The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm not spreading theories, I'm stating facts: He had no intent to do anything, considered Assad no to be his problem just a few hours before the CW attack.
Furthermore, a knowingly ineffective air strike with lead time for Russia and allies is by no means a sign of Twitler being more hostile to Russia than Obama, sorry. Last but not least regarding Obama, as I remember it, he considered intervention but contrary to Twitler wanted to seek Congress approval, and it was clear that he wouldn't get it; the GOP poll numbers which I quoted above also point to that they wouldn't have approved of their Congress(wo)men supporting intervention by Obama.
Why the feck has this man not said anything about the school shooting yet?
"North Korea has said it will defend itself "by powerful force of arms" in response to the US deployment of a Navy strike group to the Korean peninsula."

Wonderful. :nervous:

That at least is what they always say whenever there is an excercise, a few more US Ships in the area, etc. Pretty t
Hypocrisy should be every GOP voter's middle name.

Which is why it is so funny to here Trump supporters talking about finally having a President with balls.

I fall squarely into the camp of not wanting Obama or Trump to get the US involved in Syria.

I'm not spreading theories, I'm stating facts: He had no intent to do anything, considered Assad no to be his problem just a few hours before the CW attack.
Furthermore, a knowingly ineffective air strike with lead time for Russia and allies is by no means a sign of Twitler being more hostile to Russia than Obama, sorry. Last but not least regarding Obama, as I remember it, he considered intervention but contrary to Twitler wanted to seek Congress approval, and it was clear that he wouldn't get it; the GOP poll numbers which I quoted above also point to that they wouldn't have approved of their Congress(wo)men supporting intervention by Obama.
You are spreading theories, because there is no hard evidence for it and his policy actions don't support the idea. He might not have any intention to remove Assad, but removing Assad now after 6 years would be a massive and crazy policy shift.
Trump didn't ask for congressional approval for air-strikes just like Obama didn't do it multiple times. Do you realize that Congress voted against the military campaign in Libya? The narrative, that Obama didn't intervene in Syria due to congressional intervention is pure fiction. Thats just not how it works.

Trump started with some nice words for Putin (dictators get praise all the time from our politicians), but pivoted towards the FP consensus in less than 100 days. Once he does in any meaningful way pivot towards Russia in any irrational way, I am willing to entertain the idea, that they really have influence over him.
You are spreading theories, because there is no hard evidence for it and his policy actions don't support the idea. He might not have any intention to remove Assad, but removing Assad now after 6 years would be a massive and crazy policy shift.
Trump didn't ask for congressional approval for air-strikes just like Obama didn't do it multiple times. Do you realize that Congress voted against the military campaign in Libya? The narrative, that Obama didn't intervene in Syria due to congressional intervention is pure fiction. Thats just not how it works.

Trump started with some nice words for Putin (dictators get praise all the time from our politicians), but pivoted towards the FP consensus in less than 100 days. Once he does in any meaningful way pivot towards Russia in any irrational way, I am willing to entertain the idea, that they really have influence over him.
It's remarkable how many on here think Obama's lack of retaliation for crossing the 'red-line' has something to do with Congress. Or, better yet, the U.K. voting against it-as though we still take our cues from them (a century or so late on that idea...).

Nah, it all makes sense. Bannon is a Leninist, and made Lenin's theories on nationality required reading for all WH staff. Spicer now sees Jews as a separate nationality within the state of Nazi Germany. It's all fine, nothing to see here.
United Airlines right now - "God bless you Sean Spicer."
The word 'innocent' just makes this statement that much worse as if suggesting that the Jews in WWII weren't innocent.
They've now sent out a correction to the clarification of the clarification of the initial remark!

Which still implies that it's morally worse to drop your chemicals on a population from a plane, rather than build camps dedicated to doing it en masse (or, as they did in the early stages of the war, in the back of trucks via the exhaust fumes).
They've now sent out a correction to the clarification of the clarification of the initial remark!

Which still implies that it's morally worse to drop your chemicals on a population from a plane, rather than build camps dedicated to doing it en masse (or, as they did in the early stages of the war, in the back of trucks via the exhaust fumes).

Someone else must have picked up on the word innocent for them to remove it.
Good on Spicer, it had been a few days since the Trump administration said or did something horrible so it's nice to have the reminder of what they're really like.

Surely even in Trumpland this is something you're going to lose your job over?
Good on Spicer, it had been a few days since the Trump administration said or did something horrible so it's nice to have the reminder of what they're really like.

Surely even in Trumpland this is something you're going to lose your job over?

Exactly. Getting rid of so many of the odious people unsurprisingly had reduced the amount of horrid stuff going on. Back to normal service now :)
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