The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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There are some mean comments I am tempted to make about sending Spicer to a death camp, but I will avoid it.

Instead, I would not be shocked at all to find out that he has never visited one.

In fairness, despite Auschwitz being a bit like Disneyland for the Holocaust they're not exactly places you go on holiday for are they?

I was glad from a learning point of view that I got to go when I went to Krakow but I can't say I ever want the feeling I had in my stomach whilst I wa there ever again.
A majority of Americans have never been outside of the country. For many Americans it's near impossible with their meager salaries and no paid leave. Travelling and seing different parts of the world is an important part of education that many are missing out on.

In Spicer's case I think he is fully aware of what happened during Nazi era. He is just the Paul Lassiter of the White House.
Yeah it's definitely stupidity rather than flat out holocaust denial.

He cleared it up in his best bungling way. Assad is dropping chemical weapons from planes as a form of warfare and Hitler didn't do that.

The holocaust was something completely removed from warfare. Something far, far worse.

Its incredible how bad at his job he is really but i agree with this summation. The man was being an idiot and thats it. I find those using this as political football and trying to label this as holocaust denial to be the most distasteful here.
A majority of Americans have never been outside of the country. For many Americans it's near impossible with their meager salaries and no paid leave.
And there exposed is the convenient lie that Americans are wilfully insular and ignorant.
Its incredible how bad at his job he is really but i agree with this summation. The man was being an idiot and thats it. I find those using this as political football and trying to label this as holocaust denial to be the most distasteful here.
But that's not an acceptable summation for the actions of a White House Press Secretary. By the nature of the office he holds his comments should be airtight and opponents/journalists are perfectly entitled to assume that everything that he says is scripted, rehearsed and okayed by the party.
But that's not an acceptable summation for the actions of a White House Press Secretary. By the nature of the office he holds his comments should be airtight and opponents/journalists are perfectly entitled to assume that everything that he says is scripted, rehearsed and okayed by the party.

I think we can all expect nay demand such professionalism of course but thats not the same thing as discounting idiocy in order to promote a stronger motive.

The reaction from Israel and Jewish Groups has been fair. Outcry at the idiocy and lack of care taken to represent the facts truthfully. Post apology it has been accepted as a mistake but his ability and the white houses ability called into question.

What i was highlighting was some Dems and some news outlets purposefully trying to take the debate to holocaust denial, its just a bit distasteful to use it as political football or self promotion.
This administration is about chancing their arms & seeing what they can get away with; who's to say that Spicer's incendiary remarks weren't mistakes but were actually try-hard testing of the water?
Completely agree he's unfit for what he does and he's out of his depth but I think he's absolutely complicit in being a slimy cnut in a slimy cnut's administration.

If someone stormed the White House you can guarantee he'd be throwing himself in front of the bullets aiming for Twitler.

He's a complete toad and that's being really unkind to the toad population of the world.
:D Agree, I'd like to add that I perceive him as a spineless human being who'd do almost everything to be in a position of 'importance'. However, IMHO he's a typical follower, not a leader who invents a toxic ideology.
I think we can all expect nay demand such professionalism of course but thats not the same thing as discounting idiocy in order to promote a stronger motive.

The reaction from Israel and Jewish Groups has been fair. Outcry at the idiocy and lack of care taken to represent the facts truthfully. Post apology it has been accepted as a mistake but his ability and the white houses ability called into question.

What i was highlighting was some Dems and some news outlets purposefully trying to take the debate to holocaust denial, its just a bit distasteful to use it as political football or self promotion.
Its politics, of course the opposition is going to extrapolate comments to the extreme. He's left himself open to valid criticism of holocaust denial and while we may agree that its highly unlikely he actually believes it, the way this administration has approached many sensitive subjects it also would not be surprising if Spicer is a denier.
Its politics, of course the opposition is going to extrapolate comments to the extreme . He's left himself open to valid criticism of holocaust denial and while we may agree that its highly unlikely he actually believes it, the way this administration has approached many sensitive subjects it also would not be surprising if Spicer is a denier.

Do you not take issue with that?

Anyway its only a minority ive seen that have done so really so it wasn't an overarching point. I just hate lowering standards because its easy to do so, i hate it even more when it's coming from the left/centre.
Do you not take issue with that?
They bring it on themselves. When you're in a position of power, or representing someone in a position of power like Spicer does, you really shouldn't be saying things that might suggest holocaust denial. And of course everything they say is going to be examined and taken to logical extremes, they're in a position of power and it matters what they say.
Holocaust denial doesn't have to be straightforward denial that it happened, more frequently it's the attempt to downplay the events that occurred. In that sense, Spicer attempting to use it to make his boss's use of military action look justified, after having run on and implemented a policy of refusing to take in refugees from the same country no less, is pretty despicable. I'd agree that in Spicer's case it's more likely due to his all-encompassing ignorance and uselessness at thinking on his feet, but as Press Secretary that's a pretty woeful excuse.
I think now we know what time Donnie wakes up thanks to his daily twitter barrage. He's probably doing it from the shitter.
Somebody give me step by step reasons why attacking North Korea is bad.

