The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm judging by the big flurry of weird attention seeking tweets that something new about his Russia collusion is on its way in the next day or so. Distractor in Chief and all that.
I'm judging by the big flurry of weird attention seeking tweets that something new about his Russia collusion is on its way in the next day or so. Distractor in Chief and all that.

Good call. I guess he's in the best spot in the world to get heads-ups these days. Probably has a Secret Service Find-Out-What-Scandal-Is-Coming-Next division set up.
I'm judging by the big flurry of weird attention seeking tweets that something new about his Russia collusion is on its way in the next day or so. Distractor in Chief and all that.
I have similar thoughts. This nutter has been pretty predictable since he got elected so let's see what's revealed next.

On a totally different matter, a question to Americans on the Caf:

Is it normal that POTUS or VP bring their children along on a long business trip outside of the US? Whenever I turn on the TV and watch the news these days, I see Pence in SK with his wife and what I suppose are their teenage daughters. Thanks.
I can't wait for books, HBO documentaries and motion pictures about Trump's bizarre reign.

If we're still alive I mean.
I have similar thoughts. This nutter has been pretty predictable since he got elected so let's see what's revealed next.

On a totally different matter, a question to Americans on the Caf:

Is it normal that POTUS or VP bring their children along on a long business trip outside of the US? Whenever I turn on the TV and watch the news these days, I see Pence in SK with his wife and what I suppose are their teenage daughters. Thanks.

It depends, I think there are times it has been done in the past, a lot depends on the ages of the kids and the trip. I do not believe it is the norm for every trip.
It depends, I think there are times it has been done in the past, a lot depends on the ages of the kids and the trip. I do not believe it is the norm for every trip.
Thanks, I couldn't remember any outside of the US trip from the Obama girls but couldn't remember if the Bush twins or Chelsea Clinton travelled with their Dads.
The state of Fr. Pence in that leather jacket, I think he kept his arms crossed the whole time as he was so uncomfortable. I bet mother scrubbed him with a pumice stone and scalding water when he got back to his hotel room.
Did Trump just do a make MAGA speech from a balcony on the WH eater egg hunt?

Another Goldman appointee by the looks of it.

His third family don't look too happy. Although I shouldn't it's these two on the left I feel most sorry for.

His third family don't look too happy. Although I shouldn't it's these two on the left I feel most sorry for.
Baron is probably worried about Jared taking over everything and he's left with nothing.
Is the resistance running out of steam? Feels like it to me.

Sustained resistance always requires a lot of a effort and there have to be real life repercussions for the "masses" to come out and resist and oppose any particular change. Unless that happens, it is almost impossible to maintain the same level of intensity against someone/something.
Is the resistance running out of steam? Feels like it to me.
Probably ebb and flow. He's not gone dictatorial. Unlikely to see sustained protests and such. People have lives. Fervour strongest again probably next year when info comes out about the investigation and/or the midterms

Why the feck is his personal bodyguard still there. The guy who likes to throw fists outside trump tower like a strip club bouncer. Is this guy cleared? What is his position in this shit show?
Pah, America treats everything like sport.
Friend who voted Trump just text me and asked "why are we about to go to war with North Korea???"

I don't think he liked my response of "well, it could have something to do with folks like you electing Donald Trump"
Is the resistance running out of steam? Feels like it to me.
No, he's just backing away from most of the twisted things he ran on and so we wait until he actually tries to do something again.

He has two choices. Try and appease his supporters and face mass opposition, or continue walking away from his promises and gradually alienate those that believed in him.
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