The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Reminds me of this Tom Clancy like book I read back in the 1980's where the US used a Fuel Air Explosive against the fictional enemy and much was made in the fictional press about it by linking the weapon to the word nuclear, even though it was not a nuclear explosion.

It's a nasty weapon for sure, and should not be used anywhere near any civilian settlements (towns, cities, villages) but it is not by definition a WMD.

Needless to say if there are considerable civilian casualties, Trump will lose his leverage on going after Assad.
11 kilotons, which is a little smaller than the Hiroshima bomb and about half the size of Nagasaki, though obviously without all of the radiation.

EDIT - IGNORE! 11 tons so not comparable to a nuke at all.
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11 kilotons, which is a little smaller than the Hiroshima bomb and about half the size of Nagasaki, though obviously without all of the radiation.

It seems like theres been some really poor reporting and people not understanding units of measurement in the media.

It's 11 tons rather than 11 kilotons whilst Hiroshima was 15 kilotons. It's about 0.01% of the payload of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
It seems like theres been some really poor reporting and people not understanding units of measurement in the media.

It's 11 tons rather than 11 kilotons whilst Hiroshima was 15 kilotons. It's about 0.01% of the payload of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
Oops that's my bad, misread!
A small tactical nuke would be equivalent of around 100 tonnes of TNT I guess, about ten times more than MOAB.

So tactical nukes are only really tactical by name then, if the smallest yield of a tactical nuke is 10 times greater than MOAB. Judging by the tweet below.

How likely is it to kick off this Saturday in North Korea? Last night I thought it was just more talk into the wind but now I'm shitting myself.
11 kilotons, which is a little smaller than the Hiroshima bomb and about half the size of Nagasaki, though obviously without all of the radiation.
You got the units wrong, it's not 11 kilotons, just 11 tons, you need over 1,000 of these for the yield of Little Boy.
Why Saturday?

It's Kim-Sung's birthday or something, I'm not to sure. Anyway I read yesterday that they've tested nuclear weapons etc on the date which coincides with this Saturday.
Can't wait

You have made some really distasteful, abhorrent and incredibly stupid posts before, but this might just top them all.

Using the MOAB is clearly Trump flexing his muscles again, it's a warning to North Korea and basically anywhere else too and it's also completely unacceptable. The man is a dangerous moron and he needs to be stopped, and quickly. I said it hundreds of times and I take no pleasure from being right whatsoever, but Trump will start wars, I just hope it's not the big one.
You have made some really distasteful, abhorrent and incredibly stupid posts before, but this might just top them all.

Using the MOAB is clearly Trump flexing his muscles again, it's a warning to North Korea and basically anywhere else too and it's also completely unacceptable. The man is a dangerous moron and he needs to be stopped, and quickly. I said it hundreds of times and I take no pleasure from being right whatsoever, but Trump will start wars, I just hope it's not the big one.
I bet he's dying to try out one of those nukes that has 10+ MT yield just to see what happens. :nervous:
I bet he's dying to try out one of those nukes that has 10+ MT yield just to see what happens. :nervous:

I bet he is too, and I sincerely mean that. If he thought he could I bet he would simply because he's so dim and has no understanding the damage it would cause, not to mention the complexities of the issue of using one. If it was just a case of using it to kill people though then he wouldn't give a shit and I doubt he would think twice. He really does need to be stopped before he goes too far and starts things he can't stop or even control.
I bet he is too, and I sincerely mean that. If he thought he could I bet he would simply because he's so dim and has no understanding the damage it would cause, not to mention the complexities of the issue of using one. If it was just a case of using it to kill people though then he wouldn't give a shit and I doubt he would think twice. He really does need to be stopped before he goes too far and starts things he can't stop or even control.
He's behaving like the presidency is a competition he won and it comes with all these new toys he should be allowed to play with.

I'm convinced he'll start wars. :(
Quite a bit of chatter that we're going to be seeing some huge developments soon.

Its the same usual users, so worth keeping an open mind and a degree of scepticism.
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I'm not buying that Trump's presidency is in danger. If one would have read r/politics for the past months you'd think Trump would have been impeached 4293584873823 times by now.

Christ! Is he for real for dropping a shit like this? :eek::wenger:
If they were trying to blast through a deep and complex tunnel, I can understand why they'd resort to that.
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