The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Is it correct to call people that are concerned for their country (Americans) or the world (the others) anti-Trumpers? Objectively speaking his administration is doing a horrible job and all of your biggest allies are concerned.

I'm still amazed that there aren't constant protests going on over there in multiple cities. When did college kids stop protesting?
Nunes is in trouble. Classified information contradicts what he said about Trump surveillance.

Not a surprise, but it's very likely they made it up.
I'd agree but that's now how his tweet reads, more like he's saying it's coming out elsewhere. I'm sure it will be as much of a let down as everything else implicating Trump has been.

Everything on Twitter seems to be the Washington Post piece about Carter Page and the FISA warrant.

The only other thing percolating is the Devin Nunes surveillance claims.
KS-04 looking like it might be smaller than a 10 point win for the GOP, in a district with a GOP lean of about 20 that Pompeo won in 2016 by 30. Decent sign for Dems, though rurals still going red bigly, more than would be expected, and that's the kind of bleeding that'll need to be stemmed to have a chance of getting back the House and stopping Trump.

“I like Steve, but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late,” Trump said. “I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn't know Steve. I’m my own strategist, and it wasn't like I was going to change strategies because I was facing crooked Hillary.”
This Spicer thing is amusing. It proves that their 'war plank' is clearly the 'despicable' use of chemical weapons.

Also continues to fuel the conspiracy theories

Tbf to Spicer I don't think he engaged in any holocaust denial, he's just not able to think quickly on his feet and formulate well thought out answers to whatever questions he might get. I'm pretty certain that he just wanted to say that Hitler didn't do what Assad did, i.e use chemical weapons out in the field. He "just" completely forgot about the concentration camps which is of course inexcusable, but I doubt there's more to it than that.

He's just too stupid for his job, just like Kellyanne.

It's nice to see that everything is back to normal in the WH again, a clarification of a clarification of a horrible mistake is par for the course for these clowns.

“I like Steve, but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late,” Trump said. “I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn't know Steve. I’m my own strategist, and it wasn't like I was going to change strategies because I was facing crooked Hillary.”

Came here to check if it has been posted. That's just :lol::lol::lol: !

That's as funny as the 'Manafort played a very limited role' line by Spicey.
Tbf to Spicer I don't think he engaged in any holocaust denial, he's just not able to think quickly on his feet and formulate well thought out answers to whatever questions he might get. I'm pretty certain that he just wanted to say that Hitler didn't do what Assad did, i.e use chemical weapons out in the field. He "just" completely forgot about the concentration camps which is of course inexcusable, but I doubt there's more to it than that.

He's just too stupid for his job, just like Kellyanne.

It's nice to see that everything is back to normal in the WH again, a clarification of a clarification of a horrible mistake is par for the course for these clowns.

I was thinking the same thing mate, I agree with you 100%. He often gets tongue tied and losing his train of thought, he's easily nudged off subjects and he's not very creative either. He definitely didn't mean what he said, but in this day and age and with a subject as touchy as this one and his past cock ups, I don't fancy his chances too much.

Then you'll like this one, too.

Yeah, I saw that a few days ago, it's a beauty for sure.
In a farewell letter, Michael Cox compares Scott Pruitt's denial of climate change to the denial of tobacco CEOs that smoking causes lung cancer.

KS-04 looking like it might be smaller than a 10 point win for the GOP, in a district with a GOP lean of about 20 that Pompeo won in 2016 by 30. Decent sign for Dems, though rurals still going red bigly, more than would be expected, and that's the kind of bleeding that'll need to be stemmed to have a chance of getting back the House and stopping Trump.

I wouldn't be doing kumbaya yet even if Ossoff manages to pull off GA-06 next week. However, it'd look promising if all the special elections point to a trend of Dems exceeding the expected margin.
Was the gassing of the Jews technically chemical weapons though? Genuine question
Yes. They used a chemical called Zyklon-B for some years at Auschwitz, which sets free hydrogen cyanide.
I wouldn't call Spicer's stupidity holocaust denial, though. He was just being his usual idiotic self.
Yeah it's definitely stupidity rather than flat out holocaust denial.

He cleared it up in his best bungling way. Assad is dropping chemical weapons from planes as a form of warfare and Hitler didn't do that.

The holocaust was something completely removed from warfare. Something far, far worse.
Yeah it's definitely stupidity rather than flat out holocaust denial.

He cleared it up in his best bungling way. Assad is dropping chemical weapons from planes as a form of warfare and Hitler didn't do that.

