The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Sure but he'd make an excellent VP on a Gabbard ticket.

Gabbard is shady as hell. Her recent trip to Syria where she met Assad was dodgy to say the least.

She claimed that she went to Syria on a "fact-finding’ mission, but now its being alleged she asked Assad if he would take a phone call from Trump, which strongly suggests she was there as a messenger for Trump.

The fact that the likes of David Duke, Richard Spencer and Bannon like/admire her should alarm us all.
Early signs the Dems may have a chance at retaking the House next year.


There's been a lot of gerrymandering since the Repubs last lost a lot of seats though.
Gabbard is shady as hell. Her recent trip to Syria where she met Assad was dodgy to say the least.

She claimed that she went to Syria on a "fact-finding’ mission, but now its being alleged she asked Assad if he would take a phone call from Trump, which strongly suggests she was there as a messenger for Trump.

The fact that the likes of David Duke, Richard Spencer and Bannon like/admire her should alarm us all.

She's a career climber, which is true and those kinds of people win elections.

Doubt the paper have made this up.

It also claims Gabbard agreed to Trumps request to delay the "fact finding" mission until Trumps inauguration.

Just when i though this trip could get any more suspicious, i read this in the article

But Gabbard herself asked her assistant team to inform the US embassy in Beirut that she did not want them to participate in the preparations or even the arrangements. “I do not want anything from the embassy there,” she told her team. “No security protection, no logistical procedures, no hosting, no scheduling, no participation in visits”. The US ambassador was informed.
This is an interesting development about Carter Page

Their investigative journalism is really good and they have a decent team.

Thanks, I must admit I've read some decent stuff, it's just I thought their reputation was more of a tabloid interested in stars like Kardashian etc, than a serious publication/website.
I think Trump would like to be more Jon-UN or Mugabe and yet he sees his popularity more like Ghandi or Mandela. I honestly think he will start comparing himself to the worlds greatest leaders sooner rather than later.

@Dwazza or @Niall why can we not write Jon-UN and have a lower case n? If you try to write it like that it always auto-corrects to Jon-In which is extremely annoying.
He always speaks in third person about himself, doesn't he?
So Trump donated 78k of his salary to the parks service. Which equates to 0.005% of the amount he just cut from their budget.
So Trump donated 78k of his salary to the parks service. Which equates to 0.005% of the amount he just cut from their budget.

Pretty sure that if he decided he didn't need to play golf every weekend, a lot of those cuts could be avoided.
So Trump donated 78k of his salary to the parks service. Which equates to 0.005% of the amount he just cut from their budget.

Considering how much they have spend on him -- $3million/trip golfing trips to Melania's $100k/day protection.... its pure BS for his supporters to see.
That all adds up to less than $1b...

He's fecking over the EPA to save less than $1b
... and while his millionaire and billionaire friends will count their extra bucks thanks to tax cuts for the rich, 'normal' people will have to spend more to tackle the consequences, including health care costs.
... and while his millionaire and billionaire friends will count their extra bucks thanks to tax cuts for the rich, 'normal' people will have to spend more to tackle the consequences, including health care costs.

If I were American I'd be pissed. Otherwise I feel nothing but schadenfreude for the turkeys that voted for him and are now being shafted because of it. MAGA amirite?

Sorry not sorry.
If I were American I'd be pissed. Otherwise I feel nothing but schadenfreude for the turkeys that voted for him and are now being shafted because of it. MAGA amirite?

Sorry not sorry.
Same here but I do feel very sorry for those who didn't vote for him - a majority of about 3m - and also for all the people in countries affected by climate change. That makes me so furious: The lifestyle of the so-called developed world and i.e. the US heavily contribute producing double digit millions of climate change refugees in the next decades but we neither help them enough nor do we cut significantöy down on CO2 and methane emissions.
Early signs the Dems may have a chance at retaking the House next year.

Oddly enough I was reviewing the seats that were up yesterday. I'm hopeful that the lack of Republican seats up for grabs is a blessing in disguise. If the Dems are able to grab the house with the few seats then in 2020 I assume there will be a huge number to go after and solidify their position?

What about the Senate? Was going to look at that today.
That all adds up to less than $1b...

He's fecking over the EPA to save less than $1b
Well, the 54B for the military has to come from somewhere... despite the fact the US already spend more than the next 10 countries or so put together, many of whom are allies. :rolleyes:
Add NIH to that as well. The cuts will be felt for decades. Young scientists will get screwed the most and leave the field.

They probably go to the industry, earn more, produce efficient research without looking over their backs for funding and file patents for drugs, which will in turn inflate drug prices. The cycle of life continues.

Now this is starting to get interesting, nearly time for popcorn I think. I am puzzled though how BuzzFeed keeps getting all these exclusives? It was first to get its hands on the Steele dossier too iirc. Bizarre, although can anyone tell me what it is equivalent to in the UK? Maybe The Sun?

