The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Commander in Chief - A man in control

This is expected.Tell the base that everything is the Dems fault.
He has the Senate and House...if the Democrats are somehow able to shut down government, then he's just doing a shit job.
Anyone else think Ryan's going to be forced out if this 2nd attempt at Obamacare repeal fails?
They've got no replacement and the establishment wants to keep him. No chance. He will stay until the midterms at least. Should trump get a slap in the face, he will stay and run in 2020.

I've seen Trey Gowdy mentioned quite a lot in recent months as a replacement :eek: , though you're probably right that he'll stick around till the midterms.

The calls for him to step down will definitely increase among the right wing media and the vocal pundits who Trump is associated with.
I was watching a live-stream from Berkeley, while working. There is some kind of protest/rally. No idea why, but almost everybody seems to be insane. If that is in any form representative of the youth from today, humanity is lost. Trump&Co would do us a favour if they just throwing nukes to end all this misery. :lol: Top level education my ass.

Those kids in Berkley seem to want to riot at the drop of a hat, whenever anyone invades their "safe space", they lose their goddamn minds.
I think this is the 2nd time they are running amok because a conservative speaker was due to speak on their campus.
I cannot fathom going through live being that thin skinned and entitled.
He didn't realize it would be this amount of work and he misses his old life. Will he do Pope Benedict and pack it in before the end? It would be very like him to get out and then say that he is president for life because he never lost an election.
Those kids in Berkley seem to want to riot at the drop of a hat, whenever anyone invades their "safe space", they lose their goddamn minds.
I think this is the 2nd time they are running amok because a conservative speaker was due to speak on their campus.
I cannot fathom going through live being that thin skinned and entitled.
fecking idiots. They are missing out on great college experiences like taking LSD and going to see a 6 foot used condom in a blonde wig telling you how much they hate you. if they really wanted to piss her off they could have planned their questions after her hate speech to troll the shit out of her. I would ask why the titles of her books are paragraphs and if she ever sexually harassed a male host at Fox News.
Those kids in Berkley seem to want to riot at the drop of a hat, whenever anyone invades their "safe space", they lose their goddamn minds.
I think this is the 2nd time they are running amok because a conservative speaker was due to speak on their campus.
I cannot fathom going through live being that thin skinned and entitled.
This is why the 'Left' will fail to capitalize fully on their inherent demographic advantages; their active base is urban, college educated brats with no regard to the middle (though it really is more correctly described currently as lower-middle or lower) class of the South and the Rust Belt.
Major lol at this
Trump says he misses life before he became US president
US President Donald Trump has been talking about his previous life and how surprised he is that his new job at the White House is not less taxing.

He "loved" his old lifestyle because he "had so many things going", the former property mogul told Reuters news agency from his desk in the Oval Office.

"This is more work than in my previous life," he said. "I thought it would be easier."

Mr Trump's comments on being president have been ridiculed on social media, with many quick to share their surprise at his, well, surprise.




Don't see whats bad with Sessions saying that. That's the right way from him to answer that.
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