The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It sure looks like he is heading left like you predicted when he was elected. Guess Bannon threw a spanner in the works for a couple of months.

He is bombing Syria, glorying in NATO, supporting the ExIm bank, and is committed to a deeply regressive budget.
None of that is left, in fact I'm not sure which faction of the "left" supports any of that.

He isn't moving right or left, he is moving from foreign policy and trade rebel to establishment.
I suspected this would happen, then jumped off the ship when it looked like he was losing the plot during the first month, but am now back on it. He seems to have a unique ability to outfox everyone by seizing control of narratives, deflecting when necessary, and branding those who oppose him to project power. If he manages to dump Bannon and Gorka and continues reorienting power towards the Democrats (Jared/Ivanka/Cohn/Powell et al) then we may be looking at a completely different end product.

To be fair on this one in retrospect you've been right on a lot of things when we were more worried about, namely his falling in line with the establishment, gradually ditching Bannon etc. He's definitely toning down a lot of the mentalist rhetoric that got him elected...but still I'd be wary of labeling Ivanka/Jared etc actual Democrats when at best they're mildly neutering him to become an establishment Republican instead of a populist one.

Things like his environmental measures are still deeply, deeply worrying.
He is bombing Syria, glorying in NATO, supporting the ExIm bank, and is committed to a deeply regressive budget.
None of that is left, in fact I'm not sure which faction of the "left" supports any of that.

He isn't moving right or left, he is moving from foreign policy and trade rebel to establishment.
A lot of that was last week. An eternity in World Trump.
To be fair on this one in retrospect you've been right on a lot of things when we were more worried about, namely his falling in line with the establishment, gradually ditching Bannon etc. He's definitely toning down a lot of the mentalist rhetoric that got him elected...but still I'd be wary of labeling Ivanka/Jared etc actual Democrats when at best they're mildly neutering him to become an establishment Republican instead of a populist one.

Things like his environmental measures are still deeply, deeply worrying.
Daddy, think of our 3 children. Your 3 grandchildren...
To be fair on this one in retrospect you've been right on a lot of things when we were more worried about, namely his falling in line with the establishment, gradually ditching Bannon etc. He's definitely toning down a lot of the mentalist rhetoric that got him elected...but still I'd be wary of labeling Ivanka/Jared etc actual Democrats when at best they're mildly neutering him to become an establishment Republican instead of a populist one.

Things like his environmental measures are still deeply, deeply worrying.

The danger of removing Bannon is that he could go back to Breitbart and launch an anti-Trump narrative against him. At that point, he won't have a cohesive political base as the right wingers will have ditched him after he pivots to the establishment center and they realize he won't build a wall, label China a currency manipulator, avoid foreign interventions etc. If this happens the anti-establishement right will be against him, as will the Dems, which would leave him with a fairly unstable sliver of a political base to push his agenda forward. This is why (imo) he would be wise to keep someone from the far right at arms length to project the idea that he is still with them. Unfortunately with Bannon, he looks to have fallen out with Kushner so he may not be able to stay.
I was thinking the same thing mate, I agree with you 100%. He often gets tongue tied and losing his train of thought, he's easily nudged off subjects and he's not very creative either. He definitely didn't mean what he said, but in this day and age and with a subject as touchy as this one and his past cock ups, I don't fancy his chances too much..

To be fair you've just listed the flip side of all the qualities needed for the role he holds.

It's a very tough job and he's very bad at it. He tries to answer or repackage EVERYTHING. He so rarely says the political standards of;

- I'll have to get back to you
- I don't know
- The White House cannot comment at this time.

He's like Trump. He goes off script and off message. He indulges in conversation he's woefully out of his depth on. He's a reader. A party-line tow-er. Not a creative orator.

Disclaimer : You can see how embarrassed and upset he is at the Assad/Hitler/Chemical weapons sentence. As much as I loathe him I wanted to wrap an arm around him in the moment and force him to say "That sounded terrible. I'm sorry because that will have offended so many people. I can't even justify or explain the way I worded that".

He's outright lying. As if he's capable of listening to anyone for 10 consecutive minutes. His attention span is more around of the blink of an eye.
Makes me wonder what style he's going to his when campaigning for re-election. Last year he could give out his populist simplistic answers and get away with it which may no longer be the case in a few years. But I'm sure with his proclivities for lying and obfuscation he'll find a way.

1. Overstate/lie about win
2. Blame dems for obstruction
3. Scaremonger the horror of a Dem win
4. Talk about implementing populist measures
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He's outright lying. As if he's capable of listening to anyone for 10 consecutive minutes. His attention span is more around of the blink of an eye.

Not only that, as if the Chinese guy would do that. Like any professional in such a situation, he would wonder why the feck this moron hadn't done any preparation for the meeting to know the basics of the topic up for discussion and dismiss them as worthless right there. He would be insulted, not wasting his timing humouring an idiot.
Not only that, as if the Chinese guy would do that. Like any professional in such a situation, he would wonder why the feck this moron hadn't done any preparation for the meeting to know the basics of the topic up for discussion and dismiss them as worthless right there. He would be insulted, not wasting his timing humouring an idiot.

Nah. The idiot is POTUS. You don't become the Chinese Premier without being an extremely patient, conniving individual.
So are things slowly getting better for him? Or are we stuck in the no man's land between Trumps latest fcuk up and his next one?
So are things slowly getting better for him? Or are we stuck in the no man's land between Trumps latest fcuk up and his next one?

