The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So he launched 59 missiles while eating dessert? That chocolate cake must have been awesome because he said he launched them at Iraq. "You mean Syriah?" "Oh yeah".
I mean I forgot my keys. He forgot who he fired 59 missiles at. :lol::eek:
Is the resistance running out of steam? Feels like it to me.
Perhaps, but where do you take that feeling from? Lack of news coverage?

Several times a week I come across brief articles of vocal anti-Trump people in town halls, sometimes town halls in which the politician doesn't care to show up because of the perceived hostility. It's not so much covered any more by big media outlets but the resistance is still there.

IMHO these grass roots activities are the most important ones of resistance, more than big ones like the tax march.
Friend who voted Trump just text me and asked "why are we about to go to war with North Korea???"

I don't think he liked my response of "well, it could have something to do with folks like you electing Donald Trump"
I'd like to ask your friend:
Why oh why didn't you see this coming? Wasn't it super obvious, given how 45 has behaved for the last decades, i.e. during the campaign?
So he launched 59 missiles while eating dessert? That chocolate cake must have been awesome because he said he launched them at Iraq. "You mean Syriah?" "Oh yeah".
I mean I forgot my keys. He forgot who he fired 59 missiles at. :lol::eek:

Nah, the Middle East is just one big amorphous blob to him. They're all the same to him.
I notice I'm beginning to accept this as normal. Feck the orange idiot for ruining standards of basic human decency.
I'd like to ask your friend:
Why oh why didn't you see this coming? Wasn't it super obvious, given how 45 has behaved for the last decades, i.e. during the campaign?
To be fair he'd probably ask you who "45" was :p
Alex Jones's Lawyer: "He's Playing A Character"

And to think the President believes in this guy.
Friend who voted Trump just text me and asked "why are we about to go to war with North Korea???"

I don't think he liked my response of "well, it could have something to do with folks like you electing Donald Trump"
I guess he is gonna answer you Hillary would have done worse.
Like the Kims seem to be one person to him:

Trump: "I don't telegraph my moves".

Well the cnut certainly doesn't email them since he probably thinks a PC is some sort of voyeuristic sex act.
:lol: Nailed it.

He would fail a quiz with the most basic questions. I'm convinced he doesn't know who's a member of NATO or the EU, doesn't know one bit of history, science or anything else for that matter.
No one knew it was this complicated. No one.
GA-6 tonight!

The hope is for Ossoff to top 45%.
Early returns for Ossoff (including e-day vote) are promising, and turnout looks strong in Dem areas. Still early though.
Like the Kims seem to be one person to him:

I absolutely hate this Fox & Friends love in he has. The two massive wankers and Ainsley are the worst of any so called news programme. The other day after Trump dropped the MOAB Fox & Friends showed a satellite video of the bomb landing, they had some nasty patriotic country & western soundtrack to it and Ainsley introduced the programme by saying "that's freedom right there, that's the red, white and blue" I'm sure everyone has seen it, but it's unbelievable that this kind of shit is broadcast. It's reprehensible really, nobody should glamorise war like that. Mind you I was in the Caribbean the night Bush declared war on Iraq back in 03, and was there for two weeks and remember watching Fox and they had films of tanks and military convoys racing across the desert with music blaring and the Fox presenter was waving an American flag and literally shouting "yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaw" as they drove across the desert. I just burst out laughing at how ridiculous and so very sad it all was. Fox & Friends is the epitome of shite news and they are completely shameless and oblivious at how disgusting and repulsive their show is.
I read that both the national and state parties ignored requests for help by that Kansas candidate. Do you know what reason was given?
saying "that's freedom right there, that's the red, white and blue" I'm sure everyone has seen it, but it's unbelievable that this kind of shit is broadcast. It's reprehensible really, nobody should glamorise war like that.
Unfortunately, a very large swath of this country thinks, speaks, and acts just like that.

I was discussing the possible war with NK at lunch today and made the point that if we're going to do it, it had better be done in such a single fell swoop that the North doesn't have a chance to get its missiles or artillery shells aimed at Seoul off or we will have the deaths of millions of our allies citizens on our hands by starting the conflict...

The response: "you can't really make the argument that we'd be to blame for their deaths"

Unfortunately, a very large swath of this country thinks, speaks, and acts just like that.

Yeah, I understand that, it's sickening, but not surprising with the attitudes towards guns and also the military. Trump is only making things much worse. He wanted a military parade at his inauguration, he really is no different to Kim.

The response: "you can't really make the argument that we'd be to blame for their deaths"

Wow. :( Indeed, that's just depressing.
The Continuing Fallout from Trump and Nunes’s Fake Scandal

... It is now clear that the scandal was not Rice’s normal review of the intelligence reports but the coördinated effort between the Trump Administration and Nunes to sift through classified information and computer logs that recorded Rice’s unmasking requests, and then leak a highly misleading characterization of those documents, all in an apparent effort to turn Rice, a longtime target of Republicans, into the face of alleged spying against Trump. It was a series of lies to manufacture a fake scandal.
I spoke to two intelligence sources, one who read the entire binder of intercepts and one who was briefed on their contents. “There’s absolutely nothing there,” one source said. The Trump names remain masked in the documents, and Rice would not have been able to know in all cases that she was asking the N.S.A. to unmask the names of Trump officials.
The intelligence source told me that he knows, “from talking to people in the intelligence community,” that “the White House said, ‘We are going to mobilize to find something to justify the President’s tweet that he was being surveilled.’ They put out an all-points bulletin”—a call to sift through intelligence reports—“and said, ‘We need to find something that justifies the President’s crazy tweet about surveillance at Trump Tower.’ And I’m telling you there is no way you get that from those transcripts, which are about as plain vanilla as can be.” (The White House did not respond to a request for comment.)
FFS, if I won a fiver on a scratch card, that twat would take the credit.
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