The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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At this point, his supporters don't care who pays for the wall. Might as well drop the pretense and go full steam ahead building this wall without Mexico paying for it.

I still do not understand a wall.

Fining/Imprisoning every business owner that employs a worker without a Visa would solve their problem. If illegal immigrants couldn't work, they'd stop coming in, surely? That's what all other countries do.
I still do not understand a wall.

Fining/Imprisoning every business owner that employs a worker without a Visa would solve their problem. If illegal immigrants couldn't work, they'd stop coming in, surely? That's what all other countries do.
It would also collapse their farming industry and a be a complete disaster for the country, especially areas with a heavy republican base. So, no can do.
I still do not understand a wall.

Fining/Imprisoning every business owner that employs a worker without a Visa would solve their problem. If illegal immigrants couldn't work, they'd stop coming in, surely? That's what all other countries do.

It's the same stick with abortion. Don't punish the mother but suffocate the facilities that women may use. Don't look for logic, it's the ideology. It should restrict immigration, but shouldn't hurt the business. Instead of giving a mandate to businesses to employ Americans, make sure there are no immigrants to employ. Onus is on immigrants to make themselves available for labor, business profits by paying low wages but don't get punished for employing illegal workers. All the risk is on the immigrants themselves.
I still do not understand a wall.

Fining/Imprisoning every business owner that employs a worker without a Visa would solve their problem. If illegal immigrants couldn't work, they'd stop coming in, surely? That's what all other countries do.

Net immigration with Mexico is still a negative right now, so border wall makes absolutely no sense. He'd be better served trying to build a positive relationship with Mexico and help them to guard their borders with the likes of El Salvador and Gautemala which is where most of the immigration is coming from.
It would also collapse their farming industry and a be a complete disaster for the country, especially areas with a heavy republican base. So, no can do.

Oh totally. I know the effects it would have. It's just a nation with a large percentage of very thick people that don't see sense.

If they continually allow immigrants to work without papers, the immigration will not stop.
Oh totally. I know the effects it would have. It's just a nation with a large percentage of very thick people that don't see sense.

If they continually allow immigrants to work without papers, the immigration will not stop.
It's like John Stewart said, if you've spent years being told the visigoths are the door, looking to take over the country and overwhelm your culture, you want a fecking wall not another tax reform.
Good luck Vlad

Notice how Rex and Donald both started mentioning Ukraine and Crimea in the past few weeks when they hardly ever mentioned it before? I just find the timing a bit suspect with Tillerson's visit and the Russia talk almost boiling around the same time. It really is as if the entire world is currently thinking the USA and Russia are just trying to put as much distance between themselves as possible at the moment. The relations must be ultra strained at the moment too as they are seriously pushing each other's buttons on a massive scale, rumours are also strong that Putin isn't happy with Trump at all and (rightly) thinks he's an idiot. If there really is any truth behind the Russian's having compromising tapes on Donald, then it wouldn't be a shock if they just happened to end up in CNN's mailbox sooner rather than later.
"Now watch this shot..."
*launches nukes*
Net immigration with Mexico is still a negative right now, so border wall makes absolutely no sense. He'd be better served trying to build a positive relationship with Mexico and help them to guard their borders with the likes of El Salvador and Gautemala which is where most of the immigration is coming from.
Or continuing Obama's de-escalation of the drug war, the primary driver of immigration from Central America. Hopefully he doesn't screw that up by installing a backwards racist asshole as Attorney General.......oh wait...
Was reading about a domestic abuse case in Sunnyvale, CA. Apparently, the husband was given a misdemeanor charge to stop him being deported back to India. What bullshit is this? Shouldn't criminals be prosecuted regardless of their immigration status.
So, what are the chances of a government shutdown, US Caf residents, and if it's going to happen, how will it be viewed by public?
So, what are the chances of a government shutdown, US Caf residents, and if it's going to happen, how will it be viewed by public?
1 in 4. It'd be viewed upon partisan lines for the most part; each ostracizing the other, as per the norm. It does have the potential to ignite some protests, though I think that tinder won't really catch fire until further on...
1 in 4. It'd be viewed upon partisan lines for the most part; each ostracizing the other, as per the norm. It does have the potential to ignite some protests, though I think that tinder won't really catch fire until further on...
1 in 4. It'd be viewed upon partisan lines for the most part; each ostracizing the other, as per the norm. It does have the potential to ignite some protests, though I think that tinder won't really catch fire until further on...

You would hope that the non-Fox media pushes the absurdity of a shutdown when one party controls all branches of government (and has a SC majority for good measure).
AP: But in terms of tax reform, how are you going to roll that out next week?

TRUMP: Well I'm going to roll (out) probably on Wednesday, around Wednesday of next week, we're putting out a massive tax reform — business and for people — we want to do both. We've been working on it (unintelligible). Secretary Mnuchin is a very talented person, very smart. Very successful (unintelligible). ... We're going to be putting that out on Wednesday or shortly thereafter. Let me leave a little room just in case (unintelligible). ... And that's a big story, because a lot of people think I'm going to put it out much later.

AP: Do you have any details on that in terms of rates?

TRUMP: Only in terms that it will be a massive tax cut. It will be bigger, I believe, than any tax cut ever. Maybe the biggest tax cut we've ever had. ...

Classic Trump
Hopefully in the future, a law is created so that presidential candidates will be forced to undergo extensive medical examinations done by independent medical organisations.
Definitely. You are made to do competency tests for run of the mill jobs. The least you can ask for, is that the presidential candidate be mentally sound.
Re: Trump's tax reform quote above ~
He always gives the impression that he knows no details about, well, any subject at all. Staggering.
So he is increasing spending (significant sums of it on himself) AND making the biggest cuts in his government's income in history.

That will end well then.
So he is increasing spending (significant sums of it on himself) AND making the biggest cuts in his government's income in history.

That will end well then.

Small government...except when it comes to the military. And preventing things that go against their social views.
Twitler is mentally retarded, there's no doubt about it.

I still laugh that when he met Merkel, he asked her numerous times to negotiate a trade deal between the US and Germany before her message that it's not Germany negotiating but the EU seemed to sink in - and in the subsequent presser he again says 'German trade negotiators have done a better job than US negotiators".
Still can't believe Americans voted this guy in. He doesn't give one flying shit about the average human being as proven yet again by this classless brag. Bizarre.
New poll just released showing he has the worst rating since that poll started. Another poll by the Washington Post/ABC... Only 2% of his voters regret voting for him. Beggars belief.
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