The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I just had a lovey couple come in the pub who were from Minnesota, they must have been in their mid 60's, but very sprightly and fit for their age. Both had worked hard and now the kids have grown up and left home they are travelling the world, but especially the UK and are here for 6 weeks. I said hello and they were (as always) very polite, but instantly and completely out of nowhere they just apologised for Trump and anything he has said or done to offend me and anything he may do in the future. I was pretty shocked and burst out laughing, I showed them the title of this thread as I have the laptop open on the bar, and I explained a little about the thread and opinions etc then I told them not to worry and we (Europeans) don't blame or think all US citizens are to blame. They have just left and we had a really good and enjoyable chat and chuckle for 45 minutes or so, and after the initial introduction and couple of minutes laughing about him, we didn't mention Trump at all.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that as it's not the first couple we have had who have apologised for Trump completely unprompted and out of the blue. I just find it bizarre that at this very moment the world is full of US citizens who are continuously spending their travels apologising to strangers about their President. Just let that sink in for a minute because like everything else about this entire Presidency, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's completely batshit. :lol:
I just had a lovey couple come in the pub who were from Minnesota, they must have been in their mid 60's, but very sprightly and fit for their age. Both had worked hard and now the kids have grown up and left home they are travelling the world, but especially the UK and are here for 6 weeks. I said hello and they were (as always) very polite, but instantly and completely out of nowhere they just apologised for Trump and anything he has said or done to offend me and anything he may do in the future. I was pretty shocked and burst out laughing, I showed them the title of this thread as I have the laptop open on the bar, and I explained a little about the thread and opinions etc then I told them not to worry and we (Europeans) don't blame or think all US citizens are to blame. They have just left and we had a really good and enjoyable chat and chuckle for 45 minutes or so, and after the initial introduction and couple of minutes laughing about him, we didn't mention Trump at all.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that as it's not the first couple we have had who have apologised for Trump completely unprompted and out of the blue. I just find it bizarre that at this very moment the world is full of US citizens who are continuously spending their travels apologising to strangers about their President. Just let that sink in for a minute because like everything else about this entire Presidency, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's completely batshit. :lol:

I've met many americans who have instantly apologized and somehow I can see how they actually want to get it off their chest as soon as we start talking (guessing that's because I'm mexican :lol:) and this has been pretty common lately in my office since the company is from California and we get tons of visits from the US branches, clients, auditing staff, etc.

Last month I was interviewed over the phone for a design job with a New York company and the guy was explaining how they are in the process of moving their business to Mexico, so just as he was saying this, Trump instantly came into my mind and then the guy said "Oh well Mr. Trump is going to be pretty mad, sorry about that btw he's a donkey" and I just lost it and we both laughed :lol:.

Crazy indeed.
I've met many americans who have instantly apologized and somehow I can see how they actually want to get it off their chest as soon as we start talking (guessing that's because I'm mexican :lol:) and this has been pretty common lately in my office since the company is from California and we get tons of visits from the US branches, clients, auditing staff, etc.

Last month I was interviewed over the phone for a design job with a New York company and the guy was explaining how they are in the process of moving their business to Mexico, so just as he was saying this, Trump instantly came into my mind and then the guy said "Oh well Mr. Trump is going to be pretty mad, sorry about that btw he's a donkey" and I just lost it and we both laughed :lol:.

Crazy indeed.

:lol: That's brilliant, It's actually a decent icebreaker for first meetings and always initiates a good laugh, I just hope the French don't have to start doing it too or we all could be well and truly fecked then.

:lol: Broken record............

And this one. It's as if he's' having a thought and it's taken him 35 minutes so far and he hasn't finished it. Keeping the world in suspense no doubt. :lol:

I just had a lovey couple come in the pub who were from Minnesota, they must have been in their mid 60's, but very sprightly and fit for their age. Both had worked hard and now the kids have grown up and left home they are travelling the world, but especially the UK and are here for 6 weeks. I said hello and they were (as always) very polite, but instantly and completely out of nowhere they just apologised for Trump and anything he has said or done to offend me and anything he may do in the future. I was pretty shocked and burst out laughing, I showed them the title of this thread as I have the laptop open on the bar, and I explained a little about the thread and opinions etc then I told them not to worry and we (Europeans) don't blame or think all US citizens are to blame. They have just left and we had a really good and enjoyable chat and chuckle for 45 minutes or so, and after the initial introduction and couple of minutes laughing about him, we didn't mention Trump at all.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that as it's not the first couple we have had who have apologised for Trump completely unprompted and out of the blue. I just find it bizarre that at this very moment the world is full of US citizens who are continuously spending their travels apologising to strangers about their President. Just let that sink in for a minute because like everything else about this entire Presidency, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's completely batshit. :lol:

This happened to us repeatedly when we were in the US in February, as soon as people heard us speak and knew were weren't American it was like they felt a need to distance themselves from him.
I just had a lovey couple come in the pub who were from Minnesota, they must have been in their mid 60's, but very sprightly and fit for their age. Both had worked hard and now the kids have grown up and left home they are travelling the world, but especially the UK and are here for 6 weeks. I said hello and they were (as always) very polite, but instantly and completely out of nowhere they just apologised for Trump and anything he has said or done to offend me and anything he may do in the future. I was pretty shocked and burst out laughing, I showed them the title of this thread as I have the laptop open on the bar, and I explained a little about the thread and opinions etc then I told them not to worry and we (Europeans) don't blame or think all US citizens are to blame. They have just left and we had a really good and enjoyable chat and chuckle for 45 minutes or so, and after the initial introduction and couple of minutes laughing about him, we didn't mention Trump at all.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that as it's not the first couple we have had who have apologised for Trump completely unprompted and out of the blue. I just find it bizarre that at this very moment the world is full of US citizens who are continuously spending their travels apologising to strangers about their President. Just let that sink in for a minute because like everything else about this entire Presidency, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's completely batshit. :lol:

Same thing happened to me last month when I was helping a couple of Americans from Philadelphia who were lost in Dublin. Totally unprompted.
This happened to us repeatedly when we were in the US in February, as soon as people heard us speak and knew were weren't American it was like they felt a need to distance themselves from him.

Same thing happened to me last month when I was helping a couple of Americans from Philadelphia who were lost in Dublin. Totally unprompted.

:lol: it really is an epidemic.
Hopefully in the future, a law is created so that presidential candidates will be forced to undergo extensive medical examinations done by independent medical organisations.
They need it. This dumbfeck has opened the floodgates. I will not apologize for it when I say who ever voted for this guy is a bonafide idiot. I will not accept economic reasons for a wreck less vote like that, especially when you vote the same people over and over on the down ballot. Trump is one of the biggest fools I've ever seen on a national stage. Being able to hire people who are good at their jobs, i.e. Lawyers/accountants does not make you smart. Having you're name plastered over everything but owning feck all of it makes you an easy touch in my opinion. This guy has probably been played all his life but never takes responsibility for his idiocy and poor business acumen so he takes it out on the people below him on the ladder. People need to remember that it's Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekka that control this administration, not Trump.
I fecking guarantee come the end of his four years, if he is not impeached by then he will be calling for Ivanka or Jarred to take the office, no need for an election. He doesn't give a shit about this country or anyone in it. Every interview and press conference with this guy has been an embarrassment to this country and to the intelligence of decent people worldwide. I only hope, although not very decent if me, that people get fecked over badly. A lesson needs to be learned from this shit.
I just had a lovey couple come in the pub who were from Minnesota, they must have been in their mid 60's, but very sprightly and fit for their age. Both had worked hard and now the kids have grown up and left home they are travelling the world, but especially the UK and are here for 6 weeks. I said hello and they were (as always) very polite, but instantly and completely out of nowhere they just apologised for Trump and anything he has said or done to offend me and anything he may do in the future. I was pretty shocked and burst out laughing, I showed them the title of this thread as I have the laptop open on the bar, and I explained a little about the thread and opinions etc then I told them not to worry and we (Europeans) don't blame or think all US citizens are to blame. They have just left and we had a really good and enjoyable chat and chuckle for 45 minutes or so, and after the initial introduction and couple of minutes laughing about him, we didn't mention Trump at all.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that as it's not the first couple we have had who have apologised for Trump completely unprompted and out of the blue. I just find it bizarre that at this very moment the world is full of US citizens who are continuously spending their travels apologising to strangers about their President. Just let that sink in for a minute because like everything else about this entire Presidency, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's completely batshit. :lol:
This reminds of an incident in 2008. I attended a meeting in the States just the week before the election when Obama ran against McCain. I will never forget that one speaker opened his speech with an apology just in case somebody as unfit for vice-presidency as Sarah Palin would actually become VP before he continued with his actual topic. :lol: Similarly, the cab driver who took me to the airport apologized for Palin.
I just had a lovey couple come in the pub who were from Minnesota, they must have been in their mid 60's, but very sprightly and fit for their age. Both had worked hard and now the kids have grown up and left home they are travelling the world, but especially the UK and are here for 6 weeks. I said hello and they were (as always) very polite, but instantly and completely out of nowhere they just apologised for Trump and anything he has said or done to offend me and anything he may do in the future. I was pretty shocked and burst out laughing, I showed them the title of this thread as I have the laptop open on the bar, and I explained a little about the thread and opinions etc then I told them not to worry and we (Europeans) don't blame or think all US citizens are to blame. They have just left and we had a really good and enjoyable chat and chuckle for 45 minutes or so, and after the initial introduction and couple of minutes laughing about him, we didn't mention Trump at all.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that as it's not the first couple we have had who have apologised for Trump completely unprompted and out of the blue. I just find it bizarre that at this very moment the world is full of US citizens who are continuously spending their travels apologising to strangers about their President. Just let that sink in for a minute because like everything else about this entire Presidency, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's completely batshit. :lol:
I doubt many Trumpanzees travel out of state never mind out of the country. It's not safe for them to leave there bunkers, especially with the war on Christmas still on going.
Doesn't surprise me one bit, I've been in Europe 5 months now and the moment I've told someone I'm coming from the US, everyone asks "what do you think of Trump?"