The holocaust was something completely removed from warfare. Something far, far worse.
IMO Spicey is as unfit as spox as Twitler is for president. He's out of his depth but contrary to Twitler, he doesn't come across as toxic, just stupid.
Yes. They used a chemical called Zyklon-B for some years at Auschwitz, which sets free hydrogen cyanide.
I wouldn't call Spicer's stupidity holocaust denial, though. He was just being his usual idiotic self.

I can sort of see his point, ie everyone thought he would use chemical attacks against those he was at war against and British people carried gas masks around but he never actually did. I don't think he was denying the holocaust, I think like me he didn't realise it was a chemical weapon.

Stupid to use the 'H' word in politics. But actually people who believe Hitler and The Nazi's were the ideolical creators of Eugenics are wrong. An English writer Francis Galton, the cousin of Charles Darwin, got critically acclaimed with his writings of Eugenics and many of the time believed in forcibly stopping undesirables from 'breeding' was the right course of action. HG Wells was a proponent of eugenics.
"Holocaust Centres"

Jesus Wept, he makes it sound like a fecking walk in clinic with a gift shop, in any case that hole he's digging just keeps getting deeper

One reported incident indicates the German army eventually used poison gas on survivors of the Battle of Kerch on the Eastern Crimean peninsula. After the battle in mid-May 1942, roughly 3000 soldiers and civilians not evacuated by sea were besieged in a series of caves and tunnels in the nearby Adzhimuskai quarry. After holding out for approximately three months, "poison gas was released into the tunnels, killing all but a few score of the Soviet defenders."[34]
They have amazing gift shops.

"Make sure to visit the Gift shop on your way in..."

Here's another gem, the Sarin Gas that Assad used was invented by the Nazis;

Use as a weapon
In mid-1939, the formula for the agent was passed to the chemical warfare section of the German Army Weapons Office, which ordered that it be brought into mass production for wartime use. Pilot plants were built, and a high-production facility was under construction (but was not finished) by the end of World War II. Estimates for total sarin production by Nazi Germany range from 500 kg to 10 tons.
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KS-04 looking like it might be smaller than a 10 point win for the GOP, in a district with a GOP lean of about 20 that Pompeo won in 2016 by 30. Decent sign for Dems, though rurals still going red bigly, more than would be expected, and that's the kind of bleeding that'll need to be stemmed to have a chance of getting back the House and stopping Trump.

Its an encouraging sign for the Dems.

In 2012, Dems got 31%

In 2014 - 33%

In 2016 - 29%

Yesterday they got 45% of the vote.

I wouldn't be doing kumbaya yet even if Ossoff manages to pull off GA-06 next week. However, it'd look promising if all the special elections point to a trend of Dems exceeding the expected margin.

Ossoff will highly likely get into the run offs, but will end up losing to the Republican. Though the GOP will lose a sizeable chunk of their vote percentage.
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WTF is wrong with Devin Nunes? Turns out what he said was total shite?
IMO Spicey is as unfit as spox as Twitler is for president. He's out of his depth but contrary to Twitler, he doesn't come across as toxic, just stupid.

Completely agree he's unfit for what he does and he's out of his depth but I think he's absolutely complicit in being a slimy cnut in a slimy cnut's administration.

If someone stormed the White House you can guarantee he'd be throwing himself in front of the bullets aiming for Twitler.

He's a complete toad and that's being really unkind to the toad population of the world.
Louise Mensch getting called out. Cat fight to ensue.

She's right. Mensch ( or anyone else for that matter) made no mention of there being a individual FISA warrant for Page.

It was reported before that there were 4 members of Trumps team who were targeted with a FISA warrant (which was rejected by the court and Page was reportedly one of those on the list), but this new development is different to anything Mensch has claimed.
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Its an encouraging sign for the Dems.

In 2012, Dems got 31%

In 2014 - 33%

In 2016 - 29%

Yesterday they got 45% of the vote.

Ossoff will highly likely get into the run offs, but will end up losing to the Republican. Though the GOP will lose a sizeable chunk of their vote percentage.
They had a similar move towards them in the special in California a little while back. Okay it's only California but in combination with this, Trump's approval at hovering at 40 and below, and the Dem lead in polls in generic congressional ballots at the moment, it's all positive signs (nothing to celebrate, just signs that there might be a suggestion of light at the end of a very depressing tunnel). If there's as big a move towards the Dems in GA-06 next week then it could be very interesting.
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