The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Between Haley having her moment at the UN and Kushner touring Iraq, I'm curious to see who replaces Tillerson as Secretary of State. The GOP would love Haley while Team Trump would love Kushner.
Between Haley having her moment at the UN and Kushner touring Iraq, I'm curious to see who replaces Tillerson as Secretary of State. The GOP would love Haley while Team Trump would love Kushner.

Kushner would be more effective in his current advisory role. I'd say Haley would be a contender, as would Petraeus once his probation expires this month.
You'd think that Trump's support of O'Reilly would be headline news, as it's bloody disgraceful. Trump has devalued legitimate outrage.
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He's completely unable to express himself like a leader, not even remotely close. It'd probably be like if I were thrown into a boardroom and told to give the big cheeses a rundown of the year's performance. "Guys, we've sold stuff. Profits are up. This is good. It's good when profits go up." Moron.
The guy can't even speak in whole sentences. Why the hell does he qualify every line?
I was reading Luke Shaw's statement/quotes just now and realised he's more eloquent and engaging then the US president, and had more content.
Prediction: Drumpf spits out a new Schwarzenegger tweet in the next 24 hours.

Any reason? Have I missed something?

I wonder how President Kushner is getting on at the moment? Hopefully that will start trending and then Kushner will be expelled like a naughty boy from school just as Bannon appears to have been.
Any reason? Have I missed something?

I wonder how President Kushner is getting on at the moment? Hopefully that will start trending and then Kushner will be expelled like a naughty boy from school just as Bannon appears to have been.

Arnold was just on CNN for an hour. Trump may not be able to resist the temptation.
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How shit are you of a Secret Service agent if you can't manage to see a prostitute in Colombia or Baltimore of all places without getting caught...?

On the one hand, yay the president is manipulable and you can get him to demote bad people through wounding his pride. On the other hand, boo baddies have probably noticed this as well.

On the one hand, yay the president is manipulable and you can get him to demote bad people through wounding his pride. On the other hand, boo baddies have probably noticed this as well.

Yeah if the 'President Bannon' thing is true then Trump is quite genuinely allowing memes to affect his decision making.
Yeah if the 'President Bannon' thing is true then Trump is quite genuinely allowing memes to affect his decision making.

Completely believable imo. Remember, it was Trump who was outraged not because Spicer was being mocked on SNL, but because he was being mocked by a woman.
The timing of this Bannon announcement is very suspicious, especially considering the Seychelles backchannel reports a few days ago. Coincidence? With this administration you just never know. AS for Trump being applauded for ONE press conference and people saying he's turned a corner and become Presidential, what a load of complete bollocks. Didn't people say the same after the address to Congress? Let's not forget it was only yesterday he was blaming the Syrian gassing on Obama. Some people are just so easily fooled or have exceptionally short memories. The man is a cnut, and even if he turned in to the second coming of Obama and acted extremely Presidential for the next 3 years and 9 months, he would still be a cnut and would still be the worst person ever elected to President of the USA.

I dont think there is any question there ... all within 70 days.
Putin was trying to use Trump's brain to talk, but it was lost in translation.

He's completely unable to express himself like a leader, not even remotely close.

Apart from this, he's also the Bragger in Chief. Has used the subway last time when he went to school but knows the subway system very well.

It's similar to what Adam Schiff says: If Twitler says 'fakenews', there's smoke in his own house. If Twitler claims to know something very well or be the best at something, more often than not he is completely clueless on the matter.

A couple of weeks ago, the story of this 45 voter was posted here when her husband was arrested.

He was deported yesterday.

Feel sorry for him but not at all for her: Be careful what you wish for.

@Crossie I posted the original story.

And I know this makes me a prick...but, this has genuinely warmed by heart. How warm? Like having a warm soup on a really cold winter night.

A couple of weeks ago, the story of this 45 voter was posted here when her husband was arrested.

He was deported yesterday.

Feel sorry for him but not at all for her: Be careful what you wish for.

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