The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So basically Trump dropped some bombs just to have some fun and see what the reaction is. Everything has gone silent since then.
With a government shut-down all three sides (GOP, Trump and Dems) would lose. It would be a PR disaster for Trump, he wouldn’t get his wall and his government would be restricted from getting anything else done. It would be a PR disaster for the GOP as well, because they hold the majority and would rightfully get blamed. The problem for the Dems is, that it would mean the defunding of programs that they really care about. The most prominent example would be the subsidies to health-care insurance companies; without these subsidies the ACA doesn’t work.

There is a very strong incentive for all three sides to come to an agreement. Trump has the weakest hand, because he has everything to lose. Yet the wall is one of the last remaining campaign promises. There is little left if he goes back on this and immigration is a topic that his supporters really care about. So can he go back on it? I don’t know

The majority of the GOP will go along with any budget proposal, but the FHC will be against almost any budget and I doubt that Trump can offer them anything to change their mind. So consequently they have to convince some democrats to join them.

I expect that Trump&Ryan are going to make extremely far-reaching concessions to convince some democratic MPs to go along with it. The question is if that is enough. We’ll certainly get a lot of drama and twitter negotiations.

Firstly, the Dems have very little to lose and lots to gain. The Senate elections are in Nov with many swing states going to the polls and a govt shutdown and chaos will play into the Dems hands nicely long term. If they manage to swing the states, it'll cut back on GOP power big time.

Secondly, the wall is a rhetoric that does not even have full support within GOP. The Dems will play hard on Trump's claim that Mexico will fund this and use his own words campaign promise against him. Any expense bill will be under hard scrutiny and a massive one that doesn't make basic sense will never pass through.

Thirdly, many of their financial backers have tightened up the purse strings. The chaos of presidency coupled with failure to do anything significant has put many backers uneasy. With the WH and majority in both houses, it is seen as a glaring ineptitude with some backers blaming Trump and others Ryan. The Trump vs GOP divide will solidify with lines drawn.
Govt shutdown is because of Dems not agreeing to Republican demands of having money allocated for border wall. Trump has tried to bargain with them for Obamacare payments to keep it running.
The Republicans don't need the Democrats they have a majority. They can pass their own tax bill if they would all just agree with the party line.
Disappointing if true.

Hopefully the FBI investigation will nail them and then the Republican Congressmen who have delayed and obstructed will have a shit load of explaining to do.
I know, it's old already, but the chocolate cake / missiles to Iraq interview simply sticks in my head. That moment when he goes from chocolate cake to how he sent 59 missiles to Iraq, then the reporter intterrupts and corrects him, and he pauses, blinks and repeats what she said - it's simply perfect. Like Trump doing an impersonation of Alec Baldwin impersonating him on SNL. I can't get over it :lol:
I know, it's old already, but the chocolate cake / missiles to Iraq interview simply sticks in my head. That moment when he goes from chocolate cake to how he sent 59 missiles to Iraq, then the reporter intterrupts and corrects him, and he pauses, blinks and repeats what she said - it's simply perfect. Like Trump doing an impersonation of Alec Baldwin impersonating him on SNL. I can't get over it :lol:
'Life imitating art,' as Wilde wrote.
Hopefully the FBI investigation will nail them and then the Republican Congressmen who have delayed and obstructed will have a shit load of explaining to do.
The GOP will bury this scandal.
TRUMP: Yeah, it's funny: One of the best chemistries I had was with (German Chancellor Angela) Merkel.

(Crosstalk) AP: Really?

TRUMP: Chancellor Merkel.

TRUMP: And I guess somebody shouted out, "Shake her hand, shake her hand," you know. But I never heard it. But I had already shaken her hand four times. You know, because we were together for a long time.

How can someone be so deluded?
The Republicans don't need the Democrats they have a majority. They can pass their own tax bill if they would all just agree with the party line.
Only if it is budget neutral, which they're having major troubles pulling off. Anything passed via a simple majority has to be free of increased costs or have direct reductions elsewhere to the budget.
Excellent Last Week Tonight this week. John Oliver lays out exactly why people should be worried about Ivanka and Kushner and why neither can be trusted, and why they only really get positive coverage for NOT being Steve Bannon. It's definitely worth a watch.

I found this very interesting. Trump still has his supporters and they don't give a feck about political correctness or nuance in his policies.
One of the positives...