Because it's still a terrible idea to barge into your noisy neighbour's house. Are they a nuisance?...Yes. Are you allowed do whatever you want about the problem?...No

Moreover, what's the REAL strategy in North Korea? Regime change? Taking their weapons? Or is Trump simply playing games with the bells of war? Either way, it's a terrible idea to go there without the help of China, South Korea and Japan and neither of these countries have expressed their desire for military action.
Moreover, what's the REAL strategy in North Korea? Regime change? Taking their weapons? Or is Trump simply playing games with the bells of war?
Trump's popularity ratings, probably.
Somebody give me step by step reasons why attacking North Korea is bad.

1) Throughout the history of mankind it has been proven that no matter what the reason for the war, wars are in fact terribly destructive and costly, in terms of human life, suffering, and money.
2) North Korea's possession of weapons of mass destruction, not just nukes but a pretty decent sized chemical and biological arsenal.
3) The negative effects of war on the civilian populations of South Korea and North Korea. Seoul for example is within range of North Korean rockets and artillery, it is not difficult to imagine the North Koreans striking Seoul and other cities in the event of war.
4) The possibility of these same consequences on the people of Japan, the Phillipines, Taiwan, China, etc.
5) The possibility of other nations becoming involved directly in combat, same ones listed above and more. Only not all on the same side.
6) What if we start a war with North Korea and lose? What are the ramifications of that? Impossible you say? Not really, especially if other nations get involved on their side.
7) The thousands or more of dead soldiers, sailors and airmen of all nations involved.

Need more?
Well if the reason is Seoul then just evacuate the city before any action is taken.

As to the nukes, they've got like max 6-8 warheads on unreliable ballistics which they can only really target on Japan and South Korea (no way they target China).

1) Evacuating Seoul. Hmmmm what would be North Korea's reaction to that? Besides certainty that a war was about to start in which case they might just as well start it now! It is not like you can evacuate Seoul without anyone noticing or in a matter of hours. It would take a huge amount of staging before it even got started. You are talking several days at least to complete evacuation. Even then, where do you evacuate them to, where they would not still be at risk?
2) Yeah how much damage can a small number of warheads like that do? But hey as long as they can only hit Japan or South Korea, who cares right. :wenger:
A majority of Americans have never been outside of the country. For many Americans it's near impossible with their meager salaries and no paid leave. Travelling and seing different parts of the world is an important part of education that many are missing out on.

In Spicer's case I think he is fully aware of what happened during Nazi era. He is just the Paul Lassiter of the White House.
He looked very embarassed in his reply. Knew he made a big mistake.
Even if Spicer's comments were made without any intention to cause offence, it's still stupid and highlights a regime which can't stop putting their foot in it, no matter how many chances they get. It's not going to come to much when it's referring to historical events, but if they say similar stuff about nations with which tensions are quite high then it's going to cause massive problems.
Trump must be absolutely livid with Spicer, the heat had been taken off his team for a few days at least and now this. Be interesting to see if he sacks him because he obviously deserves nothing less after that shit-show.
Holocaust denial doesn't have to be straightforward denial that it happened, more frequently it's the attempt to downplay the events that occurred. In that sense, Spicer attempting to use it to make his boss's use of military action look justified, after having run on and implemented a policy of refusing to take in refugees from the same country no less, is pretty despicable. I'd agree that in Spicer's case it's more likely due to his all-encompassing ignorance and uselessness at thinking on his feet, but as Press Secretary that's a pretty woeful excuse.
We all know that Bashar Al-Assad is a dictator, murderer, used chemical weapons and all of that. Couldn't Spicer just use these words? Why did he even need to mention Hitler to tell the world that Al-Assad is terrible?!

This is just crazy!
Even if Spicer's comments were made without any intention to cause offence, it's still stupid and highlights a regime which can't stop putting their foot in it, no matter how many chances they get. It's not going to come to much when it's referring to historical events, but if they say similar stuff about nations with which tensions are quite high then it's going to cause massive problems.

That is the most worrying aspect of this administration. They have the capacity to make cock-ups of monumental proporotions. You literally don't know what is going to happen with them from one day to the next.
Tillerson's off to a good start in Russia...
(CNN)Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov began a meeting with his US counterpart Rex Tillerson in Moscow with a warning -- do not strike the Syrian regime again.
We all know that Bashar Al-Assad is a dictator, murderer, used chemical weapons and all of that. Couldn't Spicer just use these words? Why did he even need to mention Hitler to tell the world that Al-Assad is terrible?!

This is just crazy!
Just for the sake of balance, it's not proven that this chemical attack was Assad. And the previous attack in 2013 was not proved either.

Remember when everyone said Bush was stupid and just a front for the real GOP regime? Looks like the case once again. Just a pawn that distracts in the foreground while they do their wicked work in the background.
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