The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The way people romanticise about USA pre Trump is a bit sickening. Human rights disaster of a country that probably deserved a president like Trump. I think the majority are good people though, just duped into thinking they deserve nothing from this world except serve capitalist interests.
I'm always amazed that, for me, he is actually able to collate the sum worst-ness of his entire being into a facial expression

That face is Trump in summary for me.

:lol: you have to give it to him, he has the amazing ability to gurn without the aid of MDMA.
Says who?

No way, he's too much of a cnut to be taking MDMA. He clearly doesn't smoke weed because of his stance on the environment, he could possibly be taking acid from time to time, that would explain some of his speeches. I think if anything his ego, his temper, his arrogance and narcissism, if anything he would be a raving coke head. I do believe him when he says he's T-total though, and Trump is the reason the rest of us need alcohol and/or drugs :lol:
"Er, should we use the people on the inside as people on the inside?"

Yeah it's a bit of a confusing statement.

I guess it's just "FBI has proof Russia worked with members of the Trump campaign.
:( Just circumstantial evidence based on this report.

Intelligence analysts and FBI investigators who analyzed various strands of intelligence from human sources to electronic and financial records have found signs of possible collusion between the campaign and Russian officials. But there is not enough evidence to show that crimes were committed, US officials say.

This suggests they started to attempt to cover their tracks later on.

If Trump team were not colluding or doing dodgy business with the Russians, why would they start changing their routine/behaviour when the leaks came?

Part of the problem for investigators has been that they lost their opportunity to conduct the investigation in secret after several leaks last year revealed FBI was looking at people close to the Trump campaign. After those reports, people that the US was monitoring changed their behavior, which made it more difficult for US officials to monitor them.

Page disputes the idea he has ever collected intelligence for the Russians, saying he helped the US intelligence community. "My assumption throughout the last 26 years I've been going there has always been that any Russian person might share information with the Russian government ... as I have similarly done with the CIA, the FBI and other government agencies in the past."

I know he would have been involved with the FBI because of the 2013 spy case, but this implies him sharing information with these government agencies goes back to the past 26 years.
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Page the treble agent?

Something just seems off with the guy. The guys been going on TV a dozen times doing interviews in recent weeks and making claims and then a few days later a new story is leaked and he backtracks and basically digs the hole he is in deeper.

The guy is supposed to be being investigated by the FBI and this behaviour would just make them even more suspicious of the guy and raise more alarm bells. Most lawyers would tell him to lay low, but the guy seems to for some reason want to stay in the limelight.

He bumbles his way through these interviews and acts completely clueless. But he's got a PHD, bachelor and master degree, was a Marine intelligence officer and worked at Merrill Lynch, so he's clearly pretty intelligent, but you'd think i am insane for saying he's intelligent when you look at the way he has conducted himself recently.
:( Just circumstantial evidence based on this report.

This suggests they started to attempt to cover their tracks later on.

If Trump team were not colluding or doing dodgy business with the Russians, why would they start changing their routine/behaviour when the leaks came?

I think it's quite likely it'll be unprovable.

Everyone knows what's happened but they'll have covered their tracks just well enough that evidence won't be enough.
Justice Breyer dissents over Arkansas' execution buffet citing the obvious expiration of a drug as the sudden randomness of pushing through 8 (EIGHT!) executions in 11 days. Justice Gorsuch ruled in favor of the state's desire. It was Gorsuch's first ruling in the SCOTUS.

Get ready for more of this nonsense from SCOTUS, and it will only get worse if 1-2 justice seats open up while the GOP run the show.
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Justice Breyer dissents over Arkansas' execution buffet citing the obvious expiration of a drug as the sudden randomness of pushing through 8 (EIGHT!) executions in 11 days. Justice Gorsuch ruled in favor of the state's desire. It was Gorsuch's first ruling in the SCOTUS.

Get ready for more of this nonsense from SCOTUS, and it will only get worse if 1-2 justice seats open up while the GOP run the show.

