The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's fair to say that we've all been pretty amazed by them.
:lol::lol::lol: Sorry, but :lol::lol::lol:. I can only laugh at this thing :lol::lol::lol:

This better not be true. There's a major reason (security implications) why other recent US presidents have not travelled on the carriage when on state visits to the UK.

The security costs will be a complete joke and this would add a few million on top of that.
So he is putting out on a public forum that he has evidence of all this. Time for the real journalists to take over on this one. I will hazard a guess, Trump is on a cocktail of drugs they give teenagers with ADHD. Pence is on a strict regiment of chemical castration medication. Someone is fecking Kelly Ann, probably Jared. The suger babies, tough one but with any luck one of them will be Trumps. Anyway, this cnut can't talk, Bannon has the face of someone with a decades long substance abuse problem.
If true, it's obvious that these drugs are not working and he's rejecting behavioral therapy.

If I had to prepare a bingo card for such revelations, I'd go for
  • Bannon addicted to serious stuff (e.g. crystal meth).
  • Threesomes of Trump, Kellyanne, Ivanka.
  • Not just golden curtains but golden showers in the WH.
  • Pence is actually dead, what we see is his animated Madame Tussaud figure.
  • Sessions member of KKK.
Cernovich is obviously an attention-seeking moron but I've never had any doubts that this administration, with very few exception, has not just one but numerous skeletons in their closets.
This is once again mainly about Kushner and Bannon but also about Twitler/the administration in general.

The Inside Story of the Kushner-Bannon Civil War
West Wing sources come clean about the backstabbing, the bullying, the distrust, and the buzzing flies. but the

As everyone knows, the president himself is inordinately engaged with cable news, and his roots as an entertainer lie in reality television. And it may be that reality TV has lessons to offer. Sarah Gertrude Shapiro, a co-creator of the Lifetime series UnReal, told me that she found Trump to be eerily similar to her UnReal antihero, Quinn King, the female producer of a Bachelor-type reality show, Everlasting. Like King, Trump has a knack for expressing shocking sentiments that others may recoil from, Shapiro told me. And, like all great reality-TV personalities, Trump and many of his staff are “sound-bite machines” who share certain qualities: megalomania, a delusion of grandeur, a willingness to say anything, and little regard for what anyone else thinks: “They are this functionally dysfunctional ramshackle group of people who have come together through their own extremes.” Shapiro is currently preparing the third season of her show, and I asked her the secret to maintaining interest season after season. She said, “A rotating cast of characters always helps.”
This better not be true. There's a major reason (security implications) why other recent US presidents have not travelled on the carriage when on state visits to the UK.

The security costs will be a complete joke and this would add a few million on top of that.
Don't think they would allow him, tbh. Isn't it just for monarchs?
I'm not even sure if there's any correlation between the 2 things he mentioned. :confused:
I think it's just the way his mind works - if you're successful, you should be allowed to engage in as much corruption as you'd like. "When you're a star, they let you do do it, you can do anything" seems to be a general philosophy for him rather than just in relation to sexual assault.

Also interesting how he continually mentions how impossible it is for a Republican to win the electoral college (despite it having been done in 2000 and 2004 in this century alone). I reckon someone just mentioned to him at some point last year that the EC is getting tougher for them due to demographics, and his childlike tendency for gross exaggeration has morphed it into the present claim.
"I won the egg & spoon race at school...where's my Nobel Prize?"
I think it's just the way his mind works - if you're successful, you should be allowed to engage in as much corruption as you'd like. "When you're a star, they let you do do it, you can do anything" seems to be a general philosophy for him rather than just in relation to sexual assault.

Also interesting how he continually mentions how impossible it is for a Republican to win the electoral college (despite it having been done in 2000 and 2004 in this century alone). I reckon someone just mentioned to him at some point last year that the EC is getting tougher for them due to demographics, and his childlike tendency for gross exaggeration has morphed it into the present claim.
That's probably right, like I said a few pages back, I think he sees winning the election as a competition he won against all odds, so he should be allowed to enjoy his time as the POTUS and play with all the shiny toys that comes with the position.

He's already tried to Tomahawk and MOAB, he must be dying to try the nukes. :nervous:
He's retweeted Drudge a couple of times in the last few days, embarrassing is still a key descriptor of Trump's twitter use.
Its from two years ago.

Still does not make him look very good.

Decades from now we will be having elected officials who have things they posted on Facebook or Twitter when they were quite young being brought up and much of that we will be able to write off as them being both young and stupid at the time. Not the case when it was only two years ago.
Blank pages. Now is that because he thinks it is funny to say their are no reasons to vote Democrat or because he knows that most of the buyers of his book (republicans) will lack the necessary reading skills?
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