The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm confused. Didn't she receive the questions in advance? There aren't really any right answers in a presidential debate.

Exactly right, mate. She received a couple of questions in advance to one of the debates, which is honestly no big deal really as she should have been prepared for any and all questions. We should also not forget that Megyn Kelly wrote in her book that Trump was given one or two in advance for the Fox debate so he is no better that she is going by his logic. Also, as you rightly pointed out he clearly meant "questions" not answers, hence why I said in a follow up post he is sounding like she cheated on a maths exam. He really is as thick as feck, his hatred blinds him too. Utter, utter moron.
Still going on about Hilary? fecking hell, broken record.
I'm confused. Didn't she receive the questions in advance? There aren't really any right answers in a presidential debate.

Yes, Donna Brazile, vice-chair of the (supposedly neutral. Ha.) Democratic National Committee was a CNN regular and received the questions, and forwarded them to the Clinton camp (this was during the primary, so that's why the supposed neutrality).

Wikileaks revealed that the chair (Debbie Wasserman-Schultz) herself was biased against the Sanders campaign, she was forced to resign!...and she joined the Clinton campaign a day later. And Donna Brazile, the question leak-woman, was the new, 100% impartial chair.

Edit: If I was in their position and with the same bias towards Clinton, I would do the same thing for sure.
BUT. I would handle the cleanup differently. Don't re-hire DWS. Don't appoint someone equally implicated in the scandal to replace her. Wtf. At least worry about the message you're sending to half of your own party.
Exactly right, mate. She received a couple of questions in advance to one of the debates, which is honestly no big deal really as she should have been prepared for any and all questions. We should also not forget that Megyn Kelly wrote in her book that Trump was given one or two in advance for the Fox debate so he is no better that she is going by his logic. Also, as you rightly pointed out he clearly meant "questions" not answers, hence why I said in a follow up post he is sounding like she cheated on a maths exam. He really is as thick as feck, his hatred blinds him too. Utter, utter moron.

Do Presidents have a three month probation period like other jobs?

Oh for fecks sake, here he goes again, he really doesn't have a clue. How long before he irritates or embarrasses himself and his country in front of yet another world leader? If I was from the USA I would cringe every time he says "on behalf of the United States"

What the feck is wrong with that? Seriously of all the things to be outraged about, a standard greeting to a visiting leader...

isnt it el-sisi :lol:

Depends. It's the same in Arabic, just different English interpretations on it (see the dozen or so ways of spelling "Qadhafi").
I'd love to see him sail across the pacific in a reed boat. No paddle mind.

Edit: mixed him with Thor Heyerdahl. I did buy Chariots of the Gods when I was a teenager though!
Haha u r liek Alfred Einstein!
Not sure how much she can do to him right now. She ran against him and won the popular vote but overall screwed up enough to let him take the electoral vote.

What can she do? Her husband was a former president and she's a former secretary of state, they probably have dozens of people in the IRS, the treasury, diplomacy and foreign diplomats who owe them a favor or 10.

So at the slightest whiff of shit they're going to come to her hoping to cash it in. All it takes is one slight prod in the right direction to a whistleblower and you've got the makings of your next scandal.

A lot of people would like to see von Daniken adrift on a raft. Or preferably without a raft.
You give yourself away steve:) I'm sure we share the same intrests, in fact I used to have an annual subscription to Fortean Times :D
I can't deny it, mate. :D My dad had almost every book vD wrote: Chariots of the Gods, Return of the Gods, Return of the Chariots of the Gods, Bicycles of the Gods, Gods of the Dogs of the Gods etc etc.
Yes, Donna Brazile, vice-chair of the (supposedly neutral. Ha.) Democratic National Committee was a CNN regular and received the questions, and forwarded them to the Clinton camp (this was during the primary, so that's why the supposed neutrality).

Wikileaks revealed that the chair (Debbie Wasserman-Schultz) herself was biased against the Sanders campaign, she was forced to resign!...and she joined the Clinton campaign a day later. And Donna Brazile, the question leak-woman, was the new, 100% impartial chair.

Edit: If I was in their position and with the same bias towards Clinton, I would do the same thing for sure.
BUT. I would handle the cleanup differently. Don't re-hire DWS. Don't appoint someone equally implicated in the scandal to replace her. Wtf. At least worry about the message you're sending to half of your own party.

I barely caught the interview but I believe Brazile said she also fed Sanders a few questions! I think she said she is basically a dem operative and she will do everything in her power to make candidates look good.
Scrolling down to the comparisons. I'll never understand why 9/11 helped W's approval.

Basically the emotions of the moment would have helped whoever was President unless he behaved like an idiot on social media or something. Basically as leader, whether it is FDR after Pearl Harbor or George Bush after 9/11, you get to make a bunch of speeches to a nation that is at that moment very willing to follow.
What can she do? Her husband was a former president and she's a former secretary of state, they probably have dozens of people in the IRS, the treasury, diplomacy and foreign diplomats who owe them a favor or 10.

So at the slightest whiff of shit they're going to come to her hoping to cash it in. All it takes is one slight prod in the right direction to a whistleblower and you've got the makings of your next scandal.

Maybe, maybe not. But a lot of those people will have moved on to other jobs since either of them held office. Also, anyone like that is a political animal and will most likely be shifting their alliance to some other Democrat, someone with a future in the party.

If there are Dem loyalist who have access to that info, then they should have either used it pre-election or should be using it already. If they are saving it for "the right moment" to kiss either of the Clinton's asses, rather than doing it because it is right, then feck them.

Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel
The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel
The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.
NOW it's getting really interesting. :D
Basically the emotions of the moment would have helped whoever was President unless he behaved like an idiot on social media or something. Basically as leader, whether it is FDR after Pearl Harbor or George Bush after 9/11, you get to make a bunch of speeches to a nation that is at that moment very willing to follow.
Yeah. I suppose I'm just amazed how many people's emotions are influenced by picking up a megaphone.

Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel
The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

Was coming here to post this too. I didn't realize that leading shady-man Erik Prince was Betsy DeVos' brother. And Seychelles? You must be up to some really toxic stuff to meet that far, and not some random location in E Europe.

On a side note, when I was a silly youngster with a good memory and an interest in maps, I would show off that I knew the capital of Seychelles.

Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel
The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

How dare the failing Washington Post leak intelligence like this! We must shoot the messenger! The real story is that somebody ratted me and Vlad out. Clinton was in UAE in 2013! #FAKENEWS
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