The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Is it suprising that he's given an interview to the 'failing' New York Times?
When it became clear the health care bill wouldn't be put up for vote, he first called Robert Costa from WaPo and next Maggie Habeman from NYT to personally break the news.
Good presser from Trump and King Hussein. Both came across well.
He is a f-ing stooge...same as his dad was.

How much of a stooge you ask? Hussein was his dad...his name is Abdullah...but, you're not the only one to make the mistake. He is completely forgettable. But - he is well spoken, Sandhurst educated and has a pretty wife.

Kinda sounds similar to Assad...right? :lol:
Except for the King who seemed for a while to be behaving as a Trump spokesman.
I like him though and I liked his father too and as a result he can do no wrong in my eyes.
He is a f-ing stooge...same as his dad was.

How much of a stooge you ask? Hussein was his dad...his name is Abdullah...but, you're not the only one to make the mistake. He is completely forgettable. But - he is well spoken, Sandhurst educated and has a pretty wife.

Kinda sounds similar to Assad...right? :lol:
So it is, I'd completely like him though. ;)
So Flynn was their pick... but they knew he was a problem so installed Bannon to keep an eye on him.

Seems legit.
Some sensible behaviour going on at WH in this shakeup of the NSC.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff and DNI both put back on the "regular attendee" list after being removed a few months ago.
Trump getting gushing praise for acting like a President.Whether Assad had anything to do with the chemical attack is another question
The timing of this Bannon announcement is very suspicious, especially considering the Seychelles backchannel reports a few days ago. Coincidence? With this administration you just never know. AS for Trump being applauded for ONE press conference and people saying he's turned a corner and become Presidential, what a load of complete bollocks. Didn't people say the same after the address to Congress? Let's not forget it was only yesterday he was blaming the Syrian gassing on Obama. Some people are just so easily fooled or have exceptionally short memories. The man is a cnut, and even if he turned in to the second coming of Obama and acted extremely Presidential for the next 3 years and 9 months, he would still be a cnut and would still be the worst person ever elected to President of the USA.
Welcome to the real world, Mr Kushner.

The timing of this Bannon announcement is very suspicious, especially considering the Seychelles backchannel reports a few days ago. Coincidence? With this administration you just never know. AS for Trump being applauded for ONE press conference and people saying he's turned a corner and become Presidential, what a load of complete bollocks. Didn't people say the same after the address to Congress? Let's not forget it was only yesterday he was blaming the Syrian gassing on Obama. Some people are just so easily fooled or have exceptionally short memories. The man is a cnut, and even if he turned in to the second coming of Obama and acted extremely Presidential for the next 3 years and 9 months, he would still be a cnut and would still be the worst person ever elected to President of the USA.

I'm hearing this is the confluence of Drumpf being a bit miffed at Bannon's poor Muslim ban rollout a couple of months ago, then Bannon (and Kushner) apparently gave Drumpf bad advice on China currency manipulation, as well as the controversy about Bannon generally being to powerful and unilaterally reorganizing the NSC. The McMAster comes along and want to assert control over staff and the NSC apparatus. So collectively, I'm guessing Trump just decided to make the move.
I'm hearing this is the confluence of Drumpf being a bit miffed at Bannon's poor Muslim ban rollout a couple of months ago, then Bannon (and Kushner) apparently gave Drumpf bad advice on China currency manipulation, as well as the controversy about Bannon generally being to powerful and unilaterally reorganizing the NSC. The McMAster comes along and want to assert control over staff and the NSC apparatus. So collectively, I'm guessing Trump just decided to make the move.

I know you've been speaking of the pivot away from Bannon, towards the Kushner axis for a while. I'm struggling to understand how this is a net positive.
I know you've been speaking of the pivot away from Bannon, towards the Kushner axis for a while. I'm struggling to understand how this is a net positive.

Why wouldn't it be. Bannon is the worst of Trump's advisors who seems to consistently give him isolationist/ultra-nationalist/incompetent advice.
The timing of this Bannon announcement is very suspicious, especially considering the Seychelles backchannel reports a few days ago. Coincidence? With this administration you just never know. AS for Trump being applauded for ONE press conference and people saying he's turned a corner and become Presidential, what a load of complete bollocks. Didn't people say the same after the address to Congress? Let's not forget it was only yesterday he was blaming the Syrian gassing on Obama. Some people are just so easily fooled or have exceptionally short memories. The man is a cnut, and even if he turned in to the second coming of Obama and acted extremely Presidential for the next 3 years and 9 months, he would still be a cnut and would still be the worst person ever elected to President of the USA.

