The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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#1 Seoul is right on the border with NK and easy for madfatkidun to attack quickly.

How about a maniac there with nukes ready to fire at massive trade/population center a couple hundred miles down the road? Also, US forces occupying an area with land border to China.

Well if the reason is Seoul then just evacuate the city before any action is taken.

As to the nukes, they've got like max 6-8 warheads on unreliable ballistics which they can only really target on Japan and South Korea (no way they target China).
Somebody give me step by step reasons why attacking North Korea is bad.
20-40k South Korean deaths in Seoul before we can take out their conventional arms. That's assuming all nuclear capabilities have been neutralized.

And that's not counting the multi-trillion dollar cost of rebuilding NK, something which usually goes 'under the radar.'
Well if the reason is Seoul then just evacuate the city before any action is taken.

As to the nukes, they've got like max 6-8 warheads on unreliable ballistics which they can only really target on Japan and South Korea (no way they target China).

I don't think the fat cnut would actually be that desperate, however we just don't know for sure and evacuating a city of more than 10 millions at short notice isn't really feasible.

The bigger problem is NK's role as PRC's satellite state and buffer against US military presence in the region. The Chinese won't take kindly to US troops approaching their border and any unilateral military action against NK will inevitably leads to a showdown against Beijing. Now, it probably won't lead to a full out war between China and the US but the larger implications on the region's stability/economy and the global community at large are grave.
Well if the reason is Seoul then just evacuate the city before any action is taken.

As to the nukes, they've got like max 6-8 warheads on unreliable ballistics which they can only really target on Japan and South Korea (no way they target China).
Evacuate Seoul?
Somebody give me step by step reasons why attacking North Korea is bad.
Why was it a bad idea for Russia to go into Crimea? Oh yeah because its an international crime to attack/invade the lands of another sovereign state without the backing of the UN Security Council.
DPRK's rockets aren't 100% reliable and the missile defence/artillery defence in SK could easily wipe out anything else surely?

I don't think for a second think Kim wouldn't try something like deploying all his missiles at Seoul if there was a hint at an invasion but I also don't think he'd be successful. I suppose the US, SK and Chinese governments don't want to take that chance though which is fair enough.

The main obstacle I always thought was the crisis on the population afterwards. Millions of brainwashed, malnourished, unskilled people needing aid, training, etc would cost trillions in this day and age to put right. It could be done but I suspect nobody wants to foot the bill for it.

Anyway, Spicey, just wow. I still can't feel sorry for him because he seems like the type of cnut that loves doing what he's doing for Trump but it must be tough having to think of stuff on the fly in front of the world and just come out with word vomit time after time.
This is exactly how Spicey Germany started.
This presidency gets weirder and weirder. I have to say the sabres being rattled on the Pacific are a worry. Anything could happen with these guys.
DPRK's rockets aren't 100% reliable and the missile defence/artillery defence in SK could easily wipe out anything else surely?

I don't think for a second think Kim wouldn't try something like deploying all his missiles at Seoul if there was a hint at an invasion but I also don't think he'd be successful. I suppose the US, SK and Chinese governments don't want to take that chance though which is fair enough.

The main obstacle I always thought was the crisis on the population afterwards. Millions of brainwashed, malnourished, unskilled people needing aid, training, etc would cost trillions in this day and age to put right. It could be done but I suspect nobody wants to foot the bill for it.

Anyway, Spicey, just wow. I still can't feel sorry for him because he seems like the type of cnut that loves doing what he's doing for Trump but it must be tough having to think of stuff on the fly in front of the world and just come out with word vomit time after time.
There is no defense against conventional artillery as widely deployed as along the DMZ, even if a large portion of it is not fully functional. If you approve a surprise attack against NK, you're assuming responsibility for the possibility of tens of thousands of SK casualties.
There is no defense against conventional artillery as widely deployed as along the DMZ, even if a large portion of it is not fully functional. If you approve a surprise attack against NK, you're assuming responsibility for the possibility of tens of thousands of SK casualties.

That is optimistic.

Likely outcome of an all out attack on North Korea is they take a dirty bomb by vehicle into the middle of seoul amid all the confusion and off it goes, with 10 million or so in the vicinity even a crude bomb would kill 3 million.
If anyone needs to feed their election live-results addiction, KS-04 special election today! GOP should hold comfortably but the margin will be interesting.
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