of people, with the knowledge that this will result in starvation and related severe suffering in the ordinary course of events, can constitute an inhumane act of a nature amounting to a crime against humanity."

Echoes of Nazi death camps

According to one witness, Kim Gwang-il, there were hundreds of deaths during his two years and five months at Ordinary Prison Camp No. 12. Mr Kim was himself involved in the disposal of the bodies of over 100 prisoners, whose bodies would be heaved on a large cart and driven away to be burnt. The ash used as fertiliser.

Mr Kirby said: "These images reminded me of what awaited General Eisenhower and General Montgomery when they arrived at the camps in occupied Europe in 1945."

Forced confessions

Children in North Korea are introduced at an early age to “confession and criticism” sessions. Children gather in groups weekly and take turns standing up and showing how they were living in accordance with the teachings of the Kim philosophy. They are also expected to describe the failings of at least one of their peers in the same group. Until they identify someone for criticism, they are not allowed to stand down.

Mass rituals

100,000 children take part every year in the Mass Games, a minutely-choreographed display in honour of the regime. Training lasts for ten hours a day over six months, and is so intense that some participants faint from exhaustion. A boy who died as a result of training during acute appendicitis was treated as a hero because he had dedicated his entire life for an event in the presence of Kim Jong-il.

Trivial terror

Some North Korean exiles have faced torture and imprisonment "for doing nothing more than watching foreign soap operas on DVDs", according to Mr Kirby.


The North Korean regime is estimated to have kidnapped 200,000 foreigners since 1950, including women abducted so they could be taken as wives. One girl, Megumi Yokota, 13, vanished on her way home from school in Japan in 1977, and was one of 13 Japanese that Kim Jong-il later admitted to kidnapping to help train spies. Pyongyang has said eight of them are dead, including Megumi.
Shocking and appalling. If I was the principal and I watched this video I would've suspend every fecking one of them. Utopia, Urope, 52 states and not knowing who borders the US is fecking criminal. Also, these aren't poor black or Latino kids in inner city schools. These kids look middle class and may have very few obstacles in their education so it's not the educators, they just don't fecking care. Give them a quiz on reality tv or shit music and I'm willing to bet they fecking ace it. I would be so embarrassed if one of these were my child, fecking Utopia, she's thinking one of those teen flicks is historical record, imbeciles.
You can find similar videos from Harvard campus.
Ivanka Trump in Germany: First Daughter Leaves Some Women Scratching Their Heads


It doesn't work to embed the video from the article but here's a direct link:

To be fair from what i saw live she came across very well and seemed to be received well. Its clearly awkward as she only got the job because of her father but thankfully she's not as stupid as he is.
I think you need to do a little research on North Korea and how he is oppressing his people.

Racial purity

The regime, which believes in a "pure Korean race", disapproves of ethnically mixed children, especially those conceived to men from neighbouring China, where many North Koreans seek refuge and are then sent home. One witness saw officials put a repatriated woman's new-born baby in a bucket and take it away. They said it “does not deserve to live because it is impure”.

Starving nation

During North Korea's great famine in the 1990s, between 600,000 and 2.5 million people died of hunger as the regime obstructed the delivery of aid to the worst-affected regions and punished those who tried to earn or smuggle in food to survive.

Stunted generation

Between 2003 and 2008, 45 per cent of children under five in the DPRK were stunted due to malnutrition. Mr Kirby's report said: "causing or aggravating prolonged and severe starvation to large numbers of people, with the knowledge that this will result in starvation and related severe suffering in the ordinary course of events, can constitute an inhumane act of a nature amounting to a crime against humanity."

Echoes of Nazi death camps

According to one witness, Kim Gwang-il, there were hundreds of deaths during his two years and five months at Ordinary Prison Camp No. 12. Mr Kim was himself involved in the disposal of the bodies of over 100 prisoners, whose bodies would be heaved on a large cart and driven away to be burnt. The ash used as fertiliser.

Mr Kirby said: "These images reminded me of what awaited General Eisenhower and General Montgomery when they arrived at the camps in occupied Europe in 1945."

Forced confessions

Children in North Korea are introduced at an early age to “confession and criticism” sessions. Children gather in groups weekly and take turns standing up and showing how they were living in accordance with the teachings of the Kim philosophy. They are also expected to describe the failings of at least one of their peers in the same group. Until they identify someone for criticism, they are not allowed to stand down.

Mass rituals

100,000 children take part every year in the Mass Games, a minutely-choreographed display in honour of the regime. Training lasts for ten hours a day over six months, and is so intense that some participants faint from exhaustion. A boy who died as a result of training during acute appendicitis was treated as a hero because he had dedicated his entire life for an event in the presence of Kim Jong-il.

Trivial terror

Some North Korean exiles have faced torture and imprisonment "for doing nothing more than watching foreign soap operas on DVDs", according to Mr Kirby.


The North Korean regime is estimated to have kidnapped 200,000 foreigners since 1950, including women abducted so they could be taken as wives. One girl, Megumi Yokota, 13, vanished on her way home from school in Japan in 1977, and was one of 13 Japanese that Kim Jong-il later admitted to kidnapping to help train spies. Pyongyang has said eight of them are dead, including Megumi.

Yep, an abhorrent regime. Someone fairly moderate opinions wise said to me the other week he didn't mind North Korea because they were standing up to the US...err, what?
I think you need to do a little research on North Korea and how he is oppressing his people.

Not questioning that, but why the global policing? He's not the first dictator and won't be the last in this world. First Syria, then N.Korea, Mr.T seems to be actively looking for conflicts...potentially to divert from his failures domestically.
Not questioning that, but why the global policing? He's not the first dictator and won't be the last in this world. First Syria, then N.Korea, Mr.T seems to be actively looking for conflicts...potentially to divert from his failures domestically.

Yeah I'm not agreeing he should be escalating it but there will come a point where action needs to be taken.
Why? No one still knows what North Koreans actually want. Is he a provocateur, yes...but There are worse people than him leading other countries.

You must not be following the news over the years since he took over. He had his own brother killed, his uncles and countless other people. From all the reports that we get, his own people are starving and lead a very hard life. Once he has the capability of delivering his nukes anywhere he wants, he is not a person to have in charge of nuclear weapons.
The groans were from Trump while he watched in the bedroom.
@langster @Zarlak
I would be doing the same thing. I'd be embarrassed as hell while traveling thinking that folks would assume I was a Trump voter once they realized I was an American.

And from SC, no less!
Of all my undergrad classmates now in the US, I'm the only one in a red state (the others are in Chicago, Colorado, Seattle, and the People's Republic Of Berkeley). I'm in the same position with them, having to explain/apologise for Trump!
House oversight panel: No sign Flynn complied with the law

"I see no data to support the notion that Gen. Flynn complied with the law," Chaffetz said, referring to whether Flynn received permission from the Pentagon or the State Department or that he disclosed the more than $45,000 he was paid for a speech he gave to RT-TV in Russia.
The request comes after the White House declined to provide documents related to Flynn that the panel investigating him had requested, according to a letter obtained by CNN.
White House Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short outlined in a letter to the House oversight committee how it would not complete the request from the panel, referring some requests to the Department of Defense, saying the office doesn't have custody of some of the other documents or simply stating "we are unable to accommodate" others.

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