The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Shepard Smith must be Fox's best anchor.

Not shying away from reporting on the Russia stuff and all the latest developments.
We've been through the looking glass for what feels like so long now, it barely even registers anymore. Not remembering what country you've bombed? Lol. Must be a Tuesday...There's a Street Figher meme to mine there, but even that feels too depressing to stoop to....

Nah feck it.. "For you, the day Trump graced your airfield was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Chocolate cake day."

...Pfft, wasnt worth it
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Looks like Trump has full on pivoted to a normal foreign policy. Can't see Bannon lasting much longer.

Looks like Trump has full on pivoted to a normal foreign policy. Can't see Bannon lasting much longer.

Kushner changed his mind? Convinced him that he has to ditch all Russian connections and Alt-Right influences if he is to survive as president for any meaningful time at all?
Kushner changed his mind? Convinced him that he has to ditch all Russian connections and Alt-Right influences if he is to survive as president for any meaningful time at all?

Kushner? Putin maybe. Convinced him to tone it down a bit with some highly publicized 'anti-Russia' moves that don't actually hurt Russia at all.
Kushner changed his mind? Convinced him that he has to ditch all Russian connections and Alt-Right influences if he is to survive as president for any meaningful time at all?

It just a straight up power play between Bannon and Kushner and the latter seems to be winning out. Dealing with him is basically dealing with Ivanka and Trump won't go against a family member.
I'd say you're probably gonna be proven right on that... Already heard "it's not so easy" about repealing Obamacare, now we're hearing it about China and NK.
Makes me wonder what style he's going to his when campaigning for re-election. Last year he could give out his populist simplistic answers and get away with it which may no longer be the case in a few years. But I'm sure with his proclivities for lying and obfuscation he'll find a way.

I'm always left wondering how is that a big deal? I mean, we know they've got new clear weapons etc. So is the world just waiting until they can reach US and Europe before doing anything apart from sanctions?
Shit. How long have we got? Should I wake my parents, or is it better to let them sleep, hug my Mrs and silently make our simple peace with the world?

I've got about a 1hr40 left of a Netflix binge though. Have I got time to finish that? 'Cos I'm pretty invested at this point if I'm honest, and it'd be annoying to abandon it now.
If Sneijder wants that move to United, he's running out of time.
Shit. How long have we got? Should I wake my parents, or is it better to let them sleep, hug my Mrs and silently make our simple peace with the world?

I've got about a 1hr40 left of a Netflix binge though. Have I got time to finish that? 'Cos I'm pretty invested at this point if I'm honest, and it'd be annoying to abandon it now.

Be a bit shite to die before we know if we're gonna get that coveted fourth place as well. Shite timing all round tbh.
Shit. How long have we got? Should I wake my parents, or is it better to let them sleep, hug my Mrs and silently make our simple peace with the world?

I've got about a 1hr40 left of a Netflix binge though. Have I got time to finish that? 'Cos I'm pretty invested at this point if I'm honest, and it'd be annoying to abandon it now.

You've got time to finish the Netflix binge :D

This new strike may come on the 15th which is founder Kim Sung's birthday.
What's the likelihood they've managed to hide working ICBMs this entire time?

Imagine if Kim went truly off the rails for his grandad's birthday and just launched hell on earth.
Nothing's going to happen with North Korea is it? Doesn't that TV anchor lady pretty much make idle threats every day on state TV? It's a case of a boy who cried wolf, surely?
Trump says he has ‘confidence’ in FBI Director Comey but it’s ‘not too late’ to fire him
By Matt Zapotosky April 12 at 1:05 PM
President Trump said in an interview aired Wednesday morning that he has “confidence” in FBI Director James B. Comey, but it was “not too late” to fire him.

Trump has long sent mixed signals on Comey and the bureau director’s future in government, though his comments to Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo are especially important because Comey has now confirmed that the bureau is investigating possible coordination between the Russian government and the Trump campaign to influence the presidential election.

Bartiromo brought up Comey’s name during a conversation about other Cabinet posts and government positions. After telling the president people were “scratching their heads” about President Barack Obama staffers that remained in place, Bartiromo asked, “For example, was it a mistake not to ask Jim Comey to step down from the FBI at the outset of your presidency? Is it too late now to ask him to step down?”

“No, it’s not too late, but, you know, I have confidence in him,” Trump responded. “We’ll see what happens. You know, it’s going to be interesting.”

The FBI director serves a fixed, 10-year term in part to insulate the bureau from political influence, though he is a part of the Department of Justice and lower on the organizational chart than the attorney general, a political position that changes with each new presidential administration. President Bill Clinton is the only president to have removed an FBI director since the death of J. Edgar Hoover in 1972.Clinton fired William S. Sessions in 1993 amid allegations of ethical improprieties.

Relieving Comey of his duties would be politically damaging for Trump — especially with the bureau’s ongoing investigation related to his presidential campaign. On Monday, The Washington Post reported that the bureau had obtained a secret court order to monitor the communications of Carter Page, who had served as an adviser on the Trump campaign and who investigators thought might be acting as an agent of Russia. ...
How long till his "he'll shake things up!" supporters abandon him fully? Clock's ticking...
How long till his "he'll shake things up!" supporters abandon him fully? Clock's ticking...

I suspected this would happen, then jumped off the ship when it looked like he was losing the plot during the first month, but am now back on it. He seems to have a unique ability to outfox everyone by seizing control of narratives, deflecting when necessary, and branding those who oppose him to project power. If he manages to dump Bannon and Gorka and continues reorienting power towards the Democrats (Jared/Ivanka/Cohn/Powell et al) then we may be looking at a completely different end product.
How long till his "he'll shake things up!" supporters abandon him fully? Clock's ticking...
Muslim ban
Tax reform
Stay out of wars
Fantastic 100 presidency days as he calls it. Best in history*

* I meant amongst Republicans, with the last name beginning with T, and ending with a p.
I suspected this would happen, then jumped off the ship when it looked like he was losing the plot during the first month, but am now back on it. He seems to have a unique ability to outfox everyone by seizing control of narratives, deflecting when necessary, and branding those who oppose him to project power. If he manages to dump Bannon and Gorka and continues reorienting power towards the Democrats (Jared/Ivanka/Cohn/Powell et al) then we may be looking at a completely different end product.
It sure looks like he is heading left like you predicted when he was elected. Guess Bannon threw a spanner in the works for a couple of months.
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