He's backtracking on a lot of his statements during the campaign because be's completely clueless. He made statements which back then alot of people knew he would be forced to back track on, once he got into office.

Remember that claim about Trump saying he would eliminate the national debt by the end of a 2nd term? Budget director said yesterday that claim was "just hyperbole".

Though i think some people may be giving the likes of Kushner a bit too much credit.

Trumps essentially been forced to succumb to reality, regarding a lot of issues and that was going to happen even if Kushner was not in the administration.
Judge Napolitano claiming that FISA warrant cant target individuals and that's why he thinks the Page FISA warrant claim is not true :wenger:

Surely he's lying?

Also it was widely reported that Fox had got rid of the guy, but clearly not.
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I was thinking the same thing mate, I agree with you 100%. He often gets tongue tied and losing his train of thought, he's easily nudged off subjects and he's not very creative either. He definitely didn't mean what he said, but in this day and age and with a subject as touchy as this one and his past cock ups, I don't fancy his chances too much.

Yeah, I saw that a few days ago, it's a beauty for sure.
I certainly don't think there was any malice intended in that, I just think it was ignorant and incompetent. I just don't think he's good enough to be in the job he's in, which is how I feel about a lot of this administration
He is bombing Syria, glorying in NATO, supporting the ExIm bank, and is committed to a deeply regressive budget.
None of that is left, in fact I'm not sure which faction of the "left" supports any of that.

He isn't moving right or left, he is moving from foreign policy and trade rebel to establishment.
Very much this. Unless he dramatically alters his domestic agenda, going establishment on foreign policy puts him closest to Ted Cruz.
Very much this. Unless he dramatically alters his domestic agenda, going establishment on foreign policy puts him closest to Ted Cruz.

Plus while he seems to have become more reasonable (if we're using a very, very loose definition of the word) there's always the likelihood he'll flip a few times throughout his Presidency due to how irrational/unpredictable he is as a person. Especially if he starts to feel like he isn't getting enough attention.
Judge Napolitano claiming that FISA warrant cant target individuals and that's why he thinks the Page FISA warrant claim is not sure :wenger:

Surely he's lying?

Also it was widely reported that Fox had got rid of the guy, but clearly not.

They just took him off the air for a couple of weeks, not permanently.
Not only that, as if the Chinese guy would do that. Like any professional in such a situation, he would wonder why the feck this moron hadn't done any preparation for the meeting to know the basics of the topic up for discussion and dismiss them as worthless right there. He would be insulted, not wasting his timing humouring an idiot.

I imagine he sat there and explained it to Trump like you would to a child, while thinking 'oh my god, manipulating this jackass is going to be SOOOO easy'.
Hopefully without the UK's assistance thank you.

Not really a conflict we'd be needed in to be fair. Although its the one conflict that would receive universal support if it got to the stage of requiring intervention.
I'm pretty sure they mock him on the sidelines.
You cannot blame them if they do. :D I read somewhere that pretty much the moment he took office, other leaders shared among them the experiences they'd made during phonce call with him. I reckon there was quite some giggling and laughing involved.
Reading that about GCHQ it's clear as day that someone in the IC has been briefing the Trump team about the most incriminating evidence and the source of it and giving them a chance to pre-empt the release of the information to the public and allowing them to muddy the waters and create the narrative that they've been illegally survielled

It's these sort of articles that restore my faith that there's is enough evidence to bring them crashing down.
They just took him off the air for a couple of weeks, not permanently.

Fox really are pathetic.

Though its no surprise that they allow people like Napolitano to stay, when they excuse/defend the behaviour of someone who has done much worse stuff (O'Reilly) and still keeps his prime time tv show.

Do you know if he's lying when he claims the FISA warrant cannot target an individual?
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Fox really are pathetic.

Though its no surprise that they allow people like Napolitano to stay, when they excuse/defend the behaviour of someone who has done much worse stuff (O'Reilly) and still keeps his prime time tv show.

Do you know if he's lying when he claims the FISA warrant cannot target an individual?

I'm pretty sure O'Reilly is finished. The abrupt vacation announcement two nights ago was likely their way of attempting to stop the bleeding with advertisers while the Murdochs sort out how to get rid of him.
Fox really are pathetic.

Though its no surprise that they allow people like Napolitano to stay, when they excuse/defend the behaviour of someone who has done much worse stuff (O'Reilly) and still keeps his prime time tv show.

Do you know if he's lying when he claims the FISA warrant cannot target an individual?

It's #fakenews. Of course.

“United States person” means a citizen of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence (as defined in section 1101(a)(20) of title 8), an unincorporated association a substantial number of members of which are citizens of the United States or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or a corporation which is incorporated in the United States, but does not include a corporation or an association which is a foreign power, as defined in subsection (a)(1), (2), or (3)."

It's some bullshit based on the fact that of course, a FISA warrant can't ONLY apply to one single person, but to a person/organization/whatever connected to a suspected foreign power or influence. But that's not what happened, getting a warrant for a person suspected to collaborate with the Russian gouvernment is like a blueprint for when this law applies.
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Remember that claim about Trump saying he would eliminate the national debt by the end of a 2nd term? Budget director said yesterday that claim was "just hyperbole".

They really should use simpler words than that when being honest though, most of Trump's supporters probably believe hyperbole is a bigger and better version of the superbowl.
The last week has made me think Putin never intended for Trump to become his puppet. He just wanted to destabilise the American political system and knew Trump would do it.
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