I just had a lovey couple come in the pub who were from Minnesota, they must have been in their mid 60's, but very sprightly and fit for their age. Both had worked hard and now the kids have grown up and left home they are travelling the world, but especially the UK and are here for 6 weeks. I said hello and they were (as always) very polite, but instantly and completely out of nowhere they just apologised for Trump and anything he has said or done to offend me and anything he may do in the future. I was pretty shocked and burst out laughing, I showed them the title of this thread as I have the laptop open on the bar, and I explained a little about the thread and opinions etc then I told them not to worry and we (Europeans) don't blame or think all US citizens are to blame. They have just left and we had a really good and enjoyable chat and chuckle for 45 minutes or so, and after the initial introduction and couple of minutes laughing about him, we didn't mention Trump at all.
Anyway, just thought I'd share that as it's not the first couple we have had who have apologised for Trump completely unprompted and out of the blue. I just find it bizarre that at this very moment the world is full of US citizens who are continuously spending their travels apologising to strangers about their President. Just let that sink in for a minute because like everything else about this entire Presidency, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's completely batshit.
Anyway, just thought I'd share that as it's not the first couple we have had who have apologised for Trump completely unprompted and out of the blue. I just find it bizarre that at this very moment the world is full of US citizens who are continuously spending their travels apologising to strangers about their President. Just let that sink in for a minute because like everything else about this entire Presidency, it really doesn't make sense at all. It's completely batshit.