Unfortunately on the death penalty, the 2 oldest liberal judges (Breyer and Ginsburg) are the only 2 who have expressed any sort of desire towards abolition. Sotomayor and Kagan haven't. Though of course they will be far more restrictive when it comes to its application.

A number of claims beginning to fall apart.

Did you read them? Hardly falling apart.

RT's answer to how they had the story out before wikileaks "just good journalism". Yeah that conclusively puts that to bed.

CIA Insiders/Contractors the target of the Investigation regarding the Vault 7 leaks - hardly surprising considering it had to have been sourced from inside the CIA. Doesn't rule out Russia as the Ines sourcing it.

As for all the posturing between Donald and Putin in public, it's pretty superficial so far.

A number of claims beginning to fall apart.

I'm with @Pexbo , I'm not impressed. The 2nd, 5th and 6th point of this Aaron guy are not convincing at all, and his 8th point suggests he's a bit naive.

I hope we'll get more clarity once the investigations progress.
Did you read them? Hardly falling apart.

RT's answer to how they had the story out before wikileaks "just good journalism". Yeah that conclusively puts that to bed.

CIA Insiders/Contractors the target of the Investigation regarding the Vault 7 leaks - hardly surprising considering it had to have been sourced from inside the CIA. Doesn't rule out Russia as the Ines sourcing it.

As for all the posturing between Donald and Putin in public, it's pretty superficial so far.

About the CIA - so far the story has always been Russian hackers. This would be a big change.
5 is semantics though I do believe that Bannon was genuinely (not compromised; in his heart) pro-Putin, and that led to the wording change. The alt-right in general idolises and finds common cause with him, and have done since before Trump.
The RT-WL link seemed tenuous to me initially as well, but whatever. I was on the WL website for a solid week at one time and can see how it could have happened.

The rest is slightly more important though - I'm talking about an unprecedented military buildup at the Russian border (cold war borders meant that NATO was never this close to Russia, the last non-regional force that got this close was Nazi Germany.
Polish President Andrzej Duda called the deployment a historic moment "awaited by generations".

A strike on Russian assets in Syria, which Obama never did.

Further NATO expansion, the #1 geopolitical issue for Putin.
If the Russians have all this dirty laundry, when are they going to start airing it?

Edit: also going after Assange
I'm with @Pexbo , I'm not impressed. The 2nd, 5th and 6th point of this Aaron guy are not convincing at all, and his 8th point suggests he's a bit naive.

I hope we'll get more clarity once the investigations progress.

It's literally just weak excuses from some no mark Trump supporter.
It's literally just weak excuses from some no mark Trump supporter.

Excuses for what? Maddow made claims. They haven't come true. Also he's not a Trump supporter but ad-hominem is an effective tactic, so carry on (he has tweets opposing Trump's new plans in Yemen and celebrating Bill O Reilly's departure).
Excuses for what? Maddow made claims. They haven't come true. Also he's not a Trump supporter but ad-hominem is an effective tactic, so carry on (he has tweets opposing Trump's new plans in Yemen and celebrating Bill O Reilly's departure).
That's a bold statement. Just because e.g. Russia Today says 'not true' the claim hasn't come true? Sorry, that's very far from convincing.
It's literally just weak excuses from some no mark Trump supporter.
I wouldn't go that far but IMO with this series of tweets, Aaron Maté undermined his own credibility. For next to none of his claims that Maddow was wrong, he comes up with robust evidence or evidence at all.
At what point do people who can actually do something about it start to question why the nepotism and emoluments clauses (which probably effect her more than twitler himself) are being ignored.
RT didn't have the story out before WikiLeaks. It just wasn't announced on the WikiLeaks Twitter page until hours after it appeared on the website. I don't know why this non story keep coming back to surface.
I think it's quite likely it'll be unprovable.

Everyone knows what's happened but they'll have covered their tracks just well enough that evidence won't be enough.

This story claims there's not enough evidence, yet another story last week claimed this

One source suggested the official investigation was making progress. “They now have specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion,” the source said. “This is between people in the Trump campaign and agents of [Russian] influence relating to the use of hacked material.”
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