The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I've seen so many Trump supporters going on about immigration with obviously foreign heritage that I'm beginning to give up on life. They think because they are second generation that their history is irrelevant in today's matters.

Also, I know I've mentioned it before but the number of religious followers he has still astounds me. Do American Christian's not preach and practice tolerance or do I have some skewed perception of Christianity? (Or Religion as a whole)

I'm seeing accounts that quote bible verses in response to some tweets then call people retards in others?
I'd like to see Twitter do a real crackdown on bots and see how different the landscape of his support is afterwards.
Agreed. I'd also like to see a change to the legal possibilities to intervene in business models that reward the owners of a website on clicks although I'm aware that this is extremely difficult due to the globa nature of the internet.
However, a number of the Hilary-related fakenews were created on a fakenews website in Easter Europe by young guys who coincidently found out that you can make decent money out of invented stories. That was their motivation, not to meddle in the election. They made some thousand $$§ out of it.
He must be a bit miffed that this morning's change the topic tweets have been usurped by the St. Petersburg bombing.

He watches more TV than me.

Gotta keep muddying those waters. It's just more unverifiable claims that will be debunked by the IC yet his followers, Fox, Brietbart and InfoWars will forever report it as fact.

The reason I said I have no words is because yet again the mans stupidity and blind hatred and desire to change the subject has exposed itself in this Tweet. He must have meant Hilary getting the QUESTIONS to the debate in advance. He left out in advance, and put answers instead. So what was it like a school maths exam and she had the answers written on her wrist? :lol: He's pathetic, and seriously dim. It's depressing how thick he is and how much he has been rewarded for being so. It's even more depressing people still follow him and stick up for shit like this. These are literally as bad as schoolboy errors.
There's a guy who regularly replies to him called paco and the man is a moron. I really don't condone violence but if I met him I would struggle not to take a swing. He's Latino and he posts shit like mixed race society doesn't work and that all immigrants should go home. He's EXTREMELY Islamaphobic and his Twitter feed is full of videos of Muslims getting beaten up in various places around the world. He's always called out on his hypocrisy or blatant stupidity but like all the Trump supporters that come in here he never replies, if he does he just blames the Dems or Obama or Hillary. I personally just cannot fathom how people like this exist. They are just so ignorant and full of hate. It angers me too much, I really think i'm going to take a break from it all for a while because it's just too darn depressing, I've been pretty absent here recently for that reason.
I expose myself to limited doses of Twitler disciples. That helps. I also perceive that more people than during the campaign tackle Twitler fans on Twitter.

OTOH, I take a lot of optimism from the fact that Brexit, Twitler's election and the possible election of right-wing leaders in the Netherlands and France were the turning point for many thousand people in many countries to stand up and engage in society and politics again, after years in which it was considered old school, nostalgic or weird.
Take for example the townhalls in the US, that's impressive. Think of the anti-45 protests in the UK. Or think about the couple from Frankfurt, Germany, who founded the movement Pulse of Europe at the end of last year. They started with a small rally in Frankfurt (every Sunday from 2-3PM GMT) in January. Yesterday, #PulsefEurope rallies were taking place in 12 EU member states in more than 80 cities (by far the most in Germany, but also 8 French cities, 2 in Austria, 2 in NL etc).

In Berlin, about 7,500+ people attended, in other cities it's in the lower 4 digit numbers or just a couple of hundreds. It's a movement across party lines, it's across nationalities, biographies and social classes (if I'm allowed to use that word). Everyone who attends is invited to speak to the crowd and share experiences, concerns, hopes. Some stories are really moving, i.e. from the generation of those who were a kid during WWII or those who lived in countries of the Eastern block during the cold war. Or if somebody who was engaged in the student protest movement 1969 - which pressed the generation of their grandfathers or fathers why they allowed this disaster of Hitler and the NSDAP to happen - says that unlike his grand-fathers, he wants to have a good answer when his grand-children ask what he has been doing when xenophobia and nationalism were on the rise again.
And if several thousand or hundred chant the European anthem at the end of the rally, it's a real moral booster.

As the editorial of the LA Times wrote: Everybody has a role in this drama to play. While it's a call to Americans, the same is true across the globe, and I see more and more people doing it - which gives me enough confidence to face the Trumpites and like-minded people elsewhere. :):)
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Appalling presentation of data as the graph and text don't correspond and skewed visuals. This seem to be common in american media though. A fall from 50% to 40% approval is actually a decrease by 20% or 10 percentage points if you will.
What do you mean "skewed visuals"?

And both have re-election up in 2018.

@Ubik this is why Manchin is a waste of oxygen. It's all well and good voting along party line 77% of the time, but if you can't be trusted to do the right thing in the few real important moment then may as well call it quits.

So Flynn's man had been spending his time looking for misdemeanour by the Obama Administration and the best he could find was requests for to the identity of redacted names and he's now leaking it to the press.

It looks like this is happening at the request of Trump himself who is keen for it to be leaked to the media and spread far and wide as evidence that Obama did "tapp" him. He's even smart enough to send everyone to the channel when this news is about to break. Obviously he's not involved in the leaking himself though.

Once again though the proof of illegal surveillance isn't illegal. Requesting the redacted name of a US citizen through the correct channels isn't perfectly legal although that doesn't matter to the narrative of course.
Interesting that she turned the offer down to be Secretary of State according to two sources, and that a WH spokesperson denies the offer.

On another note, the pic on Twitter shows how embarrassingly pathetic Twitler 'styles' the mess that he considers as his hair.


And both have re-election up in 2018.

@Ubik this is why Manchin is a waste of oxygen. It's all well and good voting along party line 77% of the time, but if you can't be trusted to do the right thing in the few real important moment then may as well call it quits.

One Democrat away from a filibuster.

Oh for fecks sake, here he goes again, he really doesn't have a clue. How long before he irritates or embarrasses himself and his country in front of yet another world leader? If I was from the USA I would cringe every time he says "on behalf of the United States"
I'm struggling to think if there has been a President/Prime minister in Europe or the United States who is as classless as this m***** f*****.

:lol: I honestly have no words left.

Like any half decent salesman knows, you got to stop selling after you made the sale. This idiot keeps poking the bear like she is going to lie down and take it. Make no mistake, Clinton is counting every single jab and insult and when the time comes she'll be there to dig her boot deeper in his ass. She didn't get to where she is without burying some people much smarter than this moron.
Like any half decent salesman knows, you got to stop selling after you made the sale. This idiot keeps poking the bear like she is going to lie down and take it. Make no mistake, Clinton is counting every single jab and insult and when the time comes she'll be there to dig her boot deeper in his ass. She didn't get to where she is without burying some people much smarter than this moron.

Her and Bill have an impressive track record of fecking over people who ever got in their way.
Like any half decent salesman knows, you got to stop selling after you made the sale. This idiot keeps poking the bear like she is going to lie down and take it. Make no mistake, Clinton is counting every single jab and insult and when the time comes she'll be there to dig her boot deeper in his ass. She didn't get to where she is without burying some people much smarter than this moron.

Wow! I sincerely hope you are right. I hope Obama is doing/thinking the same, and John McCain and the intelligence agencies, the press, etc.... He's sure as feck making a lot of enemies.
Like any half decent salesman knows, you got to stop selling after you made the sale. This idiot keeps poking the bear like she is going to lie down and take it. Make no mistake, Clinton is counting every single jab and insult and when the time comes she'll be there to dig her boot deeper in his ass. She didn't get to where she is without burying some people much smarter than this moron.

Not sure how much she can do to him right now. She ran against him and won the popular vote but overall screwed up enough to let him take the electoral vote.
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