Highs: "I love that he helped Flint, Michigan after they had a crisis with their water," she said, referring to a $10m grant for Flint awarded by Trump's Environmental Protection Agency, which had been approved by President Obama.
The fact is, the reasons that Trump is in power have relatively to do with facts, or figures or statistics. It's all about persona, hyperbole and bravado.

The left can't win his constituency over by being hysterical and exasperated in return. That's not the language they engage with.

FWIW, I'm still certain that Trump will fail as a president and poison the well for future demagogues. But a more tactical approach by the Democrats to turn the tide decidedly in their direction.
What the focus on Trump's numbers misses, however, is that Democrats aren't in a great place with voters either.
One number in the Post-ABC poll really stood out to me as something that should worry Democrats pondering the party's future: Asked whether the Democratic Party is in touch with the concerns of the average person, just 28% of respondents said it is -- as opposed to 67% who said Democrats are out of touch. Those numbers are worse than the "in touch/out of touch" numbers for either the Republican Party or Trump in that same poll.
More amazing to me is that only 52% of self-identified Democrats said their party was in touch with peoples' concerns, while 44% said it was out of touch. (Also of concern for Democrats: Fewer than 1 in 5 independents -- 18% -- said the Democratic Party was in touch with the average person.)
I read an article by Cornell West in the Guardian today and he said that the party isn't left enough. There is only one way to put this argument for good. Put a hard left candidate who is to the left of Bernie Sanders on the ticket in 2020.
I read an article by Cornell West in the Guardian today and he said that the party isn't left enough. There is only one way to put this argument for good. Put a hard left candidate who is to the left of Bernie Sanders on the ticket in 2020.
They are a right wing party which is why Bernie still refuses to say he is a Democrat even on the Democrat unity tour.

The United Nations has also taken note, releasing a report by the special rapporteur identifying anti-protest bills in 16 states, which the report called "a worrying trend."
"We are concerned that the above-mentioned bills are incompatible with international human rights law and would unduly restrict the possibility for individuals to freely exercise their rights to freedom of opinion and expression, and peaceful assembly," it said. "If adopted, the pending bills could have a domino effect on other states, leading to a general crackdown on protests in the United States."
Looks like they've killed off the senate intel investigation as well :(

Had high hopes the senate committee would be the one that got the job done and acted in a bipartisan manner.

I just had a lovey couple come in the pub who were from Minnesota, they must have been in their mid 60's, but very sprightly and fit for their age. Both had worked hard and now the kids have grown up and left home they are travelling the world, but especially the UK and are here for 6 weeks. I said hello and they were (as always) very polite, but instantly and completely out of nowhere they just apologised for Trump and anything he has said or done to offend me and anything he may do in the future. I was pretty shocked and burst out laughing, I showed them the title of this thread as I have the laptop open on the bar, and I explained a little about the thread and opinions etc then I told them not to worry and we (Europeans) don't blame or think all US citizens are to blame. They have just left and we had a really good and enjoyable chat and chuckle for 45 minutes or so, and after the initial introduction and couple of minutes laughing about him, we didn't mention Trump at all.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that as it's not the first couple we have had who have apologised for Trump completely unprompted and out of the blue. I just find it bizarre that at this very moment the world is full of US citizens who are continuously spending their travels apologising to strangers about their President. Just let that sink in for a minute because like everything else about this entire Presidency, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's completely batshit. :lol:

We get it from American customers. These are some of the ones we've received:

Thank you and apologies for any confusion, and that the Russians have managed to meddle in altering votes in 3 rural swing states which allowed for enough electoral votes for laughing stock dictator wannabe DonTheCon Trump to be future President, surely to be impeached within a couple of years at the rate he is going. By then I will have not only visited your lovely country but perhaps will be living there. After 300 years perhaps its time someone in my family return Home.

with warm, civilized regards,

Perfect thanks Karl!

Also I'd like to apologize on behalf of Most Americans. Trump does not speak for a large Majority of us. We are working hard with protests and action to make sure this dude doesn't completely unhinge the world. Babysitting this clown is exhausting.

Please pass along to your fellow friends and colleagues.

Thanks for all your help with the boots!!
Looks like they've killed off the senate intel investigation as well :(

Had high hopes the senate committee would be the one that got the job done and acted in a bipartisan manner.

That might actually be a good thing. It suggests that there's something real there as otherwise they would be falling over themselves to show their innocence. If there's something real there, then the FBI won't back off.
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