The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Christ. WWIII because 'Trumpy needs a win'. BTW, I for one am thoroughly convinced that he's well-endowed, what with all these big, phallic missiles he's been firing. :rolleyes:
He is pivoting - from a massively annoying idiot to a war mongering psychopath

I can't get past the caricature of childishness. Normally war mongers are portrayed as mad or psycopaths, whether for one-sided reasons or not, but with Trump he is just behaviourally not an adult. Worrying nonetheless.
I can't get past the caricature of childishness. Normally war mongers are portrayed as mad or psycopaths, whether for one-sided reasons or not, but with Trump he is just behaviourally not an adult. Worrying nonetheless.
I think he is clearly more psychologically flawed than simply "behaviourally not an adult". It is high time he went in for a thorough psychological evaluation, imo.
I think he is clearly more psychologically flawed than simply "behaviourally not an adult". It is high time he went in for a thorough psychological evaluation, imo.

This has been perfectly evident for nearly 2 years. Longer really, but just take all the lies and sexism away, every single thing he has said or done, removed. Then just think back to the debate where he not only paraded sex abuse victims in front of the world, but he then stalked Hillary Clinton and crept around behind her like a man possessed for the entire debate. She so nearly had him then, he was so close to losing it she just couldn't land the KO. But that aside, he was clearly deranged, and that's ONE example, out of hundreds.

Yet he has access to nuclear weapons.
I see. But how would destroying Seoul would affect the Chinese? The only thing I can think of is that Chinese wouldn't want an American satellite state right next to their border. Other than that why would they give a shite what happens between the North and South at this point. Forgive me, I realise it's much more complex than that.
Are you aware of the first Korean War in the 1950's? Aware of the relationship China has with North Korea?
Are you aware of the first Korean War in the 1950's? Aware of the relationship China has with North Korea?

I know the Chinese assisted the North Korean effort in 1950's. I also know China and North Korea had close diplomatic ties until recently. Now it seems to have reached a low point with China restricting import of Korean coal, which is like the 3rd of all North Korean exports iirc. Other than that I'm not too clued up.
I've been reading about Howard Hughes' decline in isolation & personal neglect recently; goes to show that the very wealthy don't often get psychiatrically-tested*.

*The likes of Hughes and Trump, I mean, not me.
I rest my case. Even since I saw that Simon Cowell getting away with wearing trousers pulled up to his nostrils, I knew my stoopid theory was right.
I know the Chinese assisted the North Korean effort in 1950's. I also know China and North Korea had close diplomatic ties until recently. Now it seems to have reached a low point with China restricting import of Korean coal, which is like the 3rd of all North Korean exports iirc. Other than that I'm not too clued up.
Assisted? The intervened directly in fighting withNorth Korea.
I've been reading about Howard Hughes' decline in isolation & personal neglect recently; goes to show that the very wealthy don't often get psychiatrically-tested*.

*The likes of Hughes and Trump, I mean, not me.

Howard Hughes was a genius though, and he invented, created and built things and was a pioneer of his time and field. Trump puts his name on shit. Literally.
Assisted? The intervened directly in fighting withNorth Korea.

Tbf the landscape changed quite dramatically since then. There's basically no more ideological divide, so US invasion of North Korea is much less of an existential threat to the PRC.

That said, both aren't exactly best of buddies, and two superpowers troops stationed right next to each other in a hotly contested land with millions of devastated, dislocated people is a perfect recipe for disaster.
If they were trying to blast through a deep and complex tunnel, I can understand why they'd resort to that.
I can't. That's what bunker busters are for.

edit: I guess it is sort of designed for cave systems, just not a deep tunnel system.
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There is zero chance that China will trigger a war with US over North Korea. If there is ever going to be a war between US and China, it will be due to disputes in South China Sea.
Trump craves adulation, if we can know one thing about him it is that. That is why he started his campaign rallies back up within a week or two of taking office, because that is all he really wants.

The problem is, the only time he has actually got any was when he fired some missiles. Then when he dropped the big bomb. Its like behavioral reinforcement training on mice. Hes learning that bombs = praise. So now he is looking for somewhere he can drop the biggest one of all, a nuke.

And yes, I believe with him it really is that simple. Because he is.
There is zero chance that China will trigger a war with US over North Korea. If there is ever going to be a war between US and China, it will be due to disputes in South China Sea.
USA's military machine is never going to touch Russia or China.

Since WW2 USA's wars and fights only ever involve bullying and bombing third world countries which can't really put up any realistic opposition. Even then they fail miserably. If killing innocent people and messing up nations is a merit, USA can pat themselves on the back.
So much overreaction. Nothing's going to happen, which is good. This is all show.
Agree .Nothing but posturing. The media loves war though and are salivating at the thought.
Obviously it's unlikely to escalate to a conflict with N Korea but it's still worrying as fook, isn't it? He bombed Syria last week because he saw some dead kids on Fox, dropped a massive bomb yesterday and he's practically calling out Kim Jong-un-psycho on Twitter about their nuclear testing.
Obviously it's unlikely to escalate to a conflict with N Korea but it's still worrying as fook, isn't it? He bombed Syria last week because he saw some dead kids on Fox, dropped a massive bomb yesterday and he's practically calling out Kim Jong-un-psycho on Twitter about their nuclear testing.
He is sending out messages through bombs and rockets :wenger:
USA's military machine is never going to touch Russia or China.

Since WW2 USA's wars and fights only ever involve bullying and bombing third world countries which can't really put up any realistic opposition. Even then they fail miserably. If killing innocent people and messing up nations is a merit, USA can pat themselves on the back.
The US is the reason there hasn't been all-out war involving nations with any sort of military might since WWII. You're welcome.
Let's hope Ivanka doesn't grow a soft spot for North Koreans...
Donald Trump's decision to bomb Syria was influenced by his daughter, Ivanka, being "heartbroken and outraged" at the country's alleged chemical weapons attack, one of the president's sons told British newspaper, The Telegraph.

Edit: also from the same article, Eric uses the Syria strike as I thought they would in regards to the Trump/Russia allegations...
"If there was anything that [the strike on] Syria did, it was to validate the fact that there is no Russia tie," he said.
The US is the reason there hasn't been all-out war involving nations with any sort of military might since WWII. You're welcome.

If I wanted to thank a foreign nation for my parents' and my existence, it would be the USSR. They sent a submarine to scare off some big US carrier group, which was in the Bay of Bengal, heading to a blockade set up by the Indian navy.
USA's military machine is never going to touch Russia or China.

Since WW2 USA's wars and fights only ever involve bullying and bombing third world countries which can't really put up any realistic opposition. Even then they fail miserably. If killing innocent people and messing up nations is a merit, USA can pat themselves on the back.
Or in the case of Korea preventing China and the USSR from doing to the South Koreans what they so happily have done to the North Koreans.

the real reason there has not been ww3 is the major nations all realize fighting it is a no win situation.

Hence the us and USSR reaching an agreement during the Cuban missile crisis.

It's been better for the major nations to involve themselves in small conflicts or proxy fights rather than going toe to toe.
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