The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The last week has made me think Putin never intended for Trump to become his puppet. He just wanted to destabilise the American political system and knew Trump would do it.

Maybe a bit of both. His goal may have been to try and control Trump if he could, but he knew it might be difficult long-term and could settle on destabilising the US at the very least.
Maybe a bit of both. His goal may have been to try and control Trump if he could, but he knew it might be difficult long-term and could settle on destabilising the US at the very least.
Up until he was elected, I thought this Russian thing was a joke. I didn't even believe the Steele dossier. You have to admire the audacity.
Up until he was elected, I though this Russian thing was a joke. I didn't even believe the Steele dossier. You have to admire the audacity.

There was always some dodgy stuff going on. He did openly ask the Russians to hack the DNC at one point, and he's admitted to having a relationship with Putin in the past before denying it during the election.
:lol: Listening to the Mike Gallagher show just to get the other perspective on things.

1) conservative radio is having a hard time coming to terms with Trump's actions in Syria

2) he's defending United Airlines

3) "its the end times" is an explanation for what happened on their airplane
If you feel really strong and confident, you should read this rather long (annotated) Fox interview transcript. Hard to imagine this guy is sitting with Xi, May, Trudeau, Merkel or alike and they don't cringe every single minute.

TRUMP: Yes, I am waiting right now for so many people.

BARTIROMO: You're under staffed.

TRUMP: Hundreds and hundreds of people. And then they'll say, why isn't Trump doing this faster?

You can't do it faster, because they're obstructing. They're obstructionists.

So I have people — hundreds of people that we're trying to get through. I mean you have — you see the backlog. We can't get them through.


TRUMP: And then the newspapers will say Trump doesn't get them through. Well, not — nothing to do with me. Statutorily, you have to go through this process.

There are over 500 positions to be filled I believe. They have nominated 24 people so far and 22 of them have been approved...but why state the truth when you can just blame everyone else for your own incompetence.
The rest is just more of the same. Unpresidential, untruthful, incoherent, narcissistic etc.
It's #fakenews. Of course.

“United States person” means a citizen of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence (as defined in section 1101(a)(20) of title 8), an unincorporated association a substantial number of members of which are citizens of the United States or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or a corporation which is incorporated in the United States, but does not include a corporation or an association which is a foreign power, as defined in subsection (a)(1), (2), or (3)."

It's some bullshit based on the fact that of course, a FISA warrant can't ONLY apply to one single person, but to a person/organization/whatever connected to a suspected foreign power or influence. But that's not what happened, getting a warrant for a person suspected to collaborate with the Russian gouvernment is like a blueprint for when this law applies.

Thanks for that. Not a surprise to see the judge mislead people (yet again).
So are things slowly getting better for him? Or are we stuck in the no man's land between Trumps latest fcuk up and his next one?
We are in that phase of verbal diarrhea where if he relaxes the sphincter you're not sure if he'll shit his pants or just stink up the room temporarily.
Just dropped a MOAB bomb for the first time in history on a complex of ISIS tunnels in Afghanistan.

Jesus, it's escalating isn't it. The GOP live and breath for war and had the cheek to say "Kilary is Hawkish".
Looks like the bomb equivalent of a human pyramid.
Admittedly, I didn't watch that many WH press briefings when Obama was in charge. Had his press secretary similarly poor reading skills as Spicey has? I think I haven't witnessed one in which he didn't get tongue-tied at one point.
Why the sudden re-interest in Afghanistan? Why drop this MOAB now, when neither Bush nor Obama felt the need to do so?
Show of big daddy strength. Trump is obsessed at showing he's a better and stronger leader than Obama
Why the sudden re-interest in Afghanistan? Why drop this MOAB now, when neither Bush nor Obama felt the need to do so?

I don't get it either. Unless they find a massive tunnel/cave complex being run by ISIS/Khorasan that could've be reached from the ground, it wouldn't make much sense when you consider the possibility of civilians in the area.
I don't get it either. Unless they find a massive tunnel/cave complex being run by ISIS/Khorasan that could've be reached from the ground, it wouldn't make much sense when you consider the possibility of civilians in the area.

I don't get it either. Unless they find a massive tunnel/cave complex being run by ISIS/Khorasan that could've be reached from the ground, it wouldn't make much sense when you consider the possibility of civilians in the area.

While powerful, the delivery system used, a C130 it really has limits as to when it can be used. You need total air superiority and a non-existent enemy anti-aircraft capability. The power of it, limits really where you can use it also, unless you are giving feck all about any nearby civilians.
I'm struggling to see the difference here between this and a nuclear bomb. A rose by any other name and all that.
I'm struggling to see the difference here between this and a nuclear bomb. A rose by any other name and all that.

Lack of fissionable materials and that it creates a non-nuclear blast. So in other words not a nuclear bomb at all. Still if you are in the area, not going to matter you are just as dead.

Not really sure what the smallest yield there is for any active US nuclear weapon.
It's a fecking WMD. Where's the investigators looking at USA?
Its obviously not. Nuclear, Chemical, Biological, or Radiological.

Reminds me of this Tom Clancy like book I read back in the 1980's where the US used a Fuel Air Explosive against the fictional enemy and much was made in the fictional press about it by linking the weapon to the word nuclear, even though it was not a nuclear explosion.

It's a nasty weapon for sure, and should not be used anywhere near any civilian settlements (towns, cities, villages) but it is not by definition a WMD.
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