The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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You must not be following the news over the years since he took over. He had his own brother killed, his uncles and countless other people. From all the reports that we get, his own people are starving and lead a very hard life. Once he has the capability of delivering his nukes anywhere he wants, he is not a person to have in charge of nuclear weapons.

I've been following enough. There are countries in the middle east and Africa that their citizens are experiencing similar things. The hypocrisy.
Excellent Last Week Tonight this week. John Oliver lays out exactly why people should be worried about Ivanka and Kushner and why neither can be trusted, and why they only really get positive coverage for NOT being Steve Bannon. It's definitely worth a watch.

Just got round to watching this, it was excellent as usual from Oliver.
The White House has told a US congressional committee it will not comply with a request to release files related to a controversial former aide.

The House Oversight Committee is looking into payments to fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
But the White House referred the request to the Defence Department.

White House legislative affairs director Marc Short said in a letter on 19 April that he would be "unable to accommodate" the request because it relates to Mr Flynn's actions before joining the White House.
Those reports about Burr blocking/stalling the investigations were clearly leaks designed to put pressure on him. Sounds like more leaks are coming out to keep the ball rolling.
All of these kids were old enough to vote in 2016...

There's one girl who starts off so promisingly by knowing who Obama is and that he's standing again (vid is from 2012), and a moment later she's saying Canada is a state.
Federal Judge blocks the "Sanctuary Cities" order.

But why? @Raoul interested in your opinion as to why illegal immigrant who are arrested by police for a crime should not be deported?

It's broader than that though isn't it? Also there was complaints that some immigrants were being accused of petty crimes and put forward for deportation without ever being charged for anything.
It's broader than that though isn't it? Also there was complaints that some immigrants were being accused of petty crimes and put forward for deportation without ever being charged for anything.

I doubt that would happen in a sanctuary city, right? The state/city's intention is to protect illegal immigrants who add value to the country. If he's a drug dealer or a violent criminal, surely they can agree to deport him.

Maybe they need to reclassify the requirement to notify to high level offences (with court convictions) only.
That was a fecking good reply to be fair to Ivanka. I know she would have prepared for a question like that, but fair play for reacting to it so well and effortlessly.
"The thousands of women who have worked for my father ... are testament to the potential he sees in women"

Yeah, you can't turn that into a urinating prostitute joke at all
You got to really take these videos with a pinch of salt. They ignore bright people who answer correctly.

I want to see one where they ask older people instead.
But I liked the Hindu ads vs ToI when they entered each other's markets.
"The thousands of women who have worked for my father ... are testament to the potential he sees in women"

Yeah, you can't turn that into a urinating prostitute joke at all
He routinely pays lip service to the intelligence of women, which suggests that he's surprised. Besides, Ivanka's remark undermines itself with the word 'potential'.
Federal Judge blocks the "Sanctuary Cities" order.

But why? @Raoul interested in your opinion as to why illegal immigrant who are arrested by police for a crime should not be deported?

The ruling wasn't about deportations, it was whether Trump's policy of withholding federal funds from sanctuary cities would or wouldn't harm the cities. The judge ruled that it would indeed harm them and issued a ruling blocking Drumpf's EO.
You probably could, but I teach the ones in America. I'm not optimistic.
Do a better job then! :p

Seriously though, I'm sure those videos are selectively edited but it's still damning and it's far from the only example. It's like the countless ones we saw of Drumpf voters at his rallies.
Do a better job then! :p

Seriously though, I'm sure those videos are selectively edited but it's still damning and it's far from the only example. It's like the countless ones we saw of Drumpf voters at his rallies.
Lol doing my best man, believe me.

The thing is, the honors and AP kids, of course they know the answers to those questions. But the general population CP kids (who are 10 to 1 or more of the Honors/AP kids), they're who you're seeing there.
So the no-good failing BBC are painting the wall situation as another back down.
Donald Trump has indicated he will ditch plans to find cash for his border wall in this week's spending bill.

The president's close adviser, Kellyanne Conway, said funding for the wall would be left out of a budget measure that must pass by Friday.

Building the wall, paid for by Mexico, was a key campaign promise.

Democrats had threatened to block the bill if money was earmarked for the wall, so its omission may now avert a government shutdown.

But the president insisted on Twitter that he still supported the wall and that it would be built.

He reportedly told a private meeting with members of the conservative media on Monday night that he might be open to funding the wall later in the year.
"The thousands of women who have worked for my father ... are testament to the potential he sees in women"

Yeah, you can't turn that into a urinating prostitute joke at all

Didn't she also respond along the lines of "He's always been good to me." in regards to his actions towards/views on treatment of women?

Of course he's been good you, you're his princess (that he sexually obsesses over).
Meanwhile boy Trump was "hunting" these on Earth Day...

Didn't she also respond along the lines of "He's always been good to me." in regards to his actions towards/views on treatment of women?

Of course he's been good you, you're his princess (that he sexually obsesses over).
I.e. The quote from Last Week

"Well, I would say [what we have in common is] sex, but I can't say that"
Also its good (and suprising) to see Chaffetz finally grow a spine. Maybe the shackles have come off now that he leaving congress next year.
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For his sake, i hope Flynn has some evidence hidden away that proves Trump and others were involved. FBI will give him a deal if he can hand them a bigger fish.
He already tried to play that hand; he's toast. The smoking gun if it ever comes won't be from him.
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