The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Devon man's Trump p***y tattoo isn't a hit with his fiancee



That tattoo parlour is in the next town to me where my youngest goes to school, at least I now know to avoid that tattoo shop, and also that dumb ass who got the tattoo. :lol: Feck me that is awful. The shop should be closed down, he's taking the piss calling himself an artist.
:lol:Not the greatest advert for that tattoo parlour.
Drumpf sends Kushner to Iraq after he annoyingly fecked off to go skiing in the rockies during the health care bill meltdown.

Drumpf sends Kushner to Iraq after he annoyingly fecked off to go skiing in the rockies during the health care bill meltdown.

Yah, right... this guy is like the modern day Bo Jackson -- geopolitics, international relations, military, healthcare, congressional affairs, real estate, economics .... am I missing out on something?

If I was Eric or Junior, I would not be best pleased.
What's really amazing is he is treating Kushner more like a son than he is Don Jr and Eric. He has given him more power than any other person in the administration with the possible exception of Bannon.
What's really amazing is he is treating Kushner more like a son than he is Don Jr and Eric. He has given him more power than any other person in the administration with the possible exception of Bannon.
My suspicion: Trumps sons are sick of Trumps shit. They act all nice towards him etc. for the money, maybe out of loyalty, but don't like him too much. Imagine having to deal with him your entire life...

Edit: Pure speculation on my side though. I have nothing to back up that suspicion.
My suspicion: Trumps sons are sick of Trumps shit. They act all nice towards him etc. for the money, maybe out of loyalty, but don't like him too much. Imagine having to deal with him your entire life...

They're probably scared and weary of him and generally uninterested in doing anything other than trying to impress him.
What's really amazing is he is treating Kushner more like a son than he is Don Jr and Eric. He has given him more power than any other person in the administration with the possible exception of Bannon.

Senior probably knows that his boys just arent very bright. Apples dont fall far from the tree.

Seniior aint that bright but has that anger/drive from rejection to keep him going.
Kushner was in the lead to prepare Twitler's meeting with Xi. Glad to see he accomplished this well on time and can focus on stabilizing Iraq now.

I sense that Twitler is building Kushner up for the next election in case he can't do it.
Is anyone else slightly shitting it at the thought of Twitler taking on North Korea? Two complete ass-clowns going toe-to-toe over who's got the biggest ego. South Koreans can't be happy about it that's for sure!
Is anyone else slightly shitting it at the thought of Twitler taking on North Korea? Two complete ass-clowns going toe-to-toe over who's got the biggest ego. South Koreans can't be happy about it that's for sure!
... and I wouldn't expect China to just watching this, if it happens, on the sidelines ...
IIRC, Manafort has written a book (bio? Don't know.) in which he writes about it. IIRC, he lists many / all the positions and collaboration he has had with 45 over the years. That's another reason why Spicey's attempts to portray the relationship between 45 and Manafort as somewhat distant is laughable.

If collaboration or collusion with Russia happened, it can be taken for granted that Twitler knew and approved of it. I can envision him giving the blessing but saying 'What I don't know ...', so he knew and approved of but didn't want to get directly involved.

If he was not aware as Cuban suggests, at the very, very latest it would have been a MUST to vet everyone after he fired Manafort - but he didn't.

Yep, then there's the texts from Manafort's daughter, where she says this

Dad and Trump are literally living in the same building and mom says they go up and down all day long hanging and plotting together.

She also claimed Manafort's resignation was just for show.

So I got to the bottom of it, as I suspected my dad resigned from being the public face of the campaign. But is still very much involved behind the scenes.

He felt he was becoming a distraction and that would ultimately take a toll on the campaign.
Slightly weird how some people in the past few days have started to spread this theory that Sanders is involved in this Russia stuff.

Mensch and Claude seem to be the biggest cheerleaders in trying to paint Bernie as being aided by the Russians.
Slightly weird how some people in the past few days have started to spread this theory that Sanders is involved in this Russia stuff.

Mensch and Claude seem to be the biggest cheerleaders in trying to paint Bernie as being aided by the Russians.

Bernie Sanders seems to becoming increasingly popular as he got cross over appeal in American politics. He appeals to a lot of the anti establishment groups that seems to be growing in America. These groups can be found on both sides and this will get him some serious political enemies. Those that will target him are mainly the Republicans i think. They will try to smear he´s name to try curb he´s popularity before the next elections hence the accusations of Russian ties.

There's still literally no evidence to suggest anything other than them getting incidentally caught up in surveillance of foreign agents. Nunes has even admitted that he had to work out himself who was caught because the names were redacted.

The real story is still very much the fact that they were talking to these agents at all.
Slightly weird how some people in the past few days have started to spread this theory that Sanders is involved in this Russia stuff.

Mensch and Claude seem to be the biggest cheerleaders in trying to paint Bernie as being aided by the Russians.
Mensch has made a career out of being an attention seeking BS merchant. How anyone still takes her seriously is a bigger mystery than Trump as POTUS.
When Trump praises someone/something, it reads like an ad man's insincere and bland spiel:

'I watch Fox and Fiends every day - if YOU want to be a winner like me, you should watch it two to too!'
There's still literally no evidence to suggest anything other than them getting incidentally caught up in surveillance of foreign agents. Nunes has even admitted that he had to work out himself who was caught because the names were redacted.

The real story is still very much the fact that they were talking to these agents at all.
Indeed and the even more real story - in the sense that evidence is more robust - is that Russia definitely interfered in the election. Investigations will hopefully establish to what extent these two real stories are related or two subplots of the very same story.

To me, Twitler sounds more and more desperate. Unfortunately I don't think his fanbase cares.
Indeed and the even more real story - in the sense that evidence is more robust - is that Russia definitely interfered in the election. Investigaitons will hopefully establish to what extent these two real stories are related or two subplots of the very same story.

To me, Twitler sounds more and more desparate. Unfortunately I don't think his fanbase cares.

I'd like to see Twitter do a real crackdown on bots and see how different the landscape of his support is afterwards.
I'd like to see Twitter do a real crackdown on bots and see how different the landscape of his support is afterwards.

There's a guy who regularly replies to him called paco and the man is a moron. I really don't condone violence but if I met him I would struggle not to take a swing. He's Latino and he posts shit like mixed race society doesn't work and that all immigrants should go home. He's EXTREMELY Islamaphobic and his Twitter feed is full of videos of Muslims getting beaten up in various places around the world. He's always called out on his hypocrisy or blatant stupidity but like all the Trump supporters that come in here he never replies, if he does he just blames the Dems or Obama or Hillary. I personally just cannot fathom how people like this exist. They are just so ignorant and full of hate. It angers me too much, I really think i'm going to take a break from it all for a while because it's just too darn depressing, I've been pretty absent here recently for that reason.
There's a guy who regularly replies to him called paco and the man is a moron. I really don't condone violence but if I met him I would struggle not to take a swing. He's Latino and he posts shit like mixed race society doesn't work and that all immigrants should go home. He's EXTREMELY Islamaphobic and his Twitter feed is full of videos of Muslims getting beaten up in various places around the world. He's always called out on his hypocrisy or blatant stupidity but like all the Trump supporters that come in here he never replies, if he does he just blames the Dems or Obama or Hillary. I personally just cannot fathom how people like this exist. They are just so ignorant and full of hate. It angers me too much, I really think i'm going to take a break from it all for a while because it's just too darn depressing, I've been pretty absent here recently for that reason.
Don't go on /r/the_donald on reddit, you'll be fuming from your ears while your eyes bleed. Though a part of me is convinced a lot of the content there are procedurally generated by Russian bots.
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