I suspect this meeting in Seychelles had nothing to do with Trump and more to do with Erik Prince organising his next shady venture.

Trump will have had back channel links to Putin/Kremlin for years.
How is Kushner not incompetent?

He's far more credible than Bannon in terms of his politics. Ultimately, Trump is going to take advice from several people and the more people like Ivanka and Jared and the less like Bannon the better.
I'm hearing this is the confluence of Drumpf being a bit miffed at Bannon's poor Muslim ban rollout a couple of months ago, then Bannon (and Kushner) apparently gave Drumpf bad advice on China currency manipulation, as well as the controversy about Bannon generally being to powerful and unilaterally reorganizing the NSC. The McMAster comes along and want to assert control over staff and the NSC apparatus. So collectively, I'm guessing Trump just decided to make the move.

Yeah, that all makes a lot of sense to be fair. I can imagine Trump has been sick to death of the President Bannon jokes, as @MrMarcello said, especially with his fragile ego.

I suspect this meeting in Seychelles had nothing to do with Trump and more to do with Erik Prince organising his next shady venture.

I think you are absolutely right there, but it was more Bannon's role being questioned in it all that I was alluding to rather than anything much to do with Trump himself.
How is Kushner not incompetent?

He is. But he doesn't seem to have a pre-existing agenda it seems. So if it's up to him I'd venture we're more likely to see the same institutions still in place (particularly NATO and UN) and with maybe reduced influence/capacity but not annihilated, than you would under Bannon's guidance, after 4 (8?) years.

That's what I'm holding out for nowadays. It's not gonna be good, so let's hope it's not screwed up too bad by the time this is over.
I suspect this meeting in Seychelles had nothing to do with Trump and more to do with Erik Prince organising his next shady venture.

Trump will have had back channel links to Putin/Kremlin for years.

The counter here is just the UAE being intermediary. Most commentary has said that they're serious, and unlikely to be duped into setting up a US-Russia meeting without confirmation from highest levels that the emissary was legitimate.

But... I guess we'll find out in time, or maybe not.
He's far more credible than Bannon in terms of his politics. Ultimately, Trump is going to take advice from several people and the more people like Ivanka and Jared and the less like Bannon the better.

I'm more credible than Bannon in terms of my politics. Me having a senior advisory role in a presidential administration would be catastrophic.

I get your point that Kushner is better than Bannon. I'm just surprised that he is getting a pass in the media and on here just because he isn't Bannon.

He is. But he doesn't seem to have a pre-existing agenda it seems. So if it's up to him I'd venture we're more likely to see the same institutions still in place (particularly NATO and UN) and with maybe reduced influence/capacity but not annihilated, than you would under Bannon's guidance, after 4 (8?) years.

That's what I'm holding out for nowadays. It's not gonna be good, so let's hope it's not screwed up too bad by the time this is over.

I think that's my default regarding this administration.
The counter here is just the UAE being intermediary. Most commentary has said that they're serious, and unlikely to be duped into setting up a US-Russia meeting without confirmation from highest levels that the emissary was legitimate.

But... I guess we'll find out in time, or maybe not.

Erik has links to the UAE and has resided in Abu Dhabi. He was hired by the Abu Dhabi prince to create a secret army for the country and NYT says his job was to "oversee the effort and recruit troops".

Its why i reckon its possible the meeting was Erik discussing shady ventures, but with the Russians this time. He would have the contacts within the UAE to have them broker a meeting between him and the Russians and it nothing to do with the Trump/Russia collusion.
A GOP mailer against Ossoff in GA-6...

I'm just surprised that he is getting a pass in the media and on here just because he isn't Bannon.

I don't think there's any specific negatives against Kushner and Ivanka other than the nepotism claims. The lack of experience is something that boils down from Trump and nobody seems to care. Part of the 'outside the establishment' angle that got him the votes, I suppose.
Erik has links to the UAE and has resided in Abu Dhabi. He was hired by the Abu Dhabi prince to create a secret army for the country and NYT says his job was to "oversee the effort and recruit troops".

Its why i reckon its possible the meeting was Erik discussing shady ventures, but with the Russians this time. He would have the contacts within the UAE to have them broker a meeting between him and the Russians and it nothing to do with the Trump/Russia collusion.

That pretty much reads like a chapter of metal gear solid.
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