The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Oh for fecks sake, here he goes again, he really doesn't have a clue. How long before he irritates or embarrasses himself and his country in front of yet another world leader? If I was from the USA I would cringe every time he says "on behalf of the United States"

He would like to be run a country like him, wouldn't he?
How dare the failing Washington Post leak intelligence like this! We must shoot the messenger! The real story is that somebody ratted me and Vlad out. Clinton was in UAE in 2013! #FAKENEWS
Spot on. :D
Why does anyone give Louis Mensch anytime. She is the female equivalent of Alex Jones
He would like to be run a country like him, wouldn't he?

I think Trump would like to be more Jon-UN or Mugabe and yet he sees his popularity more like Ghandi or Mandela. I honestly think he will start comparing himself to the worlds greatest leaders sooner rather than later.

@Dwazza or @Niall why can we not write Jon-UN and have a lower case n? If you try to write it like that it always auto-corrects to Jon-In which is extremely annoying.
Any chance this has anything to do with the republicans wanting to pass that bill allowing internet providers to sell their users data?

Feck knows mate, I can't stand the stupid bitch, I just follow her because I do think she has some insider info and I think she's basically trying to rattle as many cages as she can or throwing as many darts as she can hoping one hits the bullseye. I know she's trying to reinvent herself and carve out a career in the States, she's admitted as much so at least she has been honest about that, but I will keep following just in case she does hit the jackpot. It's also amusing seeing how much she gets trolled but also how she responds to them and how she also trolls other people too.

In her defence though, I will say one thing, I personally think she is on to something regarding the bank connections, and the FISA Warrants would suggest there's something to it all too.

It's getting close to that time...
BREAKING: Reports that US-led coalition airstrikes in #Mosul killed 2 senior Da'ish commanders, Mohammed Al-Bujari and Qidar Al-Aqrawi.

Just watch Trump take uber amounts of credit now, and watch his supporters revel in this. I doubt many will talk about the hundreds of innocent women and children and elderly folk who have been killed in the bombings though. I suppose collateral damage and Trump's supporters wont give a shite.

Also, a very interesting read, and it shows how most US citizens really do want Universal Healthcare. I think Bernie would have spent his entire Presidency trying to get it too.

Feck, so much for me taking a break.
Newsnight just had an interview with John Brennan, he was quietly laying into Trump the whole time :lol:
Tom Price Intervened on Rule That Would Hurt Drug Profits, the Same Day He Acquired Drug Stock
While in Congress, HHS Secretary Tom Price acted to help kill a rule that would hurt drug company profits shortly after his broker bought him up to $90,000 worth of pharmaceutical stock.
Saw this earlier, you wonder how many will now be able to get away with cut and dried corruption because the president does it and it becomes a norm.

Now this is starting to get interesting, nearly time for popcorn I think. I am puzzled though how BuzzFeed keeps getting all these exclusives? It was first to get its hands on the Steele dossier too iirc. Bizarre, although can anyone tell me what it is equivalent to in the UK? Maybe The Sun?
Stone will regret going on Maher's show. All his book selling blabbing will be closely scrutinized by the intel committee.

I've just seen this, I honestly thought he was really quite rational to be fair. As expected he denies all the Russian stuff but he seemed very sensible in asking for full disclosure. He's openly saying he will testify and has nothing to hide which is either a great bluff or the truth. The only bit that puzzled me was when he said he wanted a Democratic party that stands up and defends women, gay people and Christians. I was quite shocked because I thought they did and maybe he meant the Republican party? He honestly can't think the Republicans are more protective of women and gays than the Dems? That's also a pretty progressive and Liberal stance, the same as him saying that Sessions is completely wrong about his attitude to weed and Stone (who admitted smoking it) wanting it legalised, yet another liberal stance.

I am confused about him though because I've seen, read and heard him be so nasty and awful, a right cnut, a snake and certainly not someone you could trust and a very definite hardcore Republican. However, in the interview with Maher, Russian stuff and Trump defending aside, he just came across as a 60's hippy. It was completely not what I was expecting at all. Yet another political chameleon who will blend in to whatever scene he is in at the time maybe?

Excellent article from the WaPo again. All the papers are really producing some fine work lately. The LA Times has really impressed with its ongoing series standing up to Trump, some outstanding journalism that really hits the spot.
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Bernie Sanders seems to becoming increasingly popular as he got cross over appeal in American politics. He appeals to a lot of the anti establishment groups that seems to be growing in America. These groups can be found on both sides and this will get him some serious political enemies. Those that will target him are mainly the Republicans i think. They will try to smear he´s name to try curb he´s popularity before the next elections hence the accusations of Russian ties.

I cant see him running for presidency again.

Mensch has made a career out of being an attention seeking BS merchant. How anyone still takes her seriously is a bigger mystery than Trump as POTUS.

What has given her some credibility is the fact she reported the FISA warrant weeks before NYT. Though she's getting tiresome now with some of the things she posts which are drivel.
This is an interesting development about Carter Page

Now this is starting to get interesting, nearly time for popcorn I think. I am puzzled though how BuzzFeed keeps getting all these exclusives? It was first to get its hands on the Steele dossier too iirc. Bizarre, although can anyone tell me what it is equivalent to in the UK? Maybe The Sun?

Their investigative journalism is really good and they have a decent team.
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