I suppose it's kind of a natural defence to get it straight out there then, a pre-emptive strike so to speak.

I will never forget that one speaker opened his speech with an apology just in case somebody as unfit for vice-presidency as Sarah Palin would actually become VP before he continued with his actual topic. :lol: Similarly, the cab driver who took me to the airport apologized for Palin.

:lol: I think that she is the female equivalent of Trump, both like to come up with what they think are witty catchphrases, both pronounce words wrong all the time, both are completely batshit insane and talk complete and utter bullshite, both are extremely unqualified and poorly educated, both have no idea about anything with regards to world history or current events. You could go on and on spotting similarities between those pair. It's almost uncanny.

I doubt many Trumpanzees travel out of state never mind out of the country. It's not safe for them to leave there bunkers, especially with the war on Christmas still on going.

:lol: They were getting really cross about the War on Easter on Fox last week.

Ok, Ok, I'm getting my coat...............
They need it. This dumbfeck has opened the floodgates. I will not apologize for it when I say who ever voted for this guy is a bonafide idiot. I will not accept economic reasons for a wreck less vote like that, especially when you vote the same people over and over on the down ballot. Trump is one of the biggest fools I've ever seen on a national stage. Being able to hire people who are good at their jobs, i.e. Lawyers/accountants does not make you smart. Having you're name plastered over everything but owning feck all of it makes you an easy touch in my opinion. This guy has probably been played all his life but never takes responsibility for his idiocy and poor business acumen so he takes it out on the people below him on the ladder. People need to remember that it's Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekka that control this administration, not Trump.
I fecking guarantee come the end of his four years, if he is not impeached by then he will be calling for Ivanka or Jarred to take the office, no need for an election. He doesn't give a shit about this country or anyone in it. Every interview and press conference with this guy has been an embarrassment to this country and to the intelligence of decent people worldwide. I only hope, although not very decent if me, that people get fecked over badly. A lesson needs to be learned from this shit.
Well put.

The day after the election, I had a dentist appointment. The dentist asked if I agree to be numbed. I said "no need, I already feel numb"!

I still can't believe that he was actually elected.
It would be brilliant if the disagreement about the boarder-wall would prevent any agreement between the Trump, the GOP and Dems on the budget. When three people quarrel, a fourth rejoices.
Twitler is mentally retarded, there's no doubt about it.

I still laugh that when he met Merkel, he asked her numerous times to negotiate a trade deal between the US and Germany before her message that it's not Germany negotiating but the EU seemed to sink in - and in the subsequent presser he again says 'German trade negotiators have done a better job than US negotiators".

I can't believe that he tapped up loads of EU countries about bilateral deals. How dumb can you get.
It would be incredible if they don't pass through any significant bills, despite controlling both houses and the White House.
It would be brilliant if the disagreement about the boarder-wall would prevent any agreement between the Trump, the GOP and Dems on the budget. When three people quarrel, a fourth rejoices.

I predict a Govt shutdown, unless GOP can convince T to pull that off the funding bill.
Not all Republicans support the wall and Dems would definitely oppose it en masse. Putting the well in = Govt shutdown.
Is there any possibility of a nuclear option like the Supreme Court nomination to fund the wall?

Nuclear option meant the senate filibuster (60 votes needed to break) was useless. The problem here is just getting a simple majority from within the party.

They can't change the law to allow bills to pass with <50% votes! Though it's not a terrible tactical decision, since trump can veto all Democrat legislation anyway.
I predict a Govt shutdown, unless GOP can convince T to pull that off the funding bill.
Not all Republicans support the wall and Dems would definitely oppose it en masse. Putting the well in = Govt shutdown.

With a government shut-down all three sides (GOP, Trump and Dems) would lose. It would be a PR disaster for Trump, he wouldn’t get his wall and his government would be restricted from getting anything else done. It would be a PR disaster for the GOP as well, because they hold the majority and would rightfully get blamed. The problem for the Dems is, that it would mean the defunding of programs that they really care about. The most prominent example would be the subsidies to health-care insurance companies; without these subsidies the ACA doesn’t work.

There is a very strong incentive for all three sides to come to an agreement. Trump has the weakest hand, because he has everything to lose. Yet the wall is one of the last remaining campaign promises. There is little left if he goes back on this and immigration is a topic that his supporters really care about. So can he go back on it? I don’t know

The majority of the GOP will go along with any budget proposal, but the FHC will be against almost any budget and I doubt that Trump can offer them anything to change their mind. So consequently they have to convince some democrats to join them.

I expect that Trump&Ryan are going to make extremely far-reaching concessions to convince some democratic MPs to go along with it. The question is if that is enough. We’ll certainly get a lot of drama and twitter negotiations.


Describing a meeting with Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), Trump offered the following word salad:
“Well he said, you’ll be the greatest president in the history of, but you know what, I’ll take that also, but that you could be. But he said, will be the greatest president but I would also accept the other. In other words, if you do your job, but I accept that. Then I watched him interviewed and it was like he never even was here. It’s incredible. I watched him interviewed a week later and it’s like he was never in my office. And you can even say that.”

I mean what happens if the president just has a total mental breakdown? He doesn't seem very far off at this point.


Describing a meeting with Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), Trump offered the following word salad:


All the houlliers in the world doesn't cover how I feel about that.

What about this one:
TRUMP: [Chinese] President Xi [Jinping], we have a, like, a really great relationship. For me to call him a currency manipulator and then say, “By the way, I’d like you to solve the North Korean problem,” doesn’t work. So you have to have a certain flexibility, Number One. Number Two, from the time I took office till now, you know, it’s a very exact thing. It’s not like generalities. Do you want a Coke or anything?

AP: I’m OK, thank you.
I mean what happens if the president just has a total mental breakdown? He doesn't seem very far off at this point.
There's is a clause in the constitution for this, it basically has the VP and the cabinet declaring the President unable to perform his duties and the VP takes over.
Nuclear option meant the senate filibuster (60 votes needed to break) was useless. The problem here is just getting a simple majority from within the party.

They can't change the law to allow bills to pass with <50% votes! Though it's not a terrible tactical decision, since trump can veto all Democrat legislation anyway.

As far as I understand, the nuclear option to have a simple majority to avoid filibuster is only for Supreme Court nominations. This is in addition to the Harry Reid amendment to kill filibuster for lower-court judges. A filibuster is still an option for legislative changes which is why there is the threat of government shutdown.

There is virtually zero chance of a government shutdown if there is no filibuster from Dems, as R's will all toe the president's line no matter what it is, to avoid a government shutdown. Freedom Caucus has played their cards once, but they won't do it every time.

Seriously theres no need for a fecking wall. This must be just a fat contract for a firm like Haliburton.

It's a vanity project for sure, but all Republicans voted for it.
I can't believe that he tapped up loads of EU countries about bilateral deals. How dumb can you get.
I think the statement 'Nobody knew negotiating trade deals is that difficult' is just around the corner. :D
As far as I understand, the nuclear option to have a simple majority to avoid filibuster is only for Supreme Court nominations. This is in addition to the Harry Reid amendment to kill filibuster for lower-court judges. A filibuster is still an option for legislative changes which is why there is the threat of government shutdown.

There is virtually zero chance of a government shutdown if there is no filibuster from Dems, as R's will all toe the president's line no matter what it is, to avoid a government shutdown. Freedom Caucus has played their cards once, but they won't do it every time.

AFAIK, the threat of shutdown is not via filibuster but because of internal GOP opposition (Freedom Caucus again). I'm not sure the filibuster applies to the budget anyway. Maybe @JustAFan or @Ubik know better.
“Well he said, you’ll be the greatest president in the history of, but you know what, I’ll take that also, but that you could be. But he said, will be the greatest president but I would also accept the other. In other words, if you do your job, but I accept that
Please translate that?
AFAIK, the threat of shutdown is not via filibuster but because of internal GOP opposition (Freedom Caucus again). I'm not sure the filibuster applies to the budget anyway. Maybe @JustAFan or @Ubik know better.

Govt shutdown is because of Dems not agreeing to Republican demands of having money allocated for border wall. Trump has tried to bargain with them for Obamacare payments to keep it running.
Govt shutdown is because of Dems not agreeing to Republican demands of having money allocated for border wall. Trump has tried to bargain with them for Obamacare payments to keep it running.

You're right about the filibuster, but here is the full sentence:
Not only do Republicans need Democratic help because some Republicans in the House and Senate refuse to vote for any spending bills at all, Republicans are also likely to need 60 votes in the Senate to overcome Democratic objections.
So it's a combination of hard-right and filibuster.
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