The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Surely he has people around him who realise (and are telling him) how ridiculous it is to openly discuss things like this over social media?

I feel like we're headed towards war on a global scale with him in charge.
The hilarious thing is: There are several Twitler tweets from 2013 which have been dug out by journos since Friday in which he criticized not only Obama's considerations re: interventions in Syria he explicitly criticized him for considering it publicy, writing if he were to do it, it would be a surprise.
I'm used to authors on Twitter retweeting praise as a (justifiable) form of promotion for their books...but not Presidents doing the same for f*cking airstrikes.
They once sent out a press release listing articles that praised him, and one of them was actually satire.
I'm used to authors on Twitter retweeting praise as a (justifiable) form of promotion for their books...but not Presidents doing the same for f*cking airstrikes.

I'm surprised that he didn't tweet:"Shoutout to Tom and Hawk, it was a beautiful fly, the beautifulest.".
The other day, a journo suggested that someone explain North Korea to Kushner who'll explain it to Ivanka who'll tell her father. It was half-jokingly but obviously quite spot on.

Another remarkable comment by Eric:
"If there was anything that [the strike on] Syria did, it was to validate the fact that there is no Russia tie," he said.
I'm worried about him picking up a taste for war. He seems to be enjoying the credit the attacks got a little too much and now seems to be looking for his next target to boost his ratings.
I'm worried about him picking up a taste for war. He seems to be enjoying the credit the attacks got a little too much and now seems to be looking for his next target to boost his ratings.
His ratings would go down pretty quickly if he engages in more intense war activities. Plus, the far-right bashed him for the strike and will do so much more.
Trump has fecked himself with this Syrian strike. He might have gained some short term relief from the media and hawkish elements of both the GOP and Democratic party, but he has now alienated his own base.
I had to double check it really was the real account. Wth, I really can't get used to a head of a state (the US on top of that) behaving like that.

Have you missed all his previous tweets over the past 24 months ? Nothing really out of the ordinary here.
This one is the most 'war mongering' I've seen since he was elected.

I didn't expect anything different. His tweets are little more than psychological ploys to gain the upper hand against a person or organization (Lyin Ted, Crooked Hillary, failing NY Times etc).

What does it say? (Twatter blocked at work)

Trump has fecked himself with this Syrian strike. He might have gained some short term relief from the media and hawkish elements of both the GOP and Democratic party, but he has now alienated his own base.

I think the whole notion of him alienating his own base is as much short term as him gaining relief from certain people in Washington. A "good" tweet from him is all that it will take for them to come running back to him and I think he knows this too.
Another remarkable comment by Eric:

Well he has a point, no? For anyone convinced that Russia has some kind of hold over Trump, where does this huge escalation in tensions fit in to the narrative?
What does it say? (Twatter blocked at work)

I think the whole notion of him alienating his own base is as much short term as him gaining relief from certain people in Washington. A "good" tweet from him is all that it will take for them to come running back to him and I think he knows this too.
"Trump could have done more damage to that airfield if he had just purchased it and run it as a business."
What happened to the 'obsolete alliance'?

The other day, a journo suggested that someone explain North Korea to Kushner who'll explain it to Ivanka who'll tell her father. It was half-jokingly but obviously quite spot on.

Another remarkable comment by Eric:

Democrat commentators on MSNBC are literally calling for shootings of Russian soldiers, you can see where part of the motivation for the strike came from.
Well he has a point, no? For anyone convinced that Russia has some kind of hold over Trump, where does this huge escalation in tensions fit in to the narrative?
It does fit in that less than 48 hours before, it was clear Twitler didn't intend to do anything.

The strike is a joke in the sense that it didn't accomplish anything than exactly what Eric is impyling.

The strike had no real impact in Syria: Hours after, Syrian military planes were taking off from exactly this air base. Russia was informed in advance and in turn informed the Syrians - as nicely reflected in this cartoon.


There's nothing to suggest that this was more than a publicity stunt.
It does fit in that less than 48 hours before, it was clear Twitler didn't intend to do anything.

The strike is a joke in the sense that it didn't accomplish anything than exactly what Eric is impyling.

The strike had no real impact in Syria: Hours after, Syrian military planes were taking off from exactly this air base. Russia was informed in advance and in turn informed the Syrians - as nicely reflected in this cartoon.


There's nothing to suggest that this was more than a publicity stunt.

Well I guess we'll find out if things continue to escalate in Syria.
Trump has fecked himself with this Syrian strike. He might have gained some short term relief from the media and hawkish elements of both the GOP and Democratic party, but he has now alienated his own base.

Do you really think that white mid-western working class voters have a problem with him going back on his foreign policy ideas? They elected him for other reasons. He alienated some fringe idiots who are very vocal on the internet, but are small in numbers. Most people in the USA fall in line once the bombing starts. It is patriotic duty after all. At least unless US soldiers are getting killed, but modern equipment can minimize this risk.

I wasn’t a fan of how Trump was opposed, but that was far better than reaffirming him. The normalization just happened and Trump will learn the lesson: If you want to get universal praise from mainstream politicians and almost all media outlets, you need to “act tough” on foreign enemies. Trump will love this role, while the generals behind him can finally take over the steering wheel when it comes to foreign relations.

Toute idée fausse finit dans le sang, mais il s’agit toujours du sang des autres. C’est ce qui explique que certains de nos philosophes se sentent à l’aise pour dire n’importe quoi.


Can we stop spreading these theories until there is any reason to do so? The Trump administration sets out to be more hostile towards Russia than Obama was for 8 years. Somehow that is getting lost. Obama didn’t retaliate with bombing the Syrian military when they used CW in the past. He didn’t intervene when Russia ramped up support and the white house gave up to support of the Syrian insurgency before Trump came into office. He also didn’t do a lot about Ukraine.

Once Trump actually pivots towards Russia in any meaningful way, we can speculate about piss-tapes again. Yet up to this point it doesn’t look like that at all. He is fully embracing the US FP consensus, which is a 180° turn from his campaign promises.
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From some polling I saw earlier, GOPers were about 85% supportive of the action which sounds about right.
Hypocrisy should be every GOP voter's middle name.

From some polling I saw earlier, GOPers were about 85% supportive of the action which sounds about right.

And 57% of the public at large supported the Syria strikes. Foreign intervention is usually a good way to galvanize public sentiment across party lines.
. Most people in the USA fall in line once the bombing starts. It is patriotic duty after all. At least unless US soldiers are getting killed, but modern equipment can minimize this risk.
Large parts of his base are fervently anti war. He's supported by a lot of libertarians, of the Ron Paul variety. They don't care what he does so long as he fixes the economy. Of course, the economy won't get any better for those people, as time has passed them and their industrial niches by. But, the alt right are nothing if not conspiracy nuts. And more Alex Jones than Breitbart. Ironically, I think it's the ignorant masses who voted for him who will be harshest with him should he pursue foreign policy initiatives counter intuitive to isolationist practice.
Do you really think that white mid-western working class voters have a problem with him going back on his foreign policy ideas? They elected him for other reasons. He alienated some fringe idiots who are very vocal on the internet, but are small in numbers. Most people in the USA fall in line once the bombing starts. It is patriotic duty after all. At least unless US soldiers are getting killed, but modern equipment can minimize this risk.

It all adds up.

Not all in GOP are happy with him in first place.
He went hardcore with Freedom Caucus and lost credibility with them in healthcare.
Moved Bannon, he'll lose the ALT+Right support. Then we have the anti-war crowd who oppose US global policing and he's lost them as well.
Many with GOP has spoken against funding of his "wall" which would alienate some more if he presses on that.

All this within 3 months of his swearing in. Nobody knows how this tax reform will go, but probability says he'll botch some of it if not all.
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