The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Would be nice if this trend carries on and gains steam.



What a thread, talk about eating their own. The Republicans are all over the fecking place and if the Supreme Leader hadn't found the big red button last week then it would be hilarious. As usual Trump ruins everything.
More GOP congressmen with foot-in-mouth disease...
"You say you pay for me to do this? That's bull crap. I pay for myself," Rep. Markwayne Mullin told constituents at a town hall in Jay, Oklahoma. I paid enough taxes before I got here and continue to through my company to pay my own salary. This is a service. No one here pays me to go,"
On Monday, South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, who famously shouted "you lie" during President Obama's 2009 address to Congress, had to wait 30 seconds for crowd chants of "you lie" to die down after Wilson told the crowd he had supported the local solicitor in an effort to make sure that those who commit violence against women are prosecuted. Wilson voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act in 2013.
This has Bannon written all over it.

Not going to click on it but I'm guessing it's another along the lines of:

Do you think the FBI are committing treason by investigating the President?

1. Yes
2. I'm not a patriot.

Do you think Comey should be fired (maybe jailed?) for his part in this unpatriotic act?

1. Yes, jailed.
2. Yes, killed.

Should Obama be jailed for being an immigranty communist?

1. Podesta
2. Pizza
3. Birther

How much are you going to donate to Trump's golf trips , the vets patriots 2A fund?

1. The "I hate my county" option - $10
2. The "I hate brown people" option -$100
3. The "I hate the World" option - $10,000


What a thread, talk about eating their own. The Republicans are all over the fecking place and if the Supreme Leader hadn't found the big red button last week then it would be hilarious. As usual Trump ruins everything.

So he is putting out on a public forum that he has evidence of all this. Time for the real journalists to take over on this one. I will hazard a guess, Trump is on a cocktail of drugs they give teenagers with ADHD. Pence is on a strict regiment of chemical castration medication. Someone is fecking Kelly Ann, probably Jared. The suger babies, tough one but with any luck one of them will be Trumps. Anyway, this cnut can't talk, Bannon has the face of someone with a decades long substance abuse problem.
Bannon probably thinks he has some sway over Trump because of right wing base. What he doesn't know is Trump could pick up a lot of establishment GOP support by pivoting to the middle and away from his campaign positions. Most people would be more accepting of Trump if he appeared more Presidential and less rambunctious.
Bannon probably thinks he has some sway over Trump because of right wing base. What he doesn't know is Trump could pick up a lot of establishment GOP support by pivoting to the middle and away from his campaign positions. Most people would be more accepting of Trump if he appeared more Presidential and less rambunctious.
Basically if he became more like other presidents? Fair enough, but how likely is that though?
Basically if he became more like other presidents? Fair enough, but how likely is that though?

Its already happening. There's an organic drift towards establishmentarianism once a President is elected. We're already seeing that with the demise of Flynn and Bannon and the rise of the NY cosmopolitans (Kushner, Ivanka, Cohn, Powell et al). There's little talk of building a wall and a lot more chatter about befriending China, going hawkish on Russia, and more interventionism abroad. Basically everything spare a few smaller issues, that Trump said during the campaign, the opposite is happening now.
Its already happening. There's an organic drift towards establishmentarianism once a President is elected. We're already seeing that with the demise of Flynn and Bannon and the rise of the NY cosmopolitans (Kushner, Ivanka, Cohn, Powell et al). There's little talk of building a wall and a lot more chatter about befriending China, going hawkish on Russia, and more interventionism abroad. Basically everything spare a few smaller issues, that Trump said during the campaign, the opposite is happening now.

Is Bannon an antidisestablishmentarianist?
Bannon probably thinks he has some sway over Trump because of right wing base. What he doesn't know is Trump could pick up a lot of establishment GOP support by pivoting to the middle and away from his campaign positions. Most people would be more accepting of Trump if he appeared more Presidential and less rambunctious.

Nope I want him gone


What a thread, talk about eating their own. The Republicans are all over the fecking place and if the Supreme Leader hadn't found the big red button last week then it would be hilarious. As usual Trump ruins everything.

Bit weird how Cernovich has suddenly started getting these scoops in the past few weeks. Posted about it at the time that it could be Bannon leaking these stories to him.

You have to wonder who in the WH is leaking stuff to Cernovich (Not even a real journalist). He is linked to people in the alt-right movement, so could be Bannon.

The guy was the first to reveal the Susan Rice unmasking story and he posted before everyone else about the strikes on Syria.

Isn't there a case to be made whether he violated national security by revealing a upcoming mission/attack in a foreign country?
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