First to publish it. I'm 90% sure that's what Rick Wilson was mentioning before the election. So other outlets had it.
I think Trump would like to be more Jon-UN or Mugabe and yet he sees his popularity more like Ghandi or Mandela. I honestly think he will start comparing himself to the worlds greatest leaders sooner rather than later.

@Dwazza or @Niall why can we not write Jon-UN and have a lower case n? If you try to write it like that it always auto-corrects to Jon-In which is extremely annoying.

I hope all the regulations that Trump is reversing hurts the common people as much as possible. That will teach the feckers who voted for him, and those who failed to go and actually vote for something that was important for their future. Only this way, people will realize they fecked up and need to pay more attention on who they vote into the most powerful position in the world. He just signed an executive order to reverse the "equal pay day" for women, something that Obama put in place.
That all adds up to less than $1b...

He's fecking over the EPA to save less than $1b

He's not doing it to save a billion though, gutting the EPA has been one of the GOP goals for years now. They're doing it to allow their business friends and lobbyists to make bigger profits by not having to worry about silly things like protecting water sources, and not contaminating the earth.
It really is ironic that Trump was voted to be the 'common man' against the establishment. Every decision he made favours the corporate world till now.

I wouldnt say it's ironic. It's a con.

Look at his past retail business. .. it's selling what the working class thinks is how Roch people live or quick rich schemes which the more desperate look for.

Billionaires just don't do what he does.
And he made sure they saw. He'll do this lottery on a quarterly basis with fanfare. They'll eat it up.

It's probably more than he has ever given. Pulling his teeth but thanks to the press reminding him of this 'promise'.
He desperately needs a 'positive' narrative after the past month.

The biggest con in history.
Sessions instructs Justice Dept. to Review police reform agreements #1

Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered Justice Department officials to review reform agreements with troubled police forces nationwide, saying it was necessary to ensure these pacts do not work against the Trump administration’s goals of promoting officer safety and morale while fighting violent crime.

In a two-page memo released Monday, Sessions said agreements reached previously between the department’s civil rights division and local police departments — a key legacy of the Obama administration — will be subject to review by his two top deputies, throwing into question whether all of the agreements will stay in place.

The memo was released not long before the department’s civil rights lawyers asked a federal judge to postpone until at least the end of June a hearing on a sweeping police reform agreement, known as a consent decree, with the Baltimore police department that was announced just days before President Trump took office.

“The Attorney General and the new leadership in the Department are actively developing strategies to support the thousands of law enforcement agencies across the country that seek to prevent crime and protect the public,” Justice officials said in their filing. “The Department is working to ensure that those initiatives effectively dovetail with robust enforcement of federal laws designed to preserve and protect civil rights.”

Sessions fears short-term spike in crime 'is not a blip, but it's the start of a dangerous trend' Embed Share Play Video1:58
Attorney General Jeff Sessions told a group of law enforcement officers in St. Louis that he fears crime rates in the United States could rise significantly on March 31. (Reuters)
Sessions has often criticized the effectiveness of consent decrees and has vowed in recent speeches to more strongly support law enforcement.

Since 2009, the Justice Department opened 25 investigations into law enforcement agencies and has been enforcing 14 consent decrees, along with some other agreements. Civil rights advocates fear that Sessions’s memo could particularly imperil the status of agreements that have yet to be finalized, such as a pending agreement with the Chicago Police Department.

“This is terrifying,” said Jonathan Smith, executive director of the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, who spent five years as the department’s chief of special litigation, overseeing investigations into 23 police departments such as New Orleans, Cleveland and Ferguson, Mo. “This raises the question of whether, under the current attorney general, the Department of Justice is going to walk away from its obligation to ensure that law enforcement across the country is following the Constitution.”

The Baltimore agreement, reached after Freddie Gray died in April 2015 following an injury in police custody, calls for changes including training officers on how to resolve conflicts without force.The Justice Department asked for 90 additional days to assess whether the agreement fits with the “directives of the President and the Attorney General,”according to the filing Monday evening in U.S District Court of the District of Maryland. U.S. District Judge James K. Bredar had scheduled the public hearing for Thursday.

Link to memo

Jeff Sessions doing what he loves best - Rolling back rights that mainly harm Black Americans
Just reading the second LA times article now. There's been so many mindblowing displays of gall by this administration that I lose track of them - I'd actually forgotten about their list of "underreported" terrorist attacks. Feckin hell.
Is this likely to be good for Trump or another hammering for him?

Could be either. Schindler seems to be on the side of gaining clarity on the Trump/Russia issue. He's also said that the IC hated Rice and might be looking for payback.
They probably go to the industry, earn more, produce efficient research without looking over their backs for funding and file patents for drugs, which will in turn inflate drug prices. The cycle of life continues.
There are only so many slots available in pharma/biotech, most academic minded individuals are totally unsuited for it, and basic research